ShopSite Custom Template Tags

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Mobile Tags
All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Search Tags

Special Search Tags


[-- DEFINE SEARCH_RESULTS --] The beginning of HTML for a search template
[-- END_DEFINE SEARCH_RESULTS --] The end of HTML for a search template

Header and Footer

[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed.
[-- HEADER --] Page Header
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed.
[-- FOOTER --] Page Footer


[-- IF SEARCHTOP --] True if search form should be displayed above results
[-- IF SEARCHBOTTOM --] True if search form should be displayed below results.
[-- SEARCHRESULT_FORM --] Complete search form.
[-- SEARCHRESULT_FORM FORM_ONLY --] HTML for opening of search form and (if enabled) keyword input and search button.
[-- IF SearchResultCount --] True if result count should be displayed
[-- SearchResultCount --] Generates result count
[-- IF SearchPrevNext --] True if pagination links should be displayed
[-- SearchPrevNext --] Generates pagination links
[-- IF SearchResultsPerPage --] True if results per-page field should be displayed
[-- SearchResultsPerPage --] Generates results per-page field
[-- IF SearchSortBy --] True if result sort field should be displayed
[-- SearchSortBy --] Generates result sort field
[-- SEARCHSTRING --] Keywords for which results are displaying
[-- STORE.SearchImage --] URL of search button image


[-- LOOP SEARCH --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results.
[-- LOOP SEARCH PAGE.Columns --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- LOOP SEARCH VAR.somename --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- LOOP SEARCH number --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- SEARCHRESULT --] Create the search result using the template defined for the the product or link.
[-- IF SEARCHPRODUCT --] Is the search result a Product?
[-- IF SEARCHLINK --] Is the search result a Link?
[-- IF SEARCHACTIVE --] True if search results screen is being generated
[-- END_LOOP SEARCH --] End of the search loop for outputting search results.

Search Database Tags


[-- PAGE.Name --] Page Name
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] True if the merchant wants the page name displayed.

Banner Graphic

[-- PAGE.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic.
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] File name of the page banner graphic
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed.


[-- PAGE.Text1 --] Text 1
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] Text 2
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] Text 3
[-- Store.SearchResults --] Search Results text field.
[-- Store.SearchResultPage --] Results Pages text field.
[-- STORE.QuantityPricingFlag --] Quantity Pricing Flag field.
[-- Store.QuantityPricingMsg --] Quantity Pricing Message text field.
[-- STORE.VariablePricingFlag --] Variable Pricing Flag text field.
[-- Store.VariablePricingMsg --] Variable Pricing Message text field.


[-- PAGE.Layout --] The page alignment setting
[-- PAGE.Columns --] The number of columns for the page
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] True if column borders are to be displayed.
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] Page Width

Colors and Background

[-- PAGE.TextColor --] Text Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] Link Color
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited Link Color
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] Active Link Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] Background Image

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- PAGE.Field1 --] Extra Field 1
[-- PAGE.Field2 --] Extra Field 2
[-- PAGE.Field3 --] Extra Field 3
[-- PAGE.Field4 --] Extra Field 4
[-- PAGE.Field5 --] Extra Field 5

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software