ShopSite Custom Template Tags

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Mobile Tags
All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Global Tags

(These tags can be used in any template type)


[-- INCLUDE filename --] Places the contents of filename into the output file.
[-- INCLUDE filename PROCESS --] Reads in filename and processes any custom template tags, then places the processed contents into the output file.


[-- VAR.somename value --] Set somename to value
[-- VAR.somename STORE.field --] Set somename to the value of the STORE field
[-- VAR.somename PAGE.field --] Set somename to the value of the specified page database field
[-- VAR.somename PRODUCT.field --] Set somename to the value of the specified product database field
[-- VAR.somename --] Display the value of somename
[-- VAR.somename INC --] Increment somename value by one
[-- VAR.somename DEC --] Decrement somename value by one


[-- IF parameter --] Tests if a parameter is checked or not empty (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 EQ parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 NE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is not equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 LT parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is less than parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 LE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is less than or equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 GT parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is greater thanparameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 GE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is greater than or equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- ELSE --] Start the code block that is used if the IF test is false.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter --] Tests another parameter if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 EQ parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the two parameters are equal.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 NE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is not equal to the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 LT parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is less than the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 LE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is less than or equal to the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 GT parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is greater than the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 GE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is greater than or equal to the second parameter.
[-- END_IF --] Marks the end of the IF/ELSE blocks
[-- IF ANALYTICS_MULTI_DOMAIN --] Used to test if you should include Google Analytics cross-domain link handling to anchor and form tags

CALL External Program

[-- CALL program (parameters,...) --] Invokes a program, may have many parameters

Display Message

[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message on page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of on page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of PAGE.nameon page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of on page generation screen

Store Tags

(Can be in all templates, and can be used with the REMOVE_HTML parameter)

Store Identification

[-- STORE.Name --] The store's name
[-- STORE.Type --] The store's type, i.e. PROFESSIONAL, MANAGER, or STARTER.
[-- STORE.ID --] Store ID (encrypted)
[-- STORE_Serial_Number --] Store serial number
[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --] The symbol for the currency selected during store creation.

Store URLs

[-- MyStoreURL --] String from the "My Store" URL field, generally the URL to the store's index.html page.
[-- STORE.Output_URL --] URL of the store's HTML directory.
[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --] URL of the store's HTML directory.
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --] URL to store's shopping cart
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --] URL to the store's shopping cart directory
[-- ShopSite_Images --] URL to the store's ShopSite Images directory
[-- STORE.CSS_SECURE_URL --] URL to the store's ShopSite Images directory, secure or non-secure, depending on where the tag is located

E-Mail Addresses

[-- STORE.Email --] Merchant e-mail address.
[-- STORE.EmailTo --] A mailto link using merchant's e-mail address.

Date and Time

[-- STORE.Date --] Server date
[-- STORE.Time --] Server time

Store Navigation

[-- PageMenu {CSS, no_jscript} --] Adds the JavaScript necessary for the drop-down menu navigation. The optional CSS parameter utilizes the default ShopSite CSS. The optional no_jscript parameter turns off the output of javascript.


[-- SS_MOBILE_PC --] Link between the static (non-mobile) version of a page and the mobile page (and vice versa).

Text Field Tags

(The default values for these fields are shown here, but the merchant can change the text.)
[-- STORE.Product --] Product
[-- STORE.ProductName --] Name
[-- STORE.Price --] Price
[-- STORE.OnSaleText --] On Sale!
[-- STORE.Item --] Item
[-- STORE.Items --] Items
[-- STORE.Contains --] Contains
[-- STORE.Subtotal --] Subtotal
[-- STORE.Qty --] Qty
[-- STORE.QP_Price --] Price
[-- STORE.QP_OnSale --] On Sale!
[-- STORE.QP_Quantity --] Quantity
[-- STORE.TotalQuantity --] Total Quantity
[-- STORE.Back --] Back
[-- STORE.URL --] Store URL:
[-- STORE.YourIP --] Your IP Address is
[-- STORE.Home --] Home
[-- STORE.OrderQuantity --] Order Quantity
[-- Store.MoreDetails --] More Details
[-- Store.RelatedProducts --] Related Products
[-- Store.Inventory --] Inventory
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] The value defined for the Add To Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] The value defined for the View Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.SearchImage --] The Search button image name.
[-- STORE.TextA --] The text of the field configured on the Layout Settings page (Preferences -> Layout Settings) of the back office.
[-- STORE.TextB --] The text of the field configured on the Layout Settings page (Preferences -> Layout Settings) of the back office.

Page Tags

Special Page Tags


[-- DEFINE PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a page template
[-- END_DEFINE PAGE --] The end of HTML for a page template
[-- DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for the link to the current page
[-- END_DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for the link to the current page

Header and Footer

[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed.
[-- IF HEADER --] True if the merchant has created content for the page header.
[-- HEADER --] Page Header
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed.
[-- IF FOOTER --] True if there is content in the page footer.
[-- FOOTER --] Page Footer
[-- PAGELINKS {Left/Right/Footer} --] Links and/or Menus as set on the Navigation -> Preferences page.


[-- LOOP PRODUCTS --] Start of the product Loop for outputting product information
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS PAGE.Columns --] Start of the product loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS VAR.somename --] Start of the product loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS number --] Start of the product loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS NOANAME --] Start of the product loop, prevents the insertion of the default anchor.
[-- PRODUCT --] Create the product information using the template defined for the product
[-- PRODUCT template --] Create the product information using the specified product template
[-- END_LOOP PRODUCTS --] End of the Product Loop
[-- LOOP LINKS --] Start of the Link Loop for outputting Product information
[-- LOOP LINKS PAGE.Columns --] Start of the links loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP LINKS VAR.somename --] Start of the links loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP LINKS number --] Start of the links loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LINK --] Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page
[-- LINK template --] Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page and using the specified page template
[-- END_LOOP LINKS --] End of the Link Loop
[-- LOOP ITEMS --] Start of the Product/Link Loop for outputting Product information and Link information
[-- ITEMS --] Create the Product information and the page link information
[-- END_LOOP ITEMS --] End of the Link Loop


[-- SEARCH_FORM --] Insert the search form

Mini Cart

[-- MiniCart --] Display mini cart on page

Customer Registration

[-- RegistrationSignIn --] Customer Registration Sign in/Register links
[-- STORE.NewCustomer --] text: New Customer?
[-- STORE.ToRegister --] text: Click here to register
[-- STORE.RetCustomer --] text: Returning Customer?
[-- STORE.ToSignIn --] text: Click here to sign in
[-- STORE.ViewEdit --] text: View/Edit account
[-- STORE.SignOut --] text: Sign out

Gift Certificates

[-- IF GiftCert --] Display link to purchase gift certificates on page?
[-- GiftCertlink --] Link to page where customers can purchase gift certificates.

