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Working with ShopSite

The Working with ShopSite guide contains answers to questions about all aspects of ShopSite. The questions are sorted by general subject. You can also use the help index and help search to find information.

General ShopSite FAQs, such as "What does this error message mean?"

Store FAQs, such as "How do I use ShopSite with my existing Web site?"

Product FAQs, such as "How do I put products on sale?"

Page FAQs, such as "How do I add pages to my store?"

Picture and Media FAQs, such as "How big should my pictures be?"

Shopping Cart FAQs, such as "Can I set a minimum quantity for orders?"

Order FAQs, such as "How do I know when I have new orders?"

Payment FAQs, such as "How do I get paid for orders?"

Tax FAQs, such as "How do I not charge tax on shipping costs?"

Merchandising FAQs, such as "How do I use OrderAnywhere?"

Customizing ShopSite FAQs, such as "How do I add a message to the order form?"

Reports FAQs, such as "How many people have visited my store?"

Customizing FAQs, such as "How do I customize the look of the shopping cart pages?"

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ShopSite Help and Resource Center
February 13, 2004
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software