ShopSite Custom Template Tags

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Mobile Tags
All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Gift Certificate Tags

Special Gift Certificate Tags

Header and Footer

[-- GiftCertHeader --] Text at the top of the Gift Certificate Screen
[-- IF GiftCertHeader --] True if there is content in the Gift Certificate Header field.
[-- GiftCertFooter --] Text at the bottom of the Gift Certificate Screen
[-- IF GiftCertFooter --] True if there is content in the Gift Certificate Footer field.


[-- GiftCertInstruction --] instructions for ordering gift certificates.
[-- GiftCertPolicy --] the policy regarding Gift Certificates
[-- Store.GiftCert_Policy --] text: Gift Certificate Policy
[-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --] text: Gift Certificate
[-- Store.GiftCert_From --] text: From
[-- Store.GiftCert_Message --] text: Message
[-- Store.GiftCert_To --] text: Presented To
[-- Store.GiftCertNumber --] text: Number
[-- Store.GiftCertPIN --] text: PIN
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ToRedeem --] text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please click on this link
[-- GiftCert_OnOrderScreen --] text: On the order screen you will be able to redeem this gift certificate by entering the following number and PIN values.
[-- Store.GiftCert_ToRedeemCutPaste --] text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please cut and paste this link into your web browers


[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundImage --] Background Image
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_TextColor --] Text color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_LinkColor --] Link color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_VisitedLinkColor --] Visited link color
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ActiveLinkColor --] Active link color

Gift Certificate Order Page

(These tags are used on the gift certificate order page)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate template
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate template

Shopping Cart Code

[-- ShopSiteMessages --]

Order Form Segments

[-- SC_FORM --] opening form section. close form with </form> tag.
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --] certificate monetary value form section
[-- GiftCertEmailMail --] E-mail/Mail selection form section
[-- GiftCertToFromMsg --] To, From, and Message form sections


[-- BUTTON BackToStore --] Back To Store button
[-- BUTTON BuyGiftCertificate --] Buy Gift Certificate button

E-mail Gift Certificate

(These tags are used in the gift certificate E-mail)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail

Certificate Text

[-- GiftCert_Amount --] Monetary value of certificate
[-- GiftCert_To --] Certificate recipient
[-- GiftCert_From --] presenter of certificate
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] is there a message?
[-- GiftCert_Message --] optional message
[-- GiftCert_Number --] certificate redemption number
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] certificate redemption PIN
[-- GiftCert_Date --] certificate expiration date

Printed Gift Certificate

(These tags are used on the print gift certificate page)


[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate print page
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] The end of the HTML for the gift certificate print page

Mail Certificate Information

[-- IF FIRST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] is this the first certificate?
[-- IF LAST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] is this the last certificate?

Certificate Text

[-- GiftCert_Amount --] Monetary value of certificate
[-- GiftCert_To --] Certificate recipient
[-- GiftCert_From --] presenter of certificate
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] is there a message?
[-- GiftCert_Message --] optional message
[-- GiftCert_Number --] certificate redemption number
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] certificate redemption PIN
[-- GiftCert_Date --] certificate expiration date

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software