Social Media

[-- IF SOCIAL_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow" options and provided account information for all social media services in the back office.
[-- SOCIAL_FOLLOW {reverse} --] This is equivalent to putting [-- Facebook_Follow --][-- Twitter_Follow --][-- GooglePlus_Follow --][-- Pinterest_Follow --] in your code and is provided as a shorthand for doing so.
Using the optional 'reverse' parameter will flip the order of the tags, equivalent to putting [-- Pinterest_Follow --][-- GooglePlus_Follow --][-- Twitter_Follow --][-- Facebook_Follow --] in your code.
[-- IF SOCIAL_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share" options and provided account information for all social media services in the back office.
[-- SOCIAL_SHARE --] This is equivalent to putting [-- Facebook_Share --][-- Twitter_Share --][-- GooglePlus_Share --][-- Pinterest_Share --] in your code and is provided as a shorthand for doing so.
[-- IF FACEBOOK_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Facebook" option and provided a Facebook account in the back office.
[-- FACEBOOK_FOLLOW --] Link to follow merchant's Facebook account.
[-- IF FACEBOOK_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Facebook" option in the back office.
[-- FACEBOOK_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Facebook wall.
[-- IF TWITTER_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Twitter" option and provided a Twitter account in the back office.
[-- TWITTER_FOLLOW --] Link to merchant's twitter account.
[-- IF TWITTER_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Twitter" option in the back office.
[-- TWITTER_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Twitter feed.
[-- IF GOOGLEPLUS_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Google Plus" option and provided a Google Plus account in the back office.
[-- GOOGLEPLUS_FOLLOW --] Link to the merchant's Google Plus account.
[-- IF GOOGLEPLUS_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Google Plus" option in the back office.
[-- GOOGLEPLUS_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Google Plus feed.
[-- IF PINTEREST_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Pinterest" option and provided a Pinterest account in the back office.
[-- PINTEREST_FOLLOW --] Link to merchant's Pinterest account.
[-- IF PINTEREST_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Pinterest" option in the back office and there is an image to share on the page.
[-- PINTEREST_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Pinterest feed.

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if ShopSite is configured to display the High Security image.
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] Returns the HTML code to display the High Security image on the page.

Page Database Tags

(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter)


[-- PAGE.Name --] Page Name
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] True if the merchant wants the page name displayed.

Banner Graphic

[-- PAGE.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic.
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] File name of the page banner graphic
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed.


[-- PAGE.Text1 --] Text 1
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] Text 2
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] Text 3


[-- PAGE.LinkName --] Link Name
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] Link Graphic
[-- PAGE.LinkText --] Link Text
[-- PAGE.TextWrap --] "on" if Link Text Wrap is enabled.


[-- PAGE.Layout --] The page alignment setting
[-- PAGE.Columns --] The number of columns for the page
[-- PAGE.LinkColumns --] The number of columns for links on the page
[-- PAGE.TextWrap --] "on" if Link Text Wrap is enabled.
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] True if column borders are to be displayed.
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] Page Width

Colors and Background

[-- PAGE.TextColor --] Text Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] Link Color
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited Link Color
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] Active Link Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] Background Image

File Name

[-- PAGE.FileName --] File name

Search Result Product Link Fragment

[-- SEARCHPRODUCTLINK --] Fragment anchor for search links (#product_id)

Meta Tags

[-- PAGE.MetaKeywords --] Meta Keywords
[-- PAGE.MetaDescription --] Meta Description


[-- PAGE.SearchProductField --] True if the merchant wants a product search form on this page.
[-- PAGE.IndexedForSearch --] True if the merchant wants the products on this page indexed for search.

Multipage Generation

[-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] Number of products to appear on a generated page; 0 = all.
[-- PrevNext --] Insert multipage navigation links
[-- PrevNext NoCenter --] Insert multipage navigation links without center tags

Assigned Items

[-- PAGE.NumProducts --] Number of products assigned to the page
[-- PAGE.NumLinks --] Number of links assigned to the page
[-- PAGE.NumItems --] Combined number of links and products assigned to the page

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- STORE.PageField1 --] Name of Extra Field 1
[-- STORE.PageField2 --] Name of Extra Field 2
[-- STORE.PageField3 --] Name of Extra Field 3
[-- STORE.PageField4 --] Name of Extra Field 4
[-- STORE.PageField5 --] Name of Extra Field 5
[-- STORE.PageField6 --] Name of Extra Field 6
[-- STORE.PageField7 --] Name of Extra Field 7
[-- STORE.PageField8 --] Name of Extra Field 8
[-- STORE.PageField9 --] Name of Extra Field 9
[-- STORE.PageField10 --] Name of Extra Field 10
[-- STORE.PageField11 --] Name of Extra Field 11
[-- STORE.PageField12 --] Name of Extra Field 12
[-- STORE.PageField13 --] Name of Extra Field 13
[-- STORE.PageField14 --] Name of Extra Field 14
[-- STORE.PageField15 --] Name of Extra Field 15
[-- STORE.PageField16 --] Name of Extra Field 16
[-- STORE.PageField17 --] Name of Extra Field 17
[-- STORE.PageField18 --] Name of Extra Field 18
[-- STORE.PageField19 --] Name of Extra Field 19
[-- STORE.PageField20 --] Name of Extra Field 20
[-- STORE.PageField21 --] Name of Extra Field 21
[-- STORE.PageField22 --] Name of Extra Field 22
[-- STORE.PageField23 --] Name of Extra Field 23
[-- STORE.PageField24 --] Name of Extra Field 24
[-- STORE.PageField25 --] Name of Extra Field 25
[-- PAGE.Field1 --] Extra Field 1
[-- PAGE.Field2 --] Extra Field 2
[-- PAGE.Field3 --] Extra Field 3
[-- PAGE.Field4 --] Extra Field 4
[-- PAGE.Field5 --] Extra Field 5
[-- PAGE.Field6 --] Extra Field 6
[-- PAGE.Field7 --] Extra Field 7
[-- PAGE.Field8 --] Extra Field 8
[-- PAGE.Field9 --] Extra Field 9
[-- PAGE.Field10 --] Extra Field 10
[-- PAGE.Field11 --] Extra Field 11
[-- PAGE.Field12 --] Extra Field 12
[-- PAGE.Field13 --] Extra Field 13
[-- PAGE.Field14 --] Extra Field 14
[-- PAGE.Field15 --] Extra Field 15
[-- PAGE.Field16 --] Extra Field 16
[-- PAGE.Field17 --] Extra Field 17
[-- PAGE.Field18 --] Extra Field 18
[-- PAGE.Field19 --] Extra Field 19
[-- PAGE.Field20 --] Extra Field 20
[-- PAGE.Field21 --] Extra Field 21
[-- PAGE.Field22 --] Extra Field 22
[-- PAGE.Field23 --] Extra Field 23
[-- PAGE.Field24 --] Extra Field 24
[-- PAGE.Field25 --] Extra Field 25

Product Tags

Special Product Tags


[-- DEFINE PRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for a product template
[-- END_DEFINE PRODUCT --] The end of HTML for a product template
[-- DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for a subproduct template
[-- END_DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] The end of HTML for a subproduct template
[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a more info page template
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for a more info page template


[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] Start of the subproduct loop for outputting Product information for the assigned subproducts
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS VAR.somename --] Start of the subproduct loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS number --] Start of the subproduct loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- SUBPRODUCTS template_name --] Create the Subproduct information by invoking the Subproduct section of the template named, or if there is none, the current template.
[-- END_LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] End of the Subproduct Loop
[-- PRODUCT.SubProduct --] A comma delimited list of product record IDs representing this product's subproducts
[-- PRODUCT.NumSubProducts --] Number of subproducts assigned to this product
[-- PRODUCT.Parent --] Returns the product ID of the parent product. All subproducts must include this tag as a hidden form field with the name "super", like this:
<input type=hidden name="super" value="[-- PRODUCT.Parent --]">

Product Database Tags

(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter)


[-- PRODUCT.Name --] Name
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayName --] Display name?
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle --] The font style for the product name, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize --] The font Size for the product name, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.VariableName? --] Does product have variable name enabled?


[-- PRODUCT.Price --] Price
[-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --] Sale amount
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --] Display price?
[-- PRODUCT.SaleOn --] Display sale price?
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --] The font style for the product price, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize --] The font Size for the product price, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --] Price in second currency
[-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --] Sale amount in second currency
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --] Display the Quantity Pricing table
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity --] Let customers enter quantity on store pages?
[-- PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --] Does product have variable pricing enabled?
[-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --] Minimum quantity allowed for product.


[-- PRODUCT.Taxable --] True if the product is taxable.


[-- PRODUCT.DisplaySKU --] Display SKU?
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle --] The font style for the product SKU, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize --] The font Size for the product SKU, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --] Does product have variable SKU enabled?


