ShopSite Custom Template Tags

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Mobile Tags
All Tags

For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Page Tags

Special Page Tags


[-- DEFINE PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for a page template
[-- END_DEFINE PAGE --] The end of HTML for a page template
[-- DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] The beginning of HTML for the link to the current page
[-- END_DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] The end of HTML for the link to the current page

Header and Footer

[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed.
[-- IF HEADER --] True if the merchant has created content for the page header.
[-- HEADER --] Page Header
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed.
[-- IF FOOTER --] True if there is content in the page footer.
[-- FOOTER --] Page Footer


[-- LOOP PRODUCTS --] Start of the product Loop for outputting product information
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS PAGE.Columns --] Start of the product loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS VAR.somename --] Start of the product loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS number --] Start of the product loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS NOANAME --] Start of the product loop, prevents insertion of default anchor tag.
[-- PRODUCT --] Create the product information using the template defined for the product
[-- PRODUCT template --] Create the product information using the specified product template
[-- END_LOOP PRODUCTS --] End of the Product Loop
[-- LOOP LINKS --] Start of the Link Loop for outputting Product information
[-- LOOP LINKS PAGE.Columns --] Start of the links loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP LINKS VAR.somename --] Start of the links loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LOOP LINKS number --] Start of the links loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate
[-- LINK --] Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page
[-- LINK template --] Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page and using the specified page template
[-- END_LOOP LINKS --] End of the Link Loop
[-- LOOP ITEMS --] Start of the Product/Link Loop for outputting Product information and Link information
[-- ITEMS --] Create the Product information and the page link information
[-- END_LOOP ITEMS --] End of the Link Loop


[-- SEARCH_FORM --] Insert the search form

Mini Cart

[-- MiniCart --] Display mini cart on page

Customer Registration

[-- RegistrationSignIn --] Customer Registration Sign in/Register links
[-- STORE.NewCustomer --] text: New Customer?
[-- STORE.ToRegister --] text: Click here to register
[-- STORE.RetCustomer --] text: Returning Customer?
[-- STORE.ToSignIn --] text: Click here to sign in
[-- STORE.ViewEdit --] text: View/Edit account
[-- STORE.SignOut --] text: Sign out

Gift Certificates

[-- IF GiftCert --] Display link to purchase gift certificates on page?
[-- GiftCertlink --] Link to page where customers can purchase gift certificates.

Social Media

[-- IF SOCIAL_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow" options and provided account information for all social media services in the back office.
[-- SOCIAL_FOLLOW {reverse} --] This is equivalent to putting [-- Facebook_Follow --][-- Twitter_Follow --][-- GooglePlus_Follow --][-- Pinterest_Follow --] in your code and is provided as a shorthand for doing so.
Using the optional 'reverse' parameter will flip the order of the tags, equivalent to putting [-- Pinterest_Follow --][-- GooglePlus_Follow --][-- Twitter_Follow --][-- Facebook_Follow --] in your code.
[-- IF SOCIAL_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share" options and provided account information for all social media services in the back office.
[-- SOCIAL_SHARE --] This is equivalent to putting [-- Facebook_Share --][-- Twitter_Share --][-- GooglePlus_Share --][-- Pinterest_Share --] in your code and is provided as a shorthand for doing so.
[-- IF FACEBOOK_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Facebook" option and provided a Facebook account in the back office.
[-- FACEBOOK_FOLLOW --] Link to follow merchant's Facebook account.
[-- IF FACEBOOK_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Facebook" option in the back office.
[-- FACEBOOK_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Facebook wall.
[-- IF TWITTER_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Twitter" option and provided a Twitter account in the back office.
[-- TWITTER_FOLLOW --] Link to merchant's twitter account.
[-- IF TWITTER_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Twitter" option in the back office.
[-- TWITTER_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Twitter feed.
[-- IF GOOGLEPLUS_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Google Plus" option and provided a Google Plus account in the back office.
[-- GOOGLEPLUS_FOLLOW --] Link to the merchant's Google Plus account.
[-- IF GOOGLEPLUS_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Google Plus" option in the back office.
[-- GOOGLEPLUS_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Google Plus feed.
[-- IF PINTEREST_FOLLOW --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Follow on Pinterest" option and provided a Pinterest account in the back office.
[-- PINTEREST_FOLLOW --] Link to merchant's Pinterest account.
[-- IF PINTEREST_SHARE --] True if the merchant has enabled the "Share on Pinterest" option in the back office and there is an image to share on the page.
[-- PINTEREST_SHARE --] Link to share the current page on the customer's Pinterest feed.

High Security Image

[-- IF ShopSiteSecurityImage --] True if ShopSite is configured to display the High Security image.
[-- ShopSiteSecurityImage --] Returns the HTML code to display the High Security image on the page.

Page Database Tags

(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter)


[-- PAGE.Name --] Page Name
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] True if the merchant wants the page name displayed.
[-- PAGE.Title --] Page Title tag contents

Banner Graphic

[-- PAGE.Graphic --] Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic.
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] File name of the page banner graphic
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed.


[-- PAGE.Text1 --] Text 1
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] Text 2
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] Text 3


[-- PAGE.LinkName --] Link Name
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] Link Graphic
[-- PAGE.LinkText --] Link Text


[-- PAGE.Layout --] The page alignment setting
[-- PAGE.Columns --] The number of columns for the page
[-- PAGE.LinkColumns --] The number of columns for links on the page
[-- PAGE.TextWrap --] "on" if Link Text Wrap is enabled.
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] True if column borders are to be displayed.
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] Page Width

Colors and Background

[-- PAGE.TextColor --] Text Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] Background Color
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] Link Color
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] Visited Link Color
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] Active Link Color
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] Background Image

File Name

[-- PAGE.FileName --] File name

Search Result Product Link Fragment

[-- SEARCHPRODUCTLINK --] Fragment anchor for search links (#product_id)

Meta Tags

[-- PAGE.MetaKeywords --] Meta Keywords
[-- PAGE.MetaDescription --] Meta Description


[-- PAGE.SearchProductField --] True if the merchant wants a product search form on this page.
[-- PAGE.IndexedForSearch --] True if the merchant wants the products on this page indexed for search.

Multipage Generation

[-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] Number of products to appear on a generated page; 0 = all.
[-- PrevNext --] Insert multipage navigation links
[-- PrevNext NoCenter --] Insert multipage navigation links without center tags

Assigned Items

[-- PAGE.NumProducts --] Number of products assigned to the page
[-- PAGE.NumLinks --] Number of links assigned to the page
[-- PAGE.NumItems --] Combined number of links and products assigned to the page

Merchant-Definable Fields

[-- STORE.PageFieldX --] Name of Extra Field X, where X is a number between 1 and 25.
[-- PAGE.FieldX --] Extra Field X, where X is a number between 1 and 25.

Pagination Fields

[-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNum --] Current page number when multipages/pagination is used.
[-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNumMax --] Maximum number of pages when multipages/pagination is used.

ShopSite Shopping Cart Software