Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
All Tags
Global Tags(These tags can be used in any template type) |
[-- INCLUDE filename --] | Places the contents of filename into the output file. |
[-- INCLUDE filename PROCESS --] | Reads in filename and processes any custom template tags, then places the processed contents into the output file. |
VAR | |
[-- VAR.somename value --] | Set somename to value |
[-- VAR.somename STORE.field --] | Set somename to the value of the STORE field |
[-- VAR.somename PAGE.field --] | Set somename to the value of the specified page database field |
[-- VAR.somename PRODUCT.field --] | Set somename to the value of the specified product database field |
[-- VAR.somename --] | Display the value of somename |
[-- VAR.somename INC --] | Increment somename value by one |
[-- VAR.somename DEC --] | Decrement somename value by one |
IF | |
[-- IF parameter --] | Tests if a parameter is checked or not empty (True), and processes the following code if True. |
[-- IF parameter1 parameter2 --] | Tests if parameter1 is equal to parameter2 (True), and processes the following code if True. |
[-- ELSE --] | Start the code block that is used if the IF test is false. |
[-- ELSE_IF parameter --] | Tests another parameter if the IF test and preceding ELSE_IF tests were false, and processes the following code if True. |
[-- ELSE_IF parameter1 parameter2 --] | Same as ELSE_IF but with two parameters. |
[-- END_IF --] | Marks the end of the IF/ELSE blocks |
CALL External Program | |
[-- CALL program (parameters,...) --] | Invokes a program, may have many parameters |
Display Message | |
[-- DISPLAY_MESSAGE "message" --] | Display message on page generation screen |
[-- DISPLAY_MESSAGE "message" --] | Display message and value of on page generation screen |
[-- DISPLAY_MESSAGE "message" --] | Display message and value of PAGE.nameon page generation screen |
[-- DISPLAY_MESSAGE "message" --] | Display message and value of on page generation screen |
Store Tags(Can be in all templates, and can be used with the REMOVE_HTML parameter) |
Store Identification | |
[-- STORE.Name --] | The store's name |
[-- STORE.Type --] | The store's type, i.e. PROFESSIONAL, MANAGER, or STARTER. |
[-- STORE.ID --] | Store ID (encrypted) |
[-- STORE_Serial_Number --] | Store serial number |
Store URLs | |
[-- MyStoreURL --] | String from the "My Store" URL field, generally the URL to the store's index.html page. |
[-- STORE.Output_URL --] | URL of the store's HTML directory. |
[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --] | URL of the store's HTML directory. |
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --] | URL to store's shopping cart |
[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --] | URL to the store's shopping cart directory |
E-Mail Addresses | |
[-- STORE.Email --] | Merchant e-mail address. |
[-- STORE.EmailTo --] | A mailto link using merchant's e-mail address. |
Date and Time | |
[-- STORE.Date --] | Server date |
[-- STORE.Time --] | Server time |
Text Field Tags(The default values for these fields are shown here, but the merchant can change the text.) |
[-- STORE.Product --] | Product |
[-- STORE.ProductName --] | Name |
[-- STORE.Price --] | Price |
[-- STORE.OnSaleText --] | On Sale! |
[-- STORE.SKU --] | SKU |
[-- STORE.Item --] | Item |
[-- STORE.Items --] | Items |
[-- STORE.Contains --] | Contains |
[-- STORE.Subtotal --] | Subtotal |
[-- STORE.Qty --] | Qty |
[-- STORE.TotalQuantity --] | Total Quantity |
[-- STORE.Back --] | Back |
[-- STORE.URL --] | Store URL: |
[-- STORE.YourIP --] | Your IP Address is |
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] | The value defined for the Add To Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image. |
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] | Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text. |
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] | The value defined for the View Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image. |
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] | Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text. |
Page Tags |
Special Page Tags |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE PAGE --] | The beginning of HTML for a page template |
[-- END_DEFINE PAGE --] | The end of HTML for a page template |
[-- DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] | The beginning of HTML for the link to the current page |
[-- END_DEFINE LINK_TO_PAGE --] | The end of HTML for the link to the current page |
Header and Footer | |
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] | True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed. |