[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the product graphic.
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic Remove_HTML --] All information defined for the product graphic including the file path and attributes.
[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --] The media subdirectory and file name of the product graphic
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayGraphic --] Display Graphic?
[-- PRODUCT.ImageAlignment --] Image Alignment
[-- PRODUCT.TextWrap --] Text Wrap


[-- PRODUCT.ProductDescription --] Product Description
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle --] The font style for the product description, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize --] The font Size for the product description, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., </big>

Shipping Charges

[-- PRODUCT.ShippingCharge --] Shipping charge (for Flat-Rate Shipping)
[-- PRODUCT.GroundShipping --] Ground shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.SecondDayShipping --] Second Day Shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.NextDayShipping --] Next Day Shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping0 --] Shipping 0 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping1 --] Shipping 1 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping2 --] Shipping 2 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping3 --] Shipping 3 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping4 --] Shipping 4 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping5 --] Shipping 5 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping6 --] Shipping 6 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping7 --] Shipping 7 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping8 --] Shipping 8 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping9 --] Shipping 9 charge
[-- PRODUCT.NoShippingCharges --] No Shipping Charges
[-- PRODUCT.Weight --] Weight
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionOptions --] Dimension Options
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionText --] Dimension Text
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionSelected --] Dimension Selected
[-- PRODUCT.ExtraHandlingCharge --] Extra Handling Charge

Ordering Options

[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --] Display ordering options on store pages?
[-- PRODUCT.UseNewOption --] Returns "checked" if Advanced Ordering Options are in use for the product..
[-- PRODUCT.UseMultiMenus --] Returns "checked" if the Cascading Menu feature is enabled.
[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --] Ordering options description
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line --] Create the order option menu(s) in a line
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) in a line, use SKU instead of record number
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column --] Create the order option menu(s) in a column
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) in a column, use SKU instead of record number
[-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat --] Create the order option menu(s) without any table formatting
[-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) without any table formatting, use SKU instead of record number
[-- PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --] Pull-down menu text in a format that needs to be processed by a CALL program.
[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBox --] Text entry box displayed in the shopping cart?

Add/View Buttons

[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --] The URL of the Add to Cart link
[-- Shopping_Cart_URL --] The URL of the View Cart link
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] The value defined for the Add To Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] The value defined for the View Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text.
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartButton --] The value of the Text field for the Add to Cart button
[-- PRODUCT.ViewCartButton --] The value of the Text field for the View Cart button
[-- PRODUCT.OrderCheckout --] Complete Add to Cart and View Cart buttons, including hyperlinks, text or graphics, and complete <FORM> tags if required by the product settings.
[-- AddImage? --] True if using an image for Add to Cart button
[-- AddImage --] The src and parameters for the Add to Cart image, or "none" if no image
[-- AddImage Image_Name --] The media subdirectory and file name of the Add to Cart image
[-- AddText --] Text for the Add to Cart link, or null if an image is used.
[-- ViewImage? --] True if using an image for View Cart button
[-- ViewImage --] The src and parameters for the View Cart image, or "none" if no image
[-- ViewImage Image_Name --] The media subdirectory and file name of the View Cart image
[-- ViewText --] Text for the View Cart link, or null if an image is used.

Inventory Tracking

[-- PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand --] Quantity On Hand
[-- PRODUCT.LowStockThreshold --] Low Stock Threshold
[-- PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --] Out Of Stock Limit
[-- ProductInventoryPopUp {optional string} --] Create a link that will make a pop-up window displaying the Quantity On Hand, where link name is the text for the link.
[-- ProductInventoryActual path_to_shopping_cart_cgi {optional string} --] Display current Quantity On Hand on the page using Server Side Includes (SSI), where description text appears before the number.


[-- PRODUCT.SearchKeywords --] Search Keywords

Google Base Fields

[-- IF Product.UseFroogle --] Test if the product will be included in Google Base feeds. Test if the product will be included in Google Merchant Center feeds.
[-- Product.GoogleGTIN --] The Google Merchant Center GTIN (ISBN or UPC) attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleMPN --] The Google Merchant Center MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) attribute.
[-- Product.Brand --] The Google Merchant Center Brand attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleProductCategory --] The Google Merchant Center Product Category attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleAgeGroup --] The Google Merchant Center Age Group attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleGender --] The Google Merchant Center Gender attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleAvailability --] The Google Merchant Center Availability attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleProductType --] The Google Base Product Type attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleCondition --] The Google Base Condition attribute.

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- STORE.ProductField1 --] Name of Extra Field 1
[-- STORE.ProductField2 --] Name of Extra Field 2
[-- STORE.ProductField3 --] Name of Extra Field 3
[-- STORE.ProductField4 --] Name of Extra Field 4
[-- STORE.ProductField5 --] Name of Extra Field 5
[-- STORE.ProductField6 --] Name of Extra Field 6
[-- STORE.ProductField7 --] Name of Extra Field 7
[-- STORE.ProductField8 --] Name of Extra Field 8
[-- STORE.ProductField9 --] Name of Extra Field 9
[-- STORE.ProductField10 --] Name of Extra Field 10
[-- STORE.ProductField11 --] Name of Extra Field 11
[-- STORE.ProductField12 --] Name of Extra Field 12
[-- STORE.ProductField13 --] Name of Extra Field 13
[-- STORE.ProductField14 --] Name of Extra Field 14
[-- STORE.ProductField15 --] Name of Extra Field 15
[-- STORE.ProductField16 --] Name of Extra Field 16
[-- STORE.ProductField17 --] Name of Extra Field 17
[-- STORE.ProductField18 --] Name of Extra Field 18
[-- STORE.ProductField19 --] Name of Extra Field 19
[-- STORE.ProductField20 --] Name of Extra Field 20
[-- STORE.ProductField21 --] Name of Extra Field 21
[-- STORE.ProductField22 --] Name of Extra Field 22
[-- STORE.ProductField23 --] Name of Extra Field 23
[-- STORE.ProductField24 --] Name of Extra Field 24
[-- STORE.ProductField25 --] Name of Extra Field 25
[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] Extra Field 1
[-- PRODUCT.Field2 --] Extra Field 2
[-- PRODUCT.Field3 --] Extra Field 3
[-- PRODUCT.Field4 --] Extra Field 4
[-- PRODUCT.Field5 --] Extra Field 5
[-- PRODUCT.Field6 --] Extra Field 6
[-- PRODUCT.Field7 --] Extra Field 7
[-- PRODUCT.Field8 --] Extra Field 8
[-- PRODUCT.Field9 --] Extra Field 9
[-- PRODUCT.Field10 --] Extra Field 10
[-- PRODUCT.Field11 --] Extra Field 11
[-- PRODUCT.Field12 --] Extra Field 12
[-- PRODUCT.Field13 --] Extra Field 13
[-- PRODUCT.Field14 --] Extra Field 14
[-- PRODUCT.Field15 --] Extra Field 15
[-- PRODUCT.Field16 --] Extra Field 16
[-- PRODUCT.Field17 --] Extra Field 17
[-- PRODUCT.Field18 --] Extra Field 18
[-- PRODUCT.Field19 --] Extra Field 19
[-- PRODUCT.Field20 --] Extra Field 20
[-- PRODUCT.Field21 --] Extra Field 21
[-- PRODUCT.Field22 --] Extra Field 22
[-- PRODUCT.Field23 --] Extra Field 23
[-- PRODUCT.Field24 --] Extra Field 24
[-- PRODUCT.Field25 --] Extra Field 25


[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --] The record number of the product
[-- PRODUCT.ProductType --] The product type; can be "Download" or "Tangible"
[-- IF PRODUCT.ProductType "Download" --] True if the product is a download.
[-- PRODUCT.DobaItemID --] The Doba item ID if the product is a Doba item.
[-- IF PRODUCT.DobaItemID --] True if the product is a Doba item.

