ShopSite Custom Template Tags

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Product Tags
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Customer Registration Tags
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All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Product Tags

Special Product Tags


[-- DEFINE PRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for a product template
[-- END_DEFINE PRODUCT --] The end of HTML for a product template
[-- DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for a subproduct template
[-- END_DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] The end of HTML for a subproduct template
[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a more info page template
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for a more info page template
[-- DEFINE PRODUCT_CROSS_SELL --] The beginning of product cross sell for a product template
[-- END_DEFINE PRODUCT_CROSS_SELL --] The end of product cross sell for a product template


[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] Start of the subproduct loop for outputting Product information for the assigned subproducts
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS VAR.somename --] Start of the subproduct loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS number --] Start of the subproduct loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- SUBPRODUCTS template_name --] Create the Subproduct information by invoking the Subproduct section of the template named, or if there is none, the current template.
[-- END_LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] End of the Subproduct Loop
[-- PRODUCT.SubProduct --] A comma delimited list of product record IDs representing this product's subproducts
[-- PRODUCT.NumSubProducts --] Number of subproducts assigned to this product
[-- PRODUCT.Parent --] Returns the product ID of the parent product. All subproducts must include this tag as a hidden form field with the name "super", like this:
<input type=hidden name="super" value="[-- PRODUCT.Parent --]">

Product Database Tags

(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter)


[-- PRODUCT.Name --] Name
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayName --] Display name?
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle --] The font style for the product name, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize --] The font Size for the product name, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.VariableName? --] Does product have variable name enabled?


[-- PRODUCT.Price --] Price
[-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --] Sale amount
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --] Display price?
[-- PRODUCT.SaleOn --] Display sale price?
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --] The font style for the product price, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize --] The font Size for the product price, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --] Price in second currency
[-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --] Sale amount in second currency
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --] Display the Quantity Pricing table
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity --] Let customers enter quantity on store pages?
[-- PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --] Does product have variable pricing enabled?
[-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --] Minimum quantity allowed for product.

Subscription Information

[-- PRODUCT.SubscriptionProduct --] Whether or not the product uses recurring/subscription billing.
[-- PRODUCT.SubPaymentIntervalUnit --] Interval unit (Weekly, Monthly, etc.)
[-- PRODUCT.SubRegularPaymentAmount --] Payment amount after (optional) trial period ends.
[-- PRODUCT.SubEndingPeriod --] The number of payment periods (interval units) that the subscription will last.
[-- PRODUCT.SubBillOn --] The date on which payments are to be billed.
[-- PRODUCT.SubTrialCheckBox --] Whether the trial offer is enabled or disabled.
[-- PRODUCT.SubTrialPaymentAmount --] The price of the offered trial period.
[-- PRODUCT.SubTrialPeriods --] The number of payment periods (interval units) that the trial will last.
[-- PRODUCT.SubOneTimeCheckBox --] Whether or not there will be a "One-time" fee.
[-- PRODUCT.SubOneTimePaymentAmount --] The price of the "One-time" fee.


[-- PRODUCT.Taxable --] True if the product is taxable.
[-- PRODUCT.TaxCode --] Tax code used by AvaTax and the Tax API.


[-- PRODUCT.DisplaySKU --] Display SKU?
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle --] The font style for the product SKU, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize --] The font Size for the product SKU, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., </big>
[-- PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --] Does product have variable SKU enabled?


[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the product graphic.
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic Remove_HTML --] All information defined for the product graphic including the file path and attributes.
[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --] The media subdirectory and file name of the product graphic
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayGraphic --] Display Graphic?
[-- PRODUCT.ImageSize --] Returns the preset size of the image used for the More Info Image. Their values can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 representing Original, Medium, Small, and Extra Small resized images.
[-- PRODUCT.ImageAlignment --] Image Alignment
[-- PRODUCT.TextWrap --] Text Wrap
[-- PRODUCT.QtyPricingBackGroundColor --] Background color for quantity pricing products.
[-- PRODUCT.QtyPricingCommentBackGroundColor --] Background color for the text of quantity pricing products.
[-- PRODUCT.QtyPricingOnSaleBackGroundColor --] Background color for on sale quantity pricing.
[-- PRODUCT.QtyPricingComment --] The quantity pricing comment.