[-- HEADER --] | Page Header |
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] | True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed. |
[-- FOOTER --] | Page Footer |
Loops | |
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS --] | Start of the product Loop for outputting product information |
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS PAGE.Columns --] | Start of the product loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS VAR.somename --] | Start of the product loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LOOP PRODUCTS number --] | Start of the product loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- PRODUCT --] | Create the product information using the template defined for the product |
[-- PRODUCT template --] | Create the product information using the specified product template |
[-- END_LOOP PRODUCTS --] | End of the Product Loop |
[-- LOOP LINKS --] | Start of the Link Loop for outputting Product information |
[-- LOOP LINKS PAGE.Columns --] | Start of the links loop, uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LOOP LINKS VAR.somename --] | Start of the links loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LOOP LINKS number --] | Start of the links loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LINK --] | Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page |
[-- LINK template --] | Create page link information by invoking the Link section of the target page and using the specified page template |
[-- END_LOOP LINKS --] | End of the Link Loop |
[-- LOOP ITEMS --] | Start of the Product/Link Loop for outputting Product information and Link information |
[-- ITEMS --] | Create the Product information and the page link information |
[-- END_LOOP ITEMS --] | End of the Link Loop |
Search Form | |
[-- IF SEARCHTOP --] | Display search form above search results? |
[-- IF SEARCHBOTTOM --] | Display search form below search results? |
[-- SEARCHRESULT_FORM --] | Insert the search form |
[-- SEARCHSTRING --] | The string used in the search |
Mini Cart | |
[-- MiniCart --] | Display mini cart on page |
Customer Registration | |
[-- RegistrationSignIn --] | Customer Registration Sign in/Register links |
[-- STORE.NewCustomer --] | text: New Customer? |
[-- STORE.ToRegister --] | text: Click here to register |
[-- STORE.RetCustomer --] | text: Returning Customer? |
[-- STORE.ToSignIn --] | text: Click here to sign in |
[-- STORE.ViewEdit --] | text: View/Edit account |
[-- STORE.SignOut --] | text: Sign out |
Gift Certificates | |
[-- IF GiftCert --] | Display link to purchase gift certificates on page? |
[-- GiftCertlink --] | Link to page where customers can purchase gift certificates. |
Page Database Tags(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter) |
Name | |
[-- PAGE.Name --] | Page Name |
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] | True if the merchant wants the page name displayed. |
Banner Graphic | |
[-- PAGE.Graphic --] | Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic. |
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] | File name of the page banner graphic |
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] | True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed. |
Text | |
[-- PAGE.Text1 --] | Text 1 |
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] | Text 2 |
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] | Text 3 |
Link | |
[-- PAGE.LinkName --] | Link Name |
[-- PAGE.LinkGraphic --] | Link Graphic |
[-- PAGE.LinkText --] | Link Text |
[-- PAGE.TextWrap --] | "on" if Link Text Wrap is enabled. |
Layout | |
[-- PAGE.Layout --] | The page alignment setting |
[-- PAGE.Columns --] | The number of columns for the page |
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] | True if column borders are to be displayed. |
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] | Page Width |
Colors and Background | |
[-- PAGE.TextColor --] | Text Color |
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] | Background Color |
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] | Link Color |
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] | Visited Link Color |
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] | Active Link Color |
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] | Background Image |
File Name | |
[-- PAGE.FileName --] | File name |
Meta Tags | |
[-- PAGE.MetaKeywords --] | Meta Keywords |
[-- PAGE.MetaDescription --] | Meta Description |
Search | |
[-- PAGE.SearchProductField --] | True if the merchant wants a product search form on this page. |
[-- PAGE.IndexedForSearch --] | True if the merchant wants the products on this page indexed for search. |