Product More Info Page Tags


[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a more info page template
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for a more info page template

Product Information

[-- PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --] Create a More Info page for this product?
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --] Product description for More Info page
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --] Returns a full <img src> tag for the product More Info Page graphic.
[-- IMAGE Product.MoreInformationGraphic --] Returns the path and file name of the product More Information Page graphic, relative to the store’s media directory.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationFileName --] The file name of the product More Info Page.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --] URL of product's More Info page
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoInventoryActual --] The values output by this tag are enabled and configured on the Preferences > Inventory Tracking screen.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoImageX --] Where 'X' is a number between 1 and 20. More Info page imageX.
[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.MoreInfoImageX --] Where 'X' is a number between 1 and 20. Returns the path and file name of the product More Info page imageX, relative to the store’s media directory.
[-- MoreInfoImageRow --] All of the More Info page images, displayed in rows, as defined in Preferences > More Info Pages.

Product Reviews

[-- IF REVIEWS --] Conditional check to see if Product Reviews are enabled.
[-- STORE.Reviews_Header --] The text from Reviews field of Merchandising -> Product Reviews -> Configure.
[-- REVIEWS_STARS --] Star images.
[-- REVIEWS_COUNT --] Indicates number of reviews.
[-- REVIEWS_COUNT_NUMBER --] Number of reviews only.
[-- REVIEWS_STARS_NUMBER --] Number for star rank only.
[-- REVIEWS_WRITE_REVIEW_LINK --] Link to "write a review" pop up.
[-- REVIEWS_READ_REVIEWS_LINK --] Link to "read all reviews" pop up.
[-- REVIEWS_FEATURED --] List of reviews displayed on more info page.
[-- REVIEWS_MAIN --] Needed in reviews product template.

Header and Footer

[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --] True if merchant wants the Page Header on More Info pages.
[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter --] True if merchant wants the Page Footer on More Info pages.


[-- SEARCH_FORM --] Insert the search form

Customer Registration

[-- RegistrationSignIn --] Inserts links for customer registration and login.
[-- STORE.NewCustomer --] text: New Customer?
[-- STORE.ToRegister --] text: Click here to register
[-- STORE.RetCustomer --] text: Returning Customer?
[-- STORE.ToSignIn --] text: Click here to sign in
[-- STORE.ViewEdit --] text: View/Edit account
[-- STORE.SignOut --] text: Sign out

Mini Cart

[-- MiniCart --] Displays the Mini Cart on store pages.

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if ShopSite is configured to display the High Security image.
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] Returns the HTML code to display the High Security image on the page.

Colors and Background

[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundColor --] Background color
[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImage --] Background image
[-- MORE_INFO.TextColor --] Text color
[-- MORE_INFO.LinkColor --] Link color
[-- MORE_INFO.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited link color
[-- MORE_INFO.ActiveLinkColor --] Active link color

Search Tags

Special Search Tags


[-- DEFINE SEARCH_RESULTS --] The beginning of HTML for a search template
[-- END_DEFINE SEARCH_RESULTS --] The end of HTML for a search template

Header and Footer

[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed.
[-- HEADER --] Page Header
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed.
[-- FOOTER --] Page Footer


[-- IF SEARCHTOP --] True if search form should be displayed above results
[-- IF SEARCHBOTTOM --] True if search form should be displayed below results.
[-- SEARCHRESULT_FORM --] Complete search form.
[-- SEARCHRESULT_FORM FORM_ONLY --] HTML for opening of search form and (if enabled) keyword input and search button.
[-- IF SearchResultCount --] True if result count should be displayed
[-- SearchResultCount --] Generates result count
[-- IF SearchPrevNext --] True if pagination links should be displayed
[-- SearchPrevNext --] Generates pagination links
[-- IF SearchResultsPerPage --] True if results per-page field should be displayed
[-- SearchResultsPerPage --] Generates results per-page field
[-- IF SearchSortBy --] True if result sort field should be displayed
[-- SearchSortBy --] Generates result sort field
[-- SEARCHSTRING --] Keywords for which results are displaying
[-- STORE.SearchImage --] URL of search button image


[-- LOOP SEARCH --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results.
[-- LOOP SEARCH PAGE.Columns --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- LOOP SEARCH VAR.somename --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- LOOP SEARCH number --] Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate.
[-- SEARCHRESULT --] Create the search result using the template defined for the the product or link.
[-- IF SEARCHPRODUCT --] Is the search result a Product?
[-- IF SEARCHLINK --] Is the search result a Link?
[-- IF SEARCHACTIVE --] True if search results screen is being generated
[-- END_LOOP SEARCH --] End of the search loop for outputting search results.

Search Database Tags


[-- PAGE.Name --] Page Name
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] True if the merchant wants the page name displayed.

Banner Graphic

[-- PAGE.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic.
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] File name of the page banner graphic
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed.


[-- PAGE.Text1 --] Text 1
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] Text 2
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] Text 3
[-- Store.SearchResults --] Search Results text field.
[-- Store.SearchResultPage --] Results Pages text field.
[-- STORE.QuantityPricingFlag --] Quantity Pricing Flag field.
[-- Store.QuantityPricingMsg --] Quantity Pricing Message text field.
[-- STORE.VariablePricingFlag --] Variable Pricing Flag text field.
[-- Store.VariablePricingMsg --] Variable Pricing Message text field.


[-- PAGE.Layout --] The page alignment setting
[-- PAGE.Columns --] The number of columns for the page
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] True if column borders are to be displayed.
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] Page Width

Colors and Background

[-- PAGE.TextColor --] Text Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] Link Color
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited Link Color
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] Active Link Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] Background Image

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- PAGE.Field1 --] Extra Field 1
[-- PAGE.Field2 --] Extra Field 2
[-- PAGE.Field3 --] Extra Field 3
[-- PAGE.Field4 --] Extra Field 4
[-- PAGE.Field5 --] Extra Field 5

Shopping Cart Tags

(These tags are organized by the pages in which they typically would be used. Some tags are shown on multiple pages.)

Special Shopping Cart Tags

(These tags can be used on any shopping cart page)
[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart --] Text field: Your Shopping Cart
[-- SC_JavaScript Extras --] The JavaScript required on shopping cart pages
[-- ShopSiteMessages --] Displays any (error) messages to the shopper.
[-- SC_FORM --] The opening <FORM> tag and a few hidden values for the shopping cart. This tag MUST precede most of the other SC_ tags.
[-- IP_ADDR --] The IP address of the shopper
[-- SC_USE_SECURITY --] Returns checked if the shopping cart is set to use a secure URL.
[-- STORE.Secure_Image_URL --] Returns the ShopSite Images secure URL.
[-- STORE.SC_Secure_Image_URL --] Returns the Secure Store URL.
[-- IF Cart_Image --] True if product images will be displayed in the shopping cart.

Colors and Background

[-- STORE.SC_BackgroundColor --] Shopping cart background color
[-- STORE.SC_TextColor --] Shopping cart text color
[-- STORE.SC_LinkColor --] Shopping cart link color
[-- STORE.SC_VisitedLinkColor --] Shopping cart visited link color
[-- STORE.SC_ActiveLinkColor --] Shopping cart active link color
[-- STORE.SC_BackgroundImage --] Shopping cart background image
[-- STORE.SC_ShadeColor --] Shopping cart table shade color

Shopping Cart Page

(These tags are used on the first shopping cart page)


[-- DEFINE ShoppingCart --] The beginning of the HTML for the shopping cart template
[-- END_DEFINE ShoppingCart --] The end of the HTML for the shopping cart template

Google Checkout pre-cart screen

[-- IF Google_Checkout --] True if you're on the Google Checkout pre-cart screen.

