Installing More than One Copy
of ShopSite on a Server

ShopSite CSP resellers who are hosting multiple ShopSite stores on their server can save disk space and consolidate their ShopSite operation by having all stores use the same ShopSite and shopping cart CGIs.

When first installing ShopSite and creating the first store, it is generally a good idea to make several ShopSite-specific subdirectories:

See the directory map in the installation instructions for a graphical representation of this structure.

Write down or print a copy of the settings that you use when installing the software. This can save guesswork when you install additional stores or if you need to install again.

When installing additional ShopSite stores, use the same path and URL for the shopsite and shopping cart CGI directories as you did for the initial installation. The install program will overwrite the existing CGIs, so if you are upgrading to a new version you must first run upgrade to upgrade all the ShopSite stores that are sharing the same CGIs.

When installing a new store, be sure not to specify the same data directory or output directory as an existing store. It's a good idea to give each store a subdirectory named after its store ID to prevent confusion.

Note: If you have a secure server, you can use it for all the ShopSite stores on your server, even if each one has a different URL. There's more information about making your ShopSite store secure.

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