Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Store Text > Tell A Friend

Store Text: Tell A Friend

Tell A Friend

Send to a Friend!
Title text on the form. Also used as the text for Tell A Friend links on pages in many of the built-in templates.
Your Name (First & Last)
Text on the form describing the sender's first and last name text box.
Your E-mail
Text describing the sender's e-mail text box on the form.
Friend's E-mail
Text describing the recipeint e-mail text box on the form.
Sending page link for
Text on the main form indicating the link that will be sent in the e-mail message.
Choose the message that's right for you...
Text on the main form indicating the customer should select one of the allowed messages.
Your e-mail has been sent!
Text on the confirmation screen indicating the message was sent successfully.
Your e-mail has not been sent!
Text on the confirmation screen indicating a delivery failure.
Text in the e-mail, indicating the sender.
The text in the e-mail indicating the recipient.
Click below to see the item
The text in the e-mail referencing the page link.
Your Friend
The closing text in the e-mail message (before the sender's name)


Warnings will be displayed in a pop-up JavaScript warning box.

Please enter your e-mail address
The Your e-mail Address field is empty.
Please enter your friend's e-mail address
The Friend's e-mail field is empty.
There was an error trying to send the e-mail. The merchant has been notified
Notification that the system was unable to send the E-mail.
Please enter your name
The Name field has been left empty.
is not valid
Data in the field is unuseable.
That many Friend e-mail addresses not allowed
The number of addresses in the Friend's e-mail field exceeds the allowed number of recipient addresses.
Badly formed Friend's e-mail address
The e-mail address in the Friend's e-mail section has bad or missing characters.
Empty or missing E-mail address
A required e-mail address has not been entered.


Select text or an image to use for the various action buttons. See the Button Tool help for more information on selecting a button.

Send To Friend
The send button on the Tell A Friend form screen.
The Close button, displayed on the confirmation page.
The Back button, displayed on the confirmation page if sending the message fails.

Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes. Click Reset to Default to return all fields to their default settings.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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