Header and Footer

[-- ShoppingCartHeader --] Text at the top of the Shopping Cart Screen
[-- IF ShoppingCartHeader --] True if there is content in the Shopping Cart Header field.
[-- ShoppingCartFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Shopping Cart Screen
[-- IF ShoppingCartFooter --] True if there is content in the Shopping Cart Footer field.

Customer Registration

[-- SC_Registration --] Links to register or sign in. (Also IF)
[-- SignedIn? --] True if the customer is signed in
[-- SC_Must_Register --] True if the customer must be registered to check out
[-- RegisteredName --] Customer's name if signed in

Table of Products Ordered

[-- SC_ShowBasket --] The "Show me my basket every time I order something" checkbox.
[-- SC_Remove_Button --] True if the merchant wants "Remove" buttons for each product
[-- SC_Cart --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal
[-- SC_Cart delete quantity image name sku price total --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified.

Tax and Shipping

[-- SC_Tax_Shipping --] The form fields for tax and shipping
[-- SC_VAT_ID --] The form fields for the EU VAT ID
[-- SC_Tax_Shipping Button --] The form fields for tax and shipping, plus a "Tax/Shipping" button to recalculate
[-- BUTTON TaxShipping --] Tax/Shipping button


[-- SC_Coupon --] The form field for the customer to enter a coupon name/number. (Also IF)
[-- SC_Coupon_Button --] True if the merchant wants the "Apply Coupon" button
[-- STORE.CouponCaption --] Text field: Coupon Code:
[-- STORE.EnterCoupon --] Text field: If you have a coupon, enter the code and press recalculate
[-- BUTTON ApplyCoupon --] "Apply Coupon" button

Gift Certificates

[-- SC_GiftCert --] The form field for the customer to enter a gift certificate number and PIN. (Also IF)
[-- SC_GiftCert_Button --] True if the merchant wants the "Redeem Certificate" button
[-- STORE.GiftCertCaption --] Text field: Gift Certificate:
[-- STORE.EnterGiftCert --] Text field: If you have a gift certificate, enter the number and PIN then press recalculate
[-- GiftCert_Redeem --] Store text: Redeem Certificate
[-- STORE.GiftCert_Recalculate --] Store text: Recalculate
[-- BUTTON ApplyGiftCert --] "Redeem Certificate" button

Reward Program

[-- SC_REWARD_PROGRAM --] Creates a table showing the customer's reward program status (Also IF)

Global Cross-sell

[-- IF Global_Cross_Sell --] True if Global cross-sell is enabled
[-- STORE.GlobalCrossSellHeader --] Header text for global cross-sell table
[-- LOOP GLOBAL_Cross_Sell --] Begin global cross-sell loop
[-- GLOBAL_CROSS_SELL --] Insert global cross-sell item within loop
[-- END_LOOP Global_Cross_Sell --] End global cross-sell loop

Product Cross-sell

[-- IF Cart_Cross_Sell --] True if product specific cross-sell in the cart is enabled
[-- STORE.CartCrossSellHeader --] Header text for product cross-sell table
[-- LOOP CART_Cross_Sell --] Begin product cross-sell loop
[-- CART_CROSS_SELL --] Insert product cross-sell item within loop
[-- END_LOOP Cart_Cross_Sell --] End product cross-sell loop


[-- SC_Surcharge --] The form fields for surcharges


[-- SC_Totals --] Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total
[-- STORE.SC_AnyChanges --] Text field: Any changes above should be verified by pressing 'Recalculate' before clicking on 'Checkout'.

Ordering Instructions

[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] Ordering instructions heading and text box (Also IF)
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions {rows columns} --] The ordering instructions text and box with specified box dimensions


[-- SC_PaymentSelection --] The form fields for selecting payment type

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if displaying the High Security logo is turned on
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] The HTML to display the High Security logo


[-- BUTTON Recalculate --] The "Recalculate" button
[-- BUTTON Update --] The "Update" button
[-- BUTTON EmptyCart --] The "Empty Cart" button
[-- BUTTON ContinueShopping --] The "Continue Shopping" button
[-- BUTTON Checkout --] The "Checkout" button

Billing/Shipping Page

(These tags are used on the shipping page)


[-- DEFINE Shipping --] The beginning of the HTML for the shipping template
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping --] The end of the HTML for the shipping template

Header and Footer

[-- ShippingHeader --] Text at the top of the Shipping Screen
[-- IF ShippingHeader --] True if there is content in the Shipping screen Header field.
[-- ShippingFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Shipping Screen
[-- IF ShippingFooter --] True if there is content in the Shipping screen Footer field.
[-- STORE.Ship_Checkout --] Text field: Checkout

Table of Products Ordered

[-- SC_Cart --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified.


[-- SC_Totals --] Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total


[-- SC_Comments {rows columns} --] Customer comments heading and text box with specified dimensions (Also IF)

Billing and Shipping Address

[-- SC_Address --] Billing and shipping address forms, horizontal arrangement
[-- SC_Address Vertical --] Billing and shipping address forms, vertical arrangement
[-- SC_Address Right--] Billing and shipping address forms, field labels on right

E-Mail List

[-- Email_List --] Text and checkbox for "add to e-mail list" (Also IF)


[-- SC_Payment --] Form for entering payment information

Custom Checkout Fields

[-- CustomHTML --] True if Custom Checkout Fields are enabled
[-- Ship_CustomHTML n --] Insert the Custom Checkout Field where n is 1 to 5

Human Validation Image

[-- IF SecurityImage --] True if the human validation image feature is enabled
[-- ShipSecurityImage --] Includes the human validation image elements on the payment screen.

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if displaying the High Security logo is turned on
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] The HTML to display the High Security logo


[-- BUTTON SubmitOrder --] The "Submit This Order" button, or the "Confirm" button if confirmation page is enabled
[-- BUTTON ReturnToCart --] The "Return to Cart" button

Confirmation Tags

(These tags are used on the optional confirmation page)


[-- DEFINE Confirmation --] The beginning of the HTML for the confirmation template
[-- END_DEFINE Confirmation --] The end of the HTML for the confirmation template

Header and Footer

[-- ConfirmationHeader --] Text at the top of the Confirmation Screen
[-- IF ConfirmationHeader --] True if there is content in the Confirmation screen Header field.
[-- ConfirmationFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Confirmation Screen
[-- IF ConfirmationFooter --] True if there is content in the Confirmation screen Footer field.

Table of Products Ordered

[-- SC_Cart --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified.


[-- SC_Totals --] Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total

Ordering Instructions

[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] Ordering instructions text entered by customer

Custom Checkout Fields

[-- CustomHTML_Values --] Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF)

E-Mail List

[-- Email_List --] Display the text of the e-mail signup


[-- SC_Comments --] Customer comments text and box (Also IF)
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] True if comments entered by customer

Billing and Shipping Address

[-- SC_Address --] Display the billing and shipping addresses


[-- SC_Payment --] Display the payment information

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if displaying the High Security logo is turned on
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] The HTML to display the High Security logo


[-- BUTTON Confirmation --] The "Submit This Order" button
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --] The "Make Changes" button

Thank You Tags

(These tags are used on the Thank You page)


[-- DEFINE ThankYou --] The beginning of the HTML for the thank you template
[-- END_DEFINE ThankYou --] The end of the HTML for the thank you template

Header and Footer

[-- ThankYouHeader --] Text at the top of the Thank You Screen
[-- IF ThankYouHeader --] True if there is content in the ThankYou screen Header field.
[-- ThankYouFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Thank You Screen
[-- IF ThankYouFooter --] True if there is content in the ThankYou screen Footer field.
[-- STORE.SC_ThankYou --] Text field: Thank you!
[-- STORE.SC_YourReceipt --] Text field: Here is a copy of your receipt.
[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] Text field: Order Number
[-- STORE.SC_ThankYouBusiness --] Text field: Thank you for your business!
[-- ThankYouOrderNumber --] The order number
[-- ThankYouReturnStore --] "Return to Store" button or text

Table of Products Ordered

[-- SC_Cart --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified.