[-- PRODUCT.QtyPricingComment --] Product review.


[-- PRODUCT.ProductDescription --] Product Description
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle --] The font style for the product description, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN.
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., <b>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --] The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., </b>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize --] The font Size for the product description, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small.
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --] The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., <big>
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --] The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., </big>

Shipping Charges

[-- PRODUCT.ShippingCharge --] Shipping charge (for Flat-Rate Shipping)
[-- PRODUCT.GroundShipping --] Ground shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.SecondDayShipping --] Second Day Shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.NextDayShipping --] Next Day Shipping charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping0 --] Shipping 0 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping1 --] Shipping 1 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping2 --] Shipping 2 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping3 --] Shipping 3 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping4 --] Shipping 4 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping5 --] Shipping 5 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping6 --] Shipping 6 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping7 --] Shipping 7 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping8 --] Shipping 8 charge
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping9 --] Shipping 9 charge
[-- PRODUCT.NoShippingCharges --] No Shipping Charges
[-- PRODUCT.Weight --] Weight
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionOptions --] Dimension Options
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionText --] Dimension Text
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionSelected --] Dimension Selected
[-- PRODUCT.ExtraHandlingCharge --] Extra Handling Charge

Ordering Options

[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --] Display ordering options on store pages?
[-- PRODUCT.UseNewOption --] Returns "checked" if Advanced Ordering Options are in use for the product..
[-- PRODUCT.UseMultiMenus --] Returns "checked" if the Cascading Menu feature is enabled.
[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --] Ordering options description
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line --] Create the order option menu(s) on a table row
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) on a table row, use SKU instead of record number
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column --] Create the order option menu(s) in a table column
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) in a table column, use SKU instead of record number
[-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat --] Create the order option menu(s) without any table formatting
[-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat SKU --] Create the order option menu(s) without any table formatting, use SKU instead of record number
[-- PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --] Pull-down menu text in a format that needs to be processed by a CALL program.
[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBox --] Text entry box displayed in the shopping cart?

Add/View Buttons

[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --] The URL of the Add to Cart link
[-- Shopping_Cart_URL --] The URL of the View Cart link
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] The value defined for the Add To Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] The value defined for the View Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image.
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text.
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartButton --] The value of the Text field for the Add to Cart button
[-- PRODUCT.ViewCartButton --] The value of the Text field for the View Cart button
[-- PRODUCT.OrderCheckout --] Complete Add to Cart and View Cart buttons, including hyperlinks, text or graphics, and complete <FORM> tags if required by the product settings.
[-- AddImage? --] True if using an image for Add to Cart button
[-- AddImage --] The src and parameters for the Add to Cart image, or "none" if no image
[-- AddImage Image_Name --] The media subdirectory and file name of the Add to Cart image
[-- AddText --] Text for the Add to Cart link, or null if an image is used.
[-- ViewImage? --] True if using an image for View Cart button
[-- ViewImage --] The src and parameters for the View Cart image, or "none" if no image
[-- ViewImage Image_Name --] The media subdirectory and file name of the View Cart image
[-- ViewText --] Text for the View Cart link, or null if an image is used.

Inventory Tracking

[-- PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand --] Quantity On Hand
[-- PRODUCT.LowStockThreshold --] Low Stock Threshold
[-- PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --] Out Of Stock Limit
[-- ProductInventoryPopUp {link name} --] Create a link that will make a pop-up window displaying the Quantity On Hand, where link name is the text for the link.
[-- ProductInventoryActual path_to_shopping_cart_cgi {description text} --] Display current Quantity On Hand on the page using Server Side Includes (SSI), where description text appears before the number.