Multipage Generation | |
[-- PAGE.ProductsPerPage --] | Number of products to appear on a generated page; 0 = all. |
[-- PrevNext --] | Insert multipage navigation links |
[-- PrevNext NoCenter --] | Insert multipage navigation links without center tags |
Assigned Items | |
[-- PAGE.NumProducts --] | Number of products assigned to the page |
[-- PAGE.NumLinks --] | Number of links assigned to the page |
[-- PAGE.NumItems --] | Combined number of links and products assigned to the page |
Merchant-Definable Fields | |
[-- PAGE.Field1 --] | Extra Field 1 |
[-- PAGE.Field2 --] | Extra Field 2 |
[-- PAGE.Field3 --] | Extra Field 3 |
[-- PAGE.Field4 --] | Extra Field 4 |
[-- PAGE.Field5 --] | Extra Field 5 |
Product Tags |
Special Product Tags |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE PRODUCT --] | The beginning of HTML for a product template |
[-- END_DEFINE PRODUCT --] | The end of HTML for a product template |
[-- DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] | The beginning of HTML for a subproduct template |
[-- END_DEFINE SUBPRODUCT --] | The end of HTML for a subproduct template |
[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] | The beginning of HTML for a more info page template |
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] | The end of HTML for a more info page template |
Subproducts | |
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] | Start of the subproduct loop for outputting Product information for the assigned subproducts |
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS VAR.somename --] | Start of the subproduct loop, uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- LOOP SUBPRODUCTS number --] | Start of the subproduct loop, uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate |
[-- SUBPRODUCTS --] | Create the Subproduct information by invoking the Subproduct section of the current product template |
[-- END_LOOP SUBPRODUCTS --] | End of the Subproduct Loop |
[-- PRODUCT.SubProduct --] | A comma delimited list of product record IDs representing this product's subproducts |
[-- PRODUCT.NumSubProducts --] | Number of subproducts assigned to this product |
[-- PRODUCT.Parent --] | Returns the product ID of the parent product. All subproducts must include this tag as a hidden form field with the name "super", like this:
<input type=hidden name="super" value="[-- PRODUCT.Parent --]"> |
Product Database Tags(Can be used with the IF tag and REMOVE_HTML parameter) |
Name | |
[-- PRODUCT.Name --] | Name |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayName --] | Display name? |
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle --] | The font style for the product name, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN. |
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., <b> |
[-- PRODUCT.NameStyle End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product name, i.e., </b> |
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize --] | The font Size for the product name, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small. |
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., <big> |
[-- PRODUCT.NameSize End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product name, i.e., </big> |
[-- PRODUCT.VariableName? --] | Does product have variable name enabled? |
Price | |
[-- PRODUCT.Price --] | Price |
[-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount --] | Sale amount |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --] | Display price? |
[-- PRODUCT.SaleOn --] | Display sale price? |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --] | The font style for the product price, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN. |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., <b> |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product price, i.e., </b> |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize --] | The font Size for the product price, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small. |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., <big> |
[-- PRODUCT.PriceSize End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product price, i.e., </big> |
[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --] | Price in second currency |
[-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --] | Sale amount in second currency |
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --] | Display the Quantity Pricing table |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity --] | Let customers enter quantity on store pages? |
[-- PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --] | Does product have variable pricing enabled? |
Tax | |