[-- SC_Totals --] Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total

Ordering Instructions

[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] Ordering instructions text entered by customer

Custom Checkout Fields

[-- CustomHTML_Values --] Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF)


[-- SC_Comments --] Customer comments text and box (Also IF)
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] True if comments entered by customer


[-- BUTTON Print --] Places a button to print the order on the Order Confirmation page. The text can be configured in Preferences -> Store Text -> Checkout

Thank You E-Mail Tags

(These tags are used on the e-mail receipt)


[-- DEFINE ThankYou_Email --] The beginning of the HTML for the thank you e-mail
[-- END_DEFINE ThankYou_Email --] The end of the HTML for the thank you e-mail

Header and Footer

[-- ThankYouHeader --] Text at the top of the Thank You Screen
[-- IF ThankYouHeader --] True if there is content in the ThankYou screen Header field.
[-- ReceiptFooter --] Text at the bottom of the e-mail receipt
[-- STORE.SC_ThankYou --] Text field: Thank you!
[-- ThankYouReturnStore --] "Return to Store" button or text
[-- ThankYouOrderNumber --] The order number

Table of Products Ordered

[-- SC_Cart --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified.


[-- SC_Totals --] Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total


[-- SC_Payment --] Display the payment information

Ordering Instructions

[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] Ordering instructions text entered by customer

Custom Checkout Fields

[-- CustomHTML_Values --] Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF)


[-- SC_Comments --] Customer comments text and box (Also IF)
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] True if comments entered by customer

Billing and Shipping Address

[-- SC_Address --] Display the billing and shipping addresses


[-- BUTTON PRINT --] Display a button to print the receipt.

Global Cross-sell

(These tags are used in the global cross-sell section)


[-- DEFINE GLOBAL_CROSS_SELL --] The beginning of the HTML for the global cross-sell product.
[-- END_DEFINE GLOBAL_CROSS_SELL --] The end of the HTML for the global cross-sell product.


[-- IF CROSS_SELL_LINK --] True if cross-sell product links enabled
[-- CROSS_SELL_LINK --] URL of cross-sell link destination


Any PRODUCT database tag can be used in a cross-sell definition.
[-- PRODUCT.Name --] Name of the product
[-- PRODUCT.Price --] Price of the product
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --] IMG tag for product graphic
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --] URL of add-to-cart link for product.
REMINDER: Do NOT use form elements within cross-sell definitions!

Product Cart Cross-sell

(These tags are used in the product cart cross-sell section)


[-- DEFINE CART_CROSS_SELL --] The beginning of the HTML for the cart product cross-sell product.
[-- END_DEFINE CART_CROSS_SELL --] The end of the HTML for the cart product cross-sell product.


[-- IF CROSS_SELL_LINK --] True if cross-sell product links enabled
[-- CROSS_SELL_LINK --] URL of cross-sell link destination


Any PRODUCT database tag can be used in a cross-sell definition.
[-- PRODUCT.Name --] Name of the product
[-- PRODUCT.Price --] Price of the product
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --] IMG tag for product graphic
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --] URL of add-to-cart link for product.
REMINDER: Do NOT use form elements within cross-sell definitions!

WishList Tags

[-- IF WishList --] Test if there is content in the WishList field.
[-- WishList --] WishList content

Gift Certificate Tags

Special Gift Certificate Tags

Header and Footer

[-- GiftCertHeader --] Text at the top of the Gift Certificate Screen
[-- IF GiftCertHeader --] True if there is content in the Gift Certificate Header field.
[-- GiftCertFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Gift Certificate Screen
[-- IF GiftCertFooter --] True if there is content in the Gift Certificate Footer field.


[-- GiftCertInstruction --] instructions for ordering gift certificates.
[-- GiftCertPolicy --] the policy regarding Gift Certificates
[-- Store.GiftCert_Policy --] text: Gift Certificate Policy
[-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --] text: Gift Certificate
[-- Store.GiftCert_From --] text: From
[-- Store.GiftCert_Message --] text: Message
[-- Store.GiftCert_To --] text: Presented To
[-- Store.GiftCertNumber --] text: Number
[-- Store.GiftCertPIN --] text: PIN
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ToRedeem --] text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please click on this link
[-- GiftCert_OnOrderScreen --] text: On the order screen you will be able to redeem this gift certificate by entering the following number and PIN values.
[-- Store.GiftCert_ToRedeemCutPaste --] text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please cut and paste this link into your web browers


[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundImage --] Background Image
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_TextColor --] Text color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_LinkColor --] Link color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_VisitedLinkColor --] Visited link color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ActiveLinkColor --] Active link color

Gift Certificate Order Page

(These tags are used on the gift certificate order page)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate template
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate template

Shopping Cart Code

[-- ShopSiteMessages --]

Order Form Segments

[-- SC_FORM --] opening form section. close form with </form> tag.
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --] certificate monetary value form section
[-- GiftCertEmailMail --] E-mail/Mail selection form section
[-- GiftCertToFromMsg --] To, From, and Message form sections


[-- BUTTON BackToStore --] Back To Store button
[-- BUTTON BuyGiftCertificate --] Buy Gift Certificate button

E-mail Gift Certificate

(These tags are used in the gift certificate E-mail)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail

Certificate Text

[-- GiftCert_Amount --] Monetary value of certificate
[-- GiftCert_To --] Certificate recipient
[-- GiftCert_From --] presenter of certificate
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] is there a message?
[-- GiftCert_Message --] optional message
[-- GiftCert_Number --] certificate redemption number
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] certificate redemption PIN
[-- GiftCert_Date --] certificate expiration date
[-- GiftCert_Date --] certificate expiration date

Printed Gift Certificate

(These tags are used on the print gift certificate page)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate print page
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate print page

Mail Certificate Information

[-- IF FIRST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] is this the first certificate?
[-- IF LAST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] is this the last certificate?

Certificate Text

[-- GiftCert_Amount --] Monetary value of certificate
[-- GiftCert_To --] Certificate recipient
[-- GiftCert_From --] presenter of certificate
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] is there a message?
[-- GiftCert_Message --] optional message
[-- GiftCert_Number --] certificate redemption number
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] certificate redemption PIN
[-- GiftCert_Date --] certificate expiration date

Customer Registration Tags

(These tags are organized by the pages in which they typically would be used. Some tags are shown on multiple pages.)

Global Tags

(These tags can be used on any CR page.)
[-- CR_Form --] The opening <FORM> tag for most CR pages. This tag MUST precede most of the other CR_ tags.
[-- CR_JavaScript --] The JavaScript required by CR pages
[-- CR_Header --] Inserts the "Text at top of Customer Registration Screens."
[-- IF CR_Header --] True if there is content in the Customer Registration Header field.
[-- CR_Footer --] Inserts the "Text at bottom of Customer Registration Screens."
[-- IF CR_Footer --] True if there is content in the Customer Registration Footer field.
[-- CR_HTML_Email --] True if registered customer wants HTML e-mail

New Registration Page

[-- DEFINE New_Registration --] The beginning of HTML for the New Registration page.
[-- END_DEFINE New_Registration --] The end of HTML for the New Registration page.
[-- STORE.NewRegistration --] Text field: New Registration
[-- CR_Name --] Form for customers to enter their name when registering
[-- CR_Email_Password --] Form for entering e-mail address and password during registration.
[-- CR_Challenge --] Form for selecting a challenge question and answer during registration.
[-- CR_Email_Type --] Radio buttons for selecting HTML or text e-mail receipts
[-- CR_Save_Payment --] Radio buttons for selecting whether ShopSite should save payment information

Sign In Page

[-- DEFINE Sign_In --] The beginning of HTML for the Sign In page.
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_In --] The end of HTML for the Sign In page.
[-- STORE.SignIn --] Text field: Sign In
[-- STORE.UseSignInEmail --] Text field: Enter the same e-mail address used when you registered.
[-- CR_SignIn_Email_Password --] Sign-in form to enter e-mail address and password

Confirm Sign Out Page

[-- DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --] The beginning of HTML for the Confirm Sign Out page.
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --] The end of HTML for the Confirm Sign Out page.
[-- STORE.SignOutConfirmation --] Text field: Sign Out Confirmation
[-- STORE.SignOut? --] Text field: Do you really want to sign out?

