Customized Buttons

You can spice up your web site by using graphical buttons instead of plain text links throughout your store. ShopSite allows you to Upload Images and Select a Button for many of the links in your store.

Sample Buttons

Below, you will find a few examples of buttons you could use on your store. If you like something you see here, feel free to download it and use it on your store. You can also make your own buttons using a program like Crystal Button, which is an easy-to-use application for building custom buttons for web sites (some of the buttons below were made using Crystal Button).


Button List

ShopSite Pro stores using all the available features can have as many as 40 different buttons. The following table identifies all the possible buttons by where they are configured (for a description of the button, click the section name to go to the Store Text configuration page where the buttons are set):

Product Shopping Cart Checkout Customer Registration Gift Certificates Tell A Friend
  • Add To Cart
  • View Cart
  • Search
  • ContinueShopping
  • Recalculate
  • Checkout
  • EmptyCart
  • ApplyCoupon
  • TaxShipping
  • Remove
  • Update
  • SubmitOrder
  • ReturnToCart
  • Confirmation
  • MakeChanges
  • ReturnToStore
  • Save
  • Cancel
  • SignIn
  • Submit
  • Orders
  • Preferences
  • ShipTo
  • Payment
  • Password
  • Done
  • ChangePassword
  • ChangeChallenge
  • Yes
  • No
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • View
  • BackToCart
  • BackToStore
  • BuyGiftCertificate
  • ApplyGiftCertificate
  • SendToFriend
  • Close
  • Back

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software