[-- PRODUCT.Taxable --] | True if the product is taxable. |
SKU | |
[-- PRODUCT.SKU --] | SKU |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplaySKU --] | Display SKU? |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle --] | The font style for the product SKU, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN. |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., <b> |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUStyle End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product SKU, i.e., </b> |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize --] | The font Size for the product SKU, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small. |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., <big> |
[-- PRODUCT.SKUSize End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product SKU, i.e., </big> |
[-- PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --] | Does product have variable SKU enabled? |
Graphic | |
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic --] | Full <img src> tag for the product graphic. |
[-- PRODUCT.Graphic Remove_HTML --] | All information defined for the product graphic including the file path and attributes. |
[-- IMAGE PRODUCT.Graphic --] | The media subdirectory and file name of the product graphic |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayGraphic --] | Display Graphic? |
[-- PRODUCT.ImageAlignment --] | Image Alignment |
[-- PRODUCT.TextWrap --] | Text Wrap |
Description | |
[-- PRODUCT.ProductDescription --] | Product Description |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle --] | The font style for the product description, i.e. BOLD, ITALIC, TYPEWRITER, or PLAIN. |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., <b> |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionStyle End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font style of the product description, i.e., </b> |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize --] | The font Size for the product description, i.e. Normal, Big, or Small. |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize Begin --] | The opening HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., <big> |
[-- PRODUCT.DescriptionSize End --] | The closing HTML tag for the font Size of the product description, i.e., </big> |
Shipping Charges | |
[-- PRODUCT.ShippingCharge --] | Shipping charge (for Flat-Rate Shipping) |
[-- PRODUCT.GroundShipping --] | Ground shipping charge |
[-- PRODUCT.SecondDayShipping --] | Second Day Shipping charge |
[-- PRODUCT.NextDayShipping --] | Next Day Shipping charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping0 --] | Shipping 0 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping1 --] | Shipping 1 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping2 --] | Shipping 2 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping3 --] | Shipping 3 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping4 --] | Shipping 4 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping5 --] | Shipping 5 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping6 --] | Shipping 6 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping7 --] | Shipping 7 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping8 --] | Shipping 8 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.Shipping9 --] | Shipping 9 charge |
[-- PRODUCT.NoShippingCharges --] | No Shipping Charges |
[-- PRODUCT.Weight --] | Weight |
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionOptions --] | Dimension Options |
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionText --] | Dimension Text |
[-- PRODUCT.DimensionSelected --] | Dimension Selected |
[-- PRODUCT.ExtraHandlingCharge --] | Extra Handling Charge |
Ordering Options | |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --] | Display ordering options on store pages? |
[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --] | Ordering options description |
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line --] | Create the order option menu(s) in a line |
[-- Order_Option_Menu Line SKU --] | Create the order option menu(s) in a line, use SKU instead of record number |
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column --] | Create the order option menu(s) in a column |
[-- Order_Option_Menu Column SKU --] | Create the order option menu(s) in a column, use SKU instead of record number |
[-- PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --] | Pull-down menu text in a format that needs to be processed by a CALL program. |
[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBox --] | Text entry box displayed in the shopping cart? |
Add/View Buttons | |