Account Information Page

[-- DEFINE View_Edit --] The beginning of HTML for the Account Information page.
[-- END_DEFINE View_Edit --] The end of HTML for the Account Information page.
[-- STORE.AccountInformation --] Text field: Account Information
[-- CR_Customer_Name --] The registered customer's name
[-- STORE.ViewInformation --] Text field: To view or change your account information click on a button below.
[-- CR_REWARD_PROGRAM_INFO --] Table containing reward program status information. (Also IF)

Preferences Page

[-- DEFINE Preferences --] The beginning of HTML for the Preferences page.
[-- END_DEFINE Preferences --] The end of HTML for the Preferences page.
[-- STORE.Preferences --] Text field: Preferences
[-- CR_Email --] Field for customer to enter e-mail address
[-- STORE.EmailSecurity --] Text field: This e-mail address is your sign in name. For security purposes any changes to your account will be e-mailed to this address.
[-- CR_Name --] Form for customers to enter/edit their name
[-- CR_Email_Type --] Radio buttons for selecting HTML or text e-mail receipts
[-- CR_Save_Payment --] Radio buttons for selecting whether ShopSite should save payment information
[-- CR_Tax_Exempt --] Tax Exempt status. Controlled from the Commerce Setup > Customer Registration > Edit Customer screen.

Change Password Page

[-- DEFINE Edit_Password --] The beginning of HTML for the Edit Password page.
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Password --] The end of HTML for the Edit Password page.
[-- STORE.EditPassword --] Text field: Change Password
[-- CR_Edit_Password --] Form to change password
[-- BUTTON Change_Password --] The "Change Password" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button
[-- STORE.ChallengeQuestion --] Text field: Challenge Question
[-- STORE.ChangeChallengeText --] Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password. To change the question click the Button Below.
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] The "Change Challenge" button

Change Challenge Page

[-- DEFINE Edit_Challenge --] The beginning of HTML for the Change Challenge page.
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Challenge --] The end of HTML for the Change Challenge page.
[-- STORE.EditChallenge --] Text field: Change Challenge
[-- STORE.EditChallengeText --] Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password.
[-- CR_Edit_Challenge --] Form for selecting a new challenge question and answer, including password confirmation
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] The "Change Challenge" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

List of Payment Accounts Page

[-- DEFINE Payment_Accounts --] The beginning of HTML for the List of Payment Accounts page.
[-- END_DEFINE Payment_Accounts --] The end of HTML for the List of Payment Accounts page.
[-- STORE.PaymentAccounts --] Text field: Payment Accounts
[-- STORE.PaymentText --] Text field: Select the payment option below and click <b>Edit</b> to view or change your payment information.<br><b>Delete</b> will remove the payment information for the selected item.
[-- CR_Payment_List --] Select list of payment methods
[-- BUTTON Edit --] The "Edit" button to go to an editing screen
[-- BUTTON Delete --] The "Delete" button
[-- STORE.PaymentAdd --] Text field: To Add another Payment Option simply select a new option when you place your next order.<br>The new payment option will then be saved.
[-- BUTTON Done --] The "Done" button

Edit Payment Account Page

[-- DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --] The beginning of HTML for the Edit Payment Account page.
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --] The end of HTML for the Edit Payment Account page.
[-- STORE.EditPaymentAccount --] Text field: Edit Payment Account
[-- CR_DisplayName --] Text box for the payment account name
[-- STORE.EditPaymentText --] Text field: This <b>name</b> is used to select the payment option when you order and will be displayed in your receipt. Use a name such as "Corporate AMEX Card" or "My Visa Card". Do not put your entire credit card number or other valuable payment information in this field.
[-- STORE.EditPaymentInformation --] Text field: Payment Information
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Info --] Form for payment account information, such as card number and expiration date
[-- STORE.EditPaymentBilling --] Text field: Billing Address associated with this payment information
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Address --] Form for payment account address information
[-- BUTTON Save --] The "Save" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

Delete Payment Account Page

[-- DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --] The beginning of HTML for the Delete Payment Account page.
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --] The end of HTML for the Delete Payment Account page.
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentAccount --] Text field: Delete Payment Account
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentText --] Text field: This payment type will be deleted, press YES if you wish to proceed.
[-- CR_Delete_Payment --] The payment account name
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentNote --] Text field: Note: Once removed the payment type cannot be recovered.
[-- BUTTON Yes --] The "Yes" button
[-- BUTTON No --] The "No" button

List of Orders Page

[-- DEFINE Orders --] The beginning of HTML for the List of Orders page.
[-- END_DEFINE Orders --] The end of HTML for the List of Orders page.
[-- STORE.Orders --] Text field: Orders
[-- STORE.OrdersText --] Text field: Select the order below and click <b>View</b> to see that order's information.
[-- CR_Order_List --] Select list of order numbers and totals
[-- BUTTON View --] The "View" button
[-- BUTTON Delete --] The "Delete" button
[-- STORE.OrdersNote --] Text field: <b>Delete</b> only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted.
[-- BUTTON Done --] The "Done" button

View Order Page

[-- DEFINE View_Order --] The beginning of HTML for the View Order page.
[-- END_DEFINE View_Order --] The end of HTML for the View Order page.
[-- STORE.ViewOrder --] Text field: View Order
[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] Text field: Order Number
[-- CR_OrderNum --] The order number
[-- CR_OrderDate --] Date the order was placed
[-- CR_Cart --] Table of items in the order
[-- CR_Totals --] Subtotal, shipping, surcharge, tax, and total cost of the order
[-- CR_OrderingInstructions --] Ordering instructions entered by the customer
[-- CR_Comments --] Comment text entered by the customer
[-- CR_ShipTo_Addr --] The shipping address on the order
[-- CR_BillTo_Addr --] The billing address on the order
[-- CR_Payment_Info --] The payment information on the order
[-- STORE.ReorderText --] The text for reordering products from previous orders.
[-- BUTTON Reorder --] The "Reorder" button
[-- BUTTON Done --] The "Done" button

Delete Order Page

[-- DEFINE Delete_Order --] The beginning of HTML for the Delete Order page.
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Order --] The end of HTML for the Delete Order page.
[-- STORE.DeleteOrder --] Text field: Delete Orders
[-- STORE.DeleteOrderText --] Text field: The following order(s) will be removed from the select list, press YES if you wish to proceed.
[-- CR_Delete_Order_List --] List of order numbers (with totals) to be deleted
[-- STORE.OrdersNote --] Text field: <b>Delete</b> only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted.
[-- BUTTON Yes --] The "Yes" button
[-- BUTTON No --] The "No" button

List of Ship To Addresses Page

[-- DEFINE Shipping_Options --] The beginning of HTML for the List of Shipping Addresses page.
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping_Options --] The end of HTML for the List of Shipping Addresses page.
[-- STORE.ShippingOptions --] Text field: Ship To
[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsText --] Text field: Select the ship to address below and click <b>Edit</b> to view or change your shipping information.
[-- CR_Shipping_List --] Select list of shipping address names
[-- BUTTON View --] The "View" button
[-- BUTTON Delete --] The "Delete" button
[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsNote --] <b>Delete</b> will remove the shipping information for the selected item.
[-- BUTTON Done --] The "Done" button