[-- PRODUCT.SearchKeywords --] Search Keywords

Google Merchant Center Fields

[-- IF Product.UseFroogle --] Test if the product will be included in Google Merchant Center feeds.
[-- Product.Brand --] The Google Merchant Center Brand attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleGTIN --] The Google Merchant Center GTIN attribute, most commonly the ISBN or UPC.
[-- Product.GoogleMPN --] The Google Merchant Center MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleAvailability --] The Google Merchant Center Availability attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleGender --] The Google Merchant Center Gender attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleAgeGroup --] The Google Merchant Center Age Group attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleProductCategory --] The Google Merchant Center Product Category attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleProductType --] The Google Merchant Center Product Type attribute.
[-- Product.GoogleCondition --] The Google Merchant Center Condition attribute.

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- STORE.ProductField1 --] Name of Extra Field 1
[-- STORE.ProductField2 --] Name of Extra Field 2
[-- STORE.ProductField3 --] Name of Extra Field 3
[-- STORE.ProductField4 --] Name of Extra Field 4
[-- STORE.ProductField5 --] Name of Extra Field 5
[-- STORE.ProductField6 --] Name of Extra Field 6
[-- STORE.ProductField7 --] Name of Extra Field 7
[-- STORE.ProductField8 --] Name of Extra Field 8
[-- STORE.ProductField9 --] Name of Extra Field 9
[-- STORE.ProductField10 --] Name of Extra Field 10
[-- STORE.ProductField11 --] Name of Extra Field 11
[-- STORE.ProductField12 --] Name of Extra Field 12
[-- STORE.ProductField13 --] Name of Extra Field 13
[-- STORE.ProductField14 --] Name of Extra Field 14
[-- STORE.ProductField15 --] Name of Extra Field 15
[-- STORE.ProductField16 --] Name of Extra Field 16
[-- STORE.ProductField17 --] Name of Extra Field 17
[-- STORE.ProductField18 --] Name of Extra Field 18
[-- STORE.ProductField19 --] Name of Extra Field 19
[-- STORE.ProductField20 --] Name of Extra Field 20
[-- STORE.ProductField21 --] Name of Extra Field 21
[-- STORE.ProductField22 --] Name of Extra Field 22
[-- STORE.ProductField23 --] Name of Extra Field 23
[-- STORE.ProductField24 --] Name of Extra Field 24
[-- STORE.ProductField25 --] Name of Extra Field 25
[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] Extra Field 1
[-- PRODUCT.Field2 --] Extra Field 2
[-- PRODUCT.Field3 --] Extra Field 3
[-- PRODUCT.Field4 --] Extra Field 4
[-- PRODUCT.Field5 --] Extra Field 5
[-- PRODUCT.Field6 --] Extra Field 6
[-- PRODUCT.Field7 --] Extra Field 7
[-- PRODUCT.Field8 --] Extra Field 8
[-- PRODUCT.Field9 --] Extra Field 9
[-- PRODUCT.Field10 --] Extra Field 10
[-- PRODUCT.Field11 --] Extra Field 11
[-- PRODUCT.Field12 --] Extra Field 12
[-- PRODUCT.Field13 --] Extra Field 13
[-- PRODUCT.Field14 --] Extra Field 14
[-- PRODUCT.Field15 --] Extra Field 15
[-- PRODUCT.Field16 --] Extra Field 16
[-- PRODUCT.Field17 --] Extra Field 17
[-- PRODUCT.Field18 --] Extra Field 18
[-- PRODUCT.Field19 --] Extra Field 19
[-- PRODUCT.Field20 --] Extra Field 20
[-- PRODUCT.Field21 --] Extra Field 21
[-- PRODUCT.Field22 --] Extra Field 22
[-- PRODUCT.Field23 --] Extra Field 23
[-- PRODUCT.Field24 --] Extra Field 24
[-- PRODUCT.Field25 --] Extra Field 25


[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --] The record number of the product
[-- PRODUCT.ProductType --] The product type; can be "Download" or "Tangible"
[-- IF PRODUCT.ProductType "Download" --] True if the product is a download.
[-- PRODUCT.DobaItemID --] The Doba item ID if the product is a Doba item.
[-- IF PRODUCT.DobaItemID --] True if the product is a Doba item.
[-- PRODUCT.CrossSell --] Whether or not the item has cross-sell products associated with it.