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --] | The URL of the Add to Cart link |
[-- Shopping_Cart_URL --] | The URL of the View Cart link |
[-- STORE.AddToCart --] | The value defined for the Add To Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image. |
[-- STORE.DisplayAddToCartText --] | Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.AddToCart --] is text. |
[-- STORE.ViewCart --] | The value defined for the View Cart button defined in Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages, either a text string or the media subdirectory and file name of an image. |
[-- STORE.DisplayViewCartText --] | Returns "checked" if [-- STORE.ViewCart --] is text. |
[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartButton --] | The value of the Text field for the Add to Cart button |
[-- PRODUCT.ViewCartButton --] | The value of the Text field for the View Cart button |
[-- PRODUCT.OrderCheckout --] | Complete Add to Cart and View Cart buttons, including hyperlinks, text or graphics, and complete <FORM> tags if required by the product settings. |
[-- AddImage? --] | True if using an image for Add to Cart button |
[-- AddImage --] | The src and parameters for the Add to Cart image, or "none" if no image |
[-- AddImage Image_Name --] | The media subdirectory and file name of the Add to Cart image |
[-- AddText --] | Text for the Add to Cart link, or null if an image is used. |
[-- ViewImage? --] | True if using an image for View Cart button |
[-- ViewImage --] | The src and parameters for the View Cart image, or "none" if no image |
[-- ViewImage Image_Name --] | The media subdirectory and file name of the View Cart image |
[-- ViewText --] | Text for the View Cart link, or null if an image is used. |
Inventory Tracking | |
[-- PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand --] | Quantity On Hand |
[-- PRODUCT.LowStockThreshold --] | Low Stock Threshold |
[-- PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --] | Out Of Stock Limit |
Search | |
[-- PRODUCT.SearchKeywords --] | Search Keywords |
Merchant-Definable Fields | |
[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] | Extra Field 1 |
[-- PRODUCT.Field2 --] | Extra Field 2 |
[-- PRODUCT.Field3 --] | Extra Field 3 |
[-- PRODUCT.Field4 --] | Extra Field 4 |
[-- PRODUCT.Field5 --] | Extra Field 5 |
Miscellaneous | |
[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --] | The record number of the product |
Product More Info Page Tags |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] | The beginning of HTML for a more info page template |
[-- END_DEFINE MORE_INFO_PAGE --] | The end of HTML for a more info page template |
Product Information | |
[-- PRODUCT.DisplayMoreInformationPage --] | Create a More Info page for this product? |
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationText --] | Product description for More Info page |
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationGraphic --] | Returns a full <img src> tag for the product More Info Page graphic. |
[-- IMAGE Product.MoreInformationGraphic --] | Returns the path and file name of the product More Information Page graphic, relative to the store’s media directory. |
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInformationFileName --] | The file name of the product More Info Page. |
[-- PRODUCT.MoreInfoURL --] | URL of product's More Info page |
Header and Footer | |
[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageHeader --] | True if merchant wants the Page Header on More Info pages. |
[-- MORE_INFO.DisplayPageFooter --] | True if merchant wants the Page Footer on More Info pages. |
Search | |
[-- SEARCH_FORM --] | Insert the search form |
Colors and Background | |
[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundColor --] | Background color |
[-- MORE_INFO.BackgroundImage --] | Background image |
[-- MORE_INFO.TextColor --] | Text color |
[-- MORE_INFO.LinkColor --] | Link color |
[-- MORE_INFO.VisitedLinkColor --] | Visited link color |
[-- MORE_INFO.ActiveLinkColor --] | Active link color |
Search Tags |
Special Search Tags |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE SEARCH --] | The beginning of HTML for a search template |
[-- END_DEFINE SEARCH --] | The end of HTML for a search template |
Header and Footer | |
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageHeader --] | True if the merchant wants the Page Header displayed. |
[-- HEADER --] | Page Header |
[-- PAGE.DisplayPageFooter --] | True if the merchant wants the Page Footer displayed. |
[-- FOOTER --] | Page Footer |
Loops | |
[-- LOOP SEARCH --] | Start of the search loop for outputting search results. |