Edit Ship To Address Page

[-- DEFINE Edit_Shipping --] The beginning of HTML for the Edit Ship To Address page.
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Shipping --] The end of HTML for the Edit Ship To Address page.
[-- STORE.EditShipping --] Text field: Edit Shipping
[-- STORE.DisplayName --] Text field: Display Name
[-- CR_Ship_DisplayName --] Text box for the name of the ship to address
[-- STORE.EditShippingText --] Text field: This <b>name</b> is used to select the shipping option when you order.
[-- STORE.SC_ShippingAddress --] Text field: Shipping Address
[-- CR_Edit_Shipping_Address --] Form containing shipping address fields
[-- BUTTON Save --] The "Save" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

Delete Ship To Address Page

[-- DEFINE Delete_Shipping --] The beginning of HTML for the Delete Ship To Address page.
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Shipping --] The end of HTML for the Delete Ship To Address page.
[-- STORE.DeleteShipping --] Text field: Delete Shipping
[-- STORE.DeleteShippingText --] Text field: This shipping option will be removed, press YES if you wish to proceed.
[-- CR_Delete_Shipping --] The name of the ship to address
[-- STORE.DeleteShippingNote --] Text field: Note: Once removed the shipping information cannot be recovered.
[-- BUTTON Yes --] The "Yes" button
[-- BUTTON No --] The "No" button

Forgot Password Page

[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password --] The beginning of HTML for the Forgot Password page.
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password --] The end of HTML for the Forgot Password page.
[-- STORE.ForgotPassword --] Text field: Forgot Password
[-- STORE.RequestPassword --] Text field: If you forgot your password enter the e-mail address you used to register.<br>We will e-mail you a link that will allow you to enter a new password.
[-- CR_Email --] Field for customer to enter e-mail address
[-- BUTTON Submit --] The "Submit" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

Forgot E-Mail Sent Page

[-- DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --] The beginning of HTML for the Forgot E-Mail Sent page.
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --] The end of HTML for the Forgot E-Mail Sent page.
[-- STORE.ForgotEmailSent --] Text field: Forgot E-mail Sent
[-- STORE.SentPasswordEmail --] Text field: The e-mail has been sent. Use the link contained in the email to change your password.
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] The "Back to Cart" button

Forgot Password E-Mail Message

[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --] The beginning of HTML for the Forgot Password e-mail message.
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --] The end of HTML for the Forgot Password e-mail message.
[-- STORE.EmailClickLink --] Text field: Please click on the link below in order to change your password.
[-- CR_Forgot_Password_Link --] "Change Password" link to Get Answer page

Get Answer to Challenge Page

[-- DEFINE Get_Answer --] The beginning of HTML for the Get Answer to Challenge Question page.
[-- END_DEFINE Get_Answer --] The end of HTML for the Get Answer to Challenge Question page.
[-- STORE.GetAnswer --] Text field: Get Answer
[-- CR_Email_Name --] Customer's e-mail address
[-- STORE.ResetPassword --] Text field: To reset your password, please answer the following question.
[-- CR_ChallengeQuestion --] Challenge question with text box for answer
[-- BUTTON Submit --] The "Submit" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

Set New Password Page

[-- DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --] The beginning of HTML for the Set New Password page (after customer forgot password)
[-- END_DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --] The end of HTML for the Set New Password page.
[-- STORE.SetAnswerPassword --] Text field: Set New Password
[-- STORE.EnterNewPassword --] Text field: With the "New Payment Type" selected you must also select the manual shipping fields.
[-- CR_Password --] Form for entering a new password
[-- BUTTON Submit --] The "Submit" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button

E-Mail Address Not Registered Message

[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --] The beginning of HTML for the Not Registered e-mail message.
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --] The end of HTML for the Not Registered e-mail message.
[-- STORE.NotRegisteredEmail --] Text field: We don't have you as a registered customer. Please register. By clicking on the link below.

Address Changed E-Mail Message

[-- DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --] The beginning of HTML for the Address Changed e-mail message.
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --] The end of HTML for the Address Changed e-mail message.
[-- STORE.EmailAddressChangedText --] Text field: Your sign in name has been changed.
[-- STORE.NewSignInAddress --] Text field: New Sign In address
[-- CR_Email_Address --] Registered e-mail address

Account Changed E-Mail Message

[-- DEFINE Email_Account_Change --] The beginning of HTML for the Account Changed e-mail message.
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Account_Change --] The end of HTML for the Account Change e-mail message.
[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] You have changed the following fields in your account with
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --] Displays any (error) messages to the customer

Error Message Page

[-- DEFINE CR_Error --] The beginning of HTML for the error page.
[-- END_DEFINE CR_Error --] The end of HTML for the error page.
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] The "Back to Cart" button


[-- BUTTON Save --] The "Save" button
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] The "Cancel" button
[-- BUTTON SignIn --] The "Sign In" button
[-- BUTTON Submit --] The "Submit" button
[-- BUTTON Orders --] The "Orders" button to view previous orders
[-- BUTTON Preferences --] The "Preferences" button to view and edit settings
[-- BUTTON ShipTo --] The "Ship To" button to view and edit shipping addresses
[-- BUTTON Payment --] The "Payment" button to view and edit payment methods
[-- BUTTON Password --] The "Password" button to go to the Change Password page
[-- BUTTON Done --] The "Done" button
[-- BUTTON Change_Password --] The "Change Password" button to submit a new password
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] The "Change Challenge" button to go to the Change Challenge page
[-- BUTTON Yes --] The "Yes" button
[-- BUTTON No --] The "No" button
[-- BUTTON Edit --] The "Edit" button to go to an editing screen
[-- BUTTON Delete --] The "Delete" button
[-- BUTTON View --] The "View" button
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] The "Back to Cart" button

Mobile Tags

Global Tags

These tags can be used on any page to render mobile content.
[-- IF SS_MOBILE --] Returns true if mobile feature is turned on.
[-- IF MOBILE --] Returns true if a mobile device is detected when the page loads(real time only).
[-- MOBILE_JAVASCRIPT --] This tag goes in the head of a page to generate the necessary Javascript for mobile page redirects.
[-- SS_MOBILE_REDIRECT --] This tag goes in the body of a page and will output the Javascript that will redirect to dynamically redisplay the page if a mobile device is detected.
[-- SS_MOBILE_PC --] This tag will create a link on mobile page to static version, on static page create a link to mobile (if it came from the mobile version).

Mobile Configuration

The following tags reference information entered on the Configure Mobile page of the back office.
[-- STORE.MB_HEADER --] The text/HTML of the mobile header.
[-- STORE.MB_FOOTER --] The text/HTML of the mobile footer.
[-- STORE.MB_TEXTCOLOR --] The default text color for mobile pages.
[-- STORE.MB_BACKGROUNDCOLOR --] The default background color for mobile pages.
[-- STORE.MB_LINKCOLOR --] The default link color for mobile pages.
[-- STORE.MB_VISITEDLINKCOLOR --] The default visited link color for mobile pages.
[-- STORE.MB_ACTIVELINKCOLOR --] The default active link color for mobile pages.
[-- STORE.MB_LINKX --] There are four possible page links (where X is replaced with the number of the appropriate link) that are used in the mobile menu.
[-- IF STORE.MB_UseCompanyLogo --] Returns true if the mobile pages have been configured to display the Company Logo.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyLogo --] Image link to the Company Logo specified on the Configure Mobile page.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyURL --] The URL specified for the company on the Configure Mobile page.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyLINK --] Hyperlink that includes the above company URL.
[-- STORE.MB_AddToCart --] Instead of a button, mobile pages use text links to add products to the cart. This tag is the text for that link.
[-- MB_PageMenu --] This tag will either display the Menu or the Page Links depending on the configuration set in the Mobile Configure page of the back office.

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software