Product More Info Page Tags


[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a more info page template
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for a more info page template

Product Information

[-- PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --] Create a More Info page for this product?
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationTitle --] Content of Title tag
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --] Product description for More Info page
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationImageSize --] Returns the preset size of the image used for the More Info Image. Their values can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 representing Original, Medium, Small, and Extra Small resized images.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationExtraImageSize --] Returns the preset size of the image used for the extra More Info Image. Their values can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 representing Original, Medium, Small, and Extra Small resized images.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoProductCrossSell --] Returns whether or not the product is included in the More Info Product Cross Sell list.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --] Returns a full <img src> tag for the product More Info Page graphic.
[-- IMAGE Product.MoreInformationGraphic --] Returns the path and file name of the product More Information Page graphic, relative to the store’s media directory.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaDescription --] Content of Meta Description tag
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationMetaKeywords --] Content of Meta Keywords tag
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationFileName --] The file name of the product More Info Page.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --] URL of product's More Info page
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationProductCrossSell --] Cross-sell items that appear on the More Information page.
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoImageX --] Where 'X' is a number between 1 and 20. More Info page imageX.
[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.MoreInfoImageX --] Where 'X' is a number between 1 and 20. Returns the path and file name of the product More Info page imageX, relative to the store’s media directory.
[-- MoreInfoImageRow --] All of the More Info page images, displayed in rows, as defined in Preferences > More Info Pages.

Product Reviews

[-- IF REVIEWS --] Conditional check to see if Product Reviews are enabled.
[-- STORE.Reviews_Header --] The text from Reviews field of Merchandising -> Product Reviews -> Configure.
[-- REVIEWS_STARS --] Star images.
[-- REVIEWS_COUNT --] Indicates number of reviews.
[-- REVIEWS_COUNT_NUMBER --] Number of reviews only.
[-- REVIEWS_STARS_NUMBER --] Number for star rank only.
[-- REVIEWS_WRITE_REVIEW_LINK --] Link to "write a review" pop up.
[-- REVIEWS_READ_REVIEWS_LINK --] Link to "read all reviews" pop up.
[-- REVIEWS_FEATURED --] List of reviews displayed on more info page.
[-- REVIEWS_MAIN --] Needed in reviews product template.

Header and Footer

[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --] True if merchant wants the Page Header on More Info pages.
[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter --] True if merchant wants the Page Footer on More Info pages.


[-- SEARCH_FORM --] Insert the search form

Tell A Friend

[-- TELLAFRIEND LinkText --] Create a Tell A Friend link to the page.

Customer Registration

[-- RegistrationSignIn --] Inserts links for customer registration and login.
[-- STORE.NewCustomer --] text: New Customer?
[-- STORE.ToRegister --] text: Click here to register
[-- STORE.RetCustomer --] text: Returning Customer?
[-- STORE.ToSignIn --] text: Click here to sign in
[-- STORE.ViewEdit --] text: View/Edit account
[-- STORE.SignOut --] text: Sign out

Mini Cart

[-- MiniCart --] Displays the Mini Cart on store pages.

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if ShopSite is configured to display the High Security image.
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] Returns the HTML code to display the High Security image on the page.

Colors and Background

[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundColor --] Background color
[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImage --] Background image
[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImageURL --] The path and filename of the Background image
[-- MORE_INFO.TextColor --] Text color
[-- MORE_INFO.LinkColor --] Link color
[-- MORE_INFO.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited link color
[-- MORE_INFO.ActiveLinkColor --] Active link color

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software