[-- LOOP SEARCH PAGE.Columns --] | Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the database value to determine the number of columns to generate. |
[-- LOOP SEARCH VAR.somename --] | Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the VAR value to determine the number of columns to generate. |
[-- LOOP SEARCH number --] | Start of the search loop for outputting search results. Uses the number value to determine the number of columns to generate. |
[-- SEARCHRESULT --] | Create the search result using the template defined for the the product or link. |
[-- IF SEARCHPRODUCT --] | Is the search result a Product? |
[-- IF SEARCHLINK --] | Is the search result a Link? |
[-- IF SEARCHACTIVE --] | True if search results screen is being generated |
[-- END_LOOP SEARCH --] | End of the search loop for outputting search results. |
Search Database Tags |
Name | |
[-- PAGE.Name --] | Page Name |
[-- PAGE.DisplayName --] | True if the merchant wants the page name displayed. |
Banner Graphic | |
[-- PAGE.Graphic --] | Full <img src> tag for the page banner graphic. |
[-- IMAGE PAGE.Graphic --] | File name of the page banner graphic |
[-- PAGE.DisplayGraphic --] | True if the merchant wants the page banner graphic displayed. |
Text | |
[-- PAGE.Text1 --] | Text 1 |
[-- PAGE.Text2 --] | Text 2 |
[-- PAGE.Text3 --] | Text 3 |
[-- Store.SearchResults --] | Search Results text field. |
[-- Store.SearchResultPage --] | Results Pages text field. |
[-- STORE.QuantityPricingFlag --] | Quantity Pricing Flag field. |
[-- Store.QuantityPricingMsg --] | Quantity Pricing Message text field. |
[-- STORE.VariablePricingFlag --] | Variable Pricing Flag text field. |
[-- Store.VariablePricingMsg --] | Variable Pricing Message text field. |
Layout | |
[-- PAGE.Layout --] | The page alignment setting |
[-- PAGE.Columns --] | The number of columns for the page |
[-- PAGE.DisplayColumnBorders --] | True if column borders are to be displayed. |
[-- PAGE.PageWidth --] | Page Width |
Colors and Background | |
[-- PAGE.TextColor --] | Text Color |
[-- PAGE.BackgroundColor --] | Background Color |
[-- PAGE.LinkColor --] | Link Color |
[-- PAGE.VisitedLinkColor --] | Visited Link Color |
[-- PAGE.ActiveLinkColor --] | Active Link Color |
[-- PAGE.BackgroundImage --] | Background Image |
Merchant-Definable Fields | |
[-- PAGE.Field1 --] | Extra Field 1 |
[-- PAGE.Field2 --] | Extra Field 2 |
[-- PAGE.Field3 --] | Extra Field 3 |
[-- PAGE.Field4 --] | Extra Field 4 |
[-- PAGE.Field5 --] | Extra Field 5 |
Shopping Cart Tags(These tags are organized by the pages in which they typically would be used. Some tags are shown on multiple pages.) |
Special Shopping Cart Tags(These tags can be used on any shopping cart page) |
[-- STORE.SC_YourShoppingCart --] | Text field: Your Shopping Cart |
[-- SC_JavaScript Extras --] | The JavaScript required on shopping cart pages |
[-- ShopSiteMessages --] | Displays any (error) messages to the shopper. |
[-- SC_FORM --] | The opening <FORM> tag and a few hidden values for the shopping cart. This tag MUST precede most of the other SC_ tags. |
[-- IP_ADDR --] | The IP address of the shopper |
[-- SC_USE_SECURITY --] | Returns checked if the shopping cart is set to use a secure URL. |
[-- STORE.Secure_Image_URL --] | Returns the secure URL for the store media directory. |
[-- STORE.SC_Secure_Image_URL --] | Returns the secure URL for the shopsite-images directory. |
Colors and Background | |
[-- STORE.SC_BackgroundColor --] | Shopping cart background color |
[-- STORE.SC_TextColor --] | Shopping cart text color |
[-- STORE.SC_LinkColor --] | Shopping cart link color |
[-- STORE.SC_VisitedLinkColor --] | Shopping cart visited link color |
[-- STORE.SC_ActiveLinkColor --] | Shopping cart active link color |
[-- STORE.SC_BackgroundImage --] | Shopping cart background image |
[-- STORE.SC_ShadeColor --] | Shopping cart table shade color |
Shopping Cart Page(These tags are used on the first shopping cart page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE ShoppingCart --] | The beginning of the HTML for the shopping cart template |
[-- END_DEFINE ShoppingCart --] | The end of the HTML for the shopping cart template |
Header and Footer | |
[-- ShoppingCartHeader --] | Text at the top of the Shopping Cart Screen |
[-- ShoppingCartFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the Shopping Cart Screen |
Customer Registration | |
[-- SC_Registration --] | Links to register or sign in. (Also IF) |
[-- SignedIn? --] | True if the customer is signed in |
[-- SC_Must_Register --] | True if the customer must be registered to check out |
[-- RegisteredName --] | Customer's name if signed in |
Table of Products Ordered | |
[-- SC_ShowBasket --] | The "Show me my basket every time I order something" checkbox. |
[-- SC_Remove_Button --] | True if the merchant wants "Remove" buttons for each product |
[-- SC_Cart --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal |
[-- SC_Cart delete quantity name sku price total --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified. |
Tax and Shipping | |
[-- SC_Tax_Shipping --] | The form fields for tax and shipping |
[-- SC_Tax_Shipping Button --] | The form fields for tax and shipping, plus a "Tax/Shipping" button to recalculate |
[-- BUTTON TaxShipping --] | Tax/Shipping button |
Coupons | |
[-- SC_Coupon --] | The form field for the customer to enter a coupon name/number. (Also IF) |
[-- SC_Coupon_Button --] | True if the merchant wants the "Apply Coupon" button |
[-- STORE.CouponCaption --] | Text field: Coupon Code: |
[-- STORE.EnterCoupon --] | Text field: If you have a coupon, enter the code and press recalculate |
[-- BUTTON ApplyCoupon --] | "Apply Coupon" button |
Gift Certificates | |
[-- SC_GiftCert --] | The form field for the customer to enter a gift certificate number and PIN. (Also IF) |
[-- SC_GiftCert_Button --] | True if the merchant wants the "Redeem Certificate" button |
[-- STORE.GiftCertCaption --] | Text field: Gift Certificate: |
[-- STORE.EnterGiftCert --] | Text field: If you have a gift certificate, enter the number and PIN then press recalculate |
[-- GiftCert_Redeem --] | Store text: Redeem Certificate |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_Recalculate --] | Store text: Recalculate |
[-- BUTTON ApplyGiftCert --] | "Redeem Certificate" button |
Surcharges | |
[-- SC_Surcharge --] | The form fields for surcharges |
Totals | |
[-- SC_Totals --] | Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total |
[-- STORE.SC_AnyChanges --] | Text field: Any changes above should be verified by pressing 'Recalculate' before clicking on 'Checkout'. |
Ordering Instructions | |
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] | Ordering instructions heading and text box (Also IF) |
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions {rows columns} --] | The ordering instructions text and box with specified box dimensions |
Payment | |
[-- SC_PaymentSelection --] | The form fields for selecting payment type |
Buttons | |
[-- BUTTON Recalculate --] | The "Recalculate" button |
[-- BUTTON Update --] | The "Update" button |
[-- BUTTON EmptyCart --] | The "Empty Cart" button |
[-- BUTTON ContinueShopping --] | The "Continue Shopping" button |
[-- BUTTON Checkout --] | The "Checkout" button |
Billing/Shipping Page(These tags are used on the shipping page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE Shipping --] | The beginning of the HTML for the shipping template |
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping --] | The end of the HTML for the shipping template |
Header and Footer | |
[-- ShippingHeader --] | Text at the top of the Shipping Screen |
[-- ShippingFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the Shipping Screen |
[-- STORE.Ship_Checkout --] | Text field: Checkout |
Table of Products Ordered | |
[-- SC_Cart --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal |
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified. |
Totals | |
[-- SC_Totals --] | Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total |
Comments | |
[-- SC_Comments {rows columns--] | Customer comments heading and text box with specified dimensions (Also IF) |
Billing and Shipping Address | |
[-- SC_Address --] | Billing and shipping address forms, horizontal arrangement |
[-- SC_Address Vertical --] | Billing and shipping address forms, vertical arrangement |
[-- SC_Address Right--] | Billing and shipping address forms, field labels on right |
E-Mail List | |
[-- Email_List --] | Text and checkbox for "add to e-mail list" (Also IF) |
Payment | |
[-- SC_Payment --] | Form for entering payment information |
Custom Checkout Fields | |
[-- CustomHTML --] | True if Custom Checkout Fields are enabled |
[-- Ship_CustomHTML n --] | Insert the Custom Checkout Field where n is 1 to 5 |
Security Image | |
[-- IF SecurityImage --] | True if the security image feature is enabled |
[-- ShipSecurityImage --] | Includes the security image elements on the payment screen. |
Buttons | |
[-- BUTTON SubmitOrder --] | The "Submit This Order" button, or the "Confirm" button if confirmation page is enabled |
[-- BUTTON ReturnToCart --] | The "Return to Cart" button |
Confirmation Tags(These tags are used on the optional confirmation page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE Confirmation --] | The beginning of the HTML for the confirmation template |
[-- END_DEFINE Confirmation --] | The end of the HTML for the confirmation template |
