ShopSite Custom Template Tags

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Mobile Tags
All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Global Tags

(These tags can be used in any template type)


[-- INCLUDE filename --] Places the contents of filename into the output file.
[-- INCLUDE filename PROCESS --] Reads in filename and processes any custom template tags, then places the processed contents into the output file.


[-- VAR.somename value --] Set somename to value
[-- VAR.somename STORE.field --] Set somename to the value of the STORE field
[-- VAR.somename PAGE.field --] Set somename to the value of the specified page database field
[-- VAR.somename PRODUCT.field --] Set somename to the value of the specified product database field
[-- VAR.somename --] Display the value of somename
[-- VAR.somename INC --] Increment somename value by one
[-- VAR.somename DEC --] Decrement somename value by one


[-- IF parameter --] Tests if a parameter is checked or not empty (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 EQ parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 NE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is not equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 LT parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is less than parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 LE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is less than or equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 GT parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is greater thanparameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- IF parameter1 GE parameter2 --] Tests if parameter1 is greater than or equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True.
[-- ELSE --] Start the code block that is used if the IF test is false.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter --] Tests another parameter if the IF test and preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 EQ parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the two parameters are equal.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 NE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is not equal to the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 LT parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is less than the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 LE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is less than or equal to the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 GT parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is greater than the second parameter.
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 GE parameter2 --] Tests another evaluation between two parameters if the IF test and/or preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. In this case, whether the first parameter is greater than or equal to the second parameter.
[-- END_IF --] Marks the end of the IF/ELSE blocks
[-- IF ANALYTICS_MULTI_DOMAIN --] Used to test if you should include Google Analytics cross-domain link handling to anchor and form tags

CALL External Program

[-- CALL program (parameters,...) --] Invokes a program, may have many parameters

Display Message

[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message on page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of on page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of PAGE.nameon page generation screen
[-- GENERATE_MESSAGE "message" --] Display message and value of on page generation screen

Store Tags

(Can be in all templates, and can be used with the REMOVE_HTML parameter)

Store Identification

[-- STORE.Name --] The store's name
[-- STORE.Type --] The store's type, i.e. PROFESSIONAL, MANAGER, or STARTER.
[-- STORE.ID --] Store ID (encrypted)
[-- STORE_Serial_Number --] Store serial number

Store URLs

[-- MyStoreURL --] String from the "My Store" URL field, generally the URL to the store's index.html page.
[-- STORE.Output_URL --] URL of the store's HTML directory.
[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --] URL of the store's HTML directory.
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --] URL to store's shopping cart
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --] URL to the store's shopping cart directory
[-- ShopSite_Images --] URL to the store's ShopSite Images directory
[-- STORE.UseCompanyLogo --] Returns whether or not the company logo will be used. This must be set in order to use Store.CompanyLogo, Store.CompanyURL, and Store.CompanyLink, detailed below.
[-- IMAGE STORE.CompanyLogo --] Just the image set as the Company Logo.
[-- STORE.CompanyURL --] Just the URL text.
[-- STORE.CompanyLink --] Combines the URL and logo to form an actual HREF.

Store Appearance

[-- STORE.TextColor --] Text Color
[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --] Backgound Color
[-- STORE.LinkColor --] Link Color
[-- STORE.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited Link Color
[-- STORE.ActiveLinkColor --] Active Link Color
[-- STORE.TableShadeColor --] Table Shade Color
[-- STORE.SearchFormColor --] Search Form Color
[-- STORE.QtyPriceBackGroundColor --] Quantity Price Background Color
[-- STORE.QtyPriceCommentBackGroundColor --] Quantity Price Comment Background Color
[-- STORE.QtyPriceOnSaleBackGroundColor --] Quantity Price On Sale Background Color
[-- IMAGE STORE.BackGroundImage --] Background Image
[-- IMAGE STORE.HeaderImage --] Just the Header Image
[-- STORE.HeaderURL --] Just the header URL
[-- STORE.HeaderLink --] Combined header image and URL, forming an actual HREF
[-- IMAGE STORE.Image1 --] Just image1
[-- STORE.Image1URL --] Just the image1 URL
[-- STORE.Image1Link --] Combined image1 with URL, forming an actual HREF
[-- IMAGE STORE.Image2 --] Just image2
[-- STORE.Image2URL --] Just the image2 URL
[-- STORE.Image2Link --] Combined image2 with URL, forming an actual HREF
[-- STORE.Font --] Font
[-- STORE.FontSize --] Font Size
[-- STORE.PageWidth --] Page Width
[-- STORE.Color1 --] Color1
[-- STORE.Color2 --] Color2
[-- STORE.Color3 --] Color3
[-- STORE.Color4 --] Color4
[-- STORE.Color5 --] Color5

E-Mail Addresses

[-- STORE.Email --] Merchant e-mail address.
[-- STORE.EmailTo --] A mailto link using merchant's e-mail address.

Date and Time

[-- STORE.Date --] Server date
[-- STORE.Time --] Server time

Text Field Tags

(The default values for these fields are shown here, but the merchant can change the text.)
[-- STORE.Product --] Product
[-- STORE.ProductName --] Name
[-- STORE.Price --] Price
[-- STORE.OnSaleText --] On Sale!
[-- STORE.Item --] Item
[-- STORE.Items --] Items
[-- STORE.Contains --] Contains
[-- STORE.Subtotal --] Subtotal
[-- STORE.Qty --] Qty
[-- STORE.TotalQuantity --] Total Quantity
[-- STORE.Back --] Back
[-- STORE.URL --] Store URL:
[-- STORE.YourIP --] Your IP Address is
[--STORE.Home--] Home
[--STORE.OrderQuantity--] Order Quantity
[-- Store.MoreDetails --] More Details
[-- Store.RelatedProducts --] Related Products
[-- Store.Inventory --] Inventory
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] Text or image for the Add To Cart button
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] Text or image for the View Cart button
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text.
[-- STORE.SearchImage --] The Search button image name.

Wishlist Tags

Use these tags to implement the WishList feature
[-- IF WishList --] Test for WishList content.
[-- WishList --] Wishlist content.
[-- END_IF --] Closes WishList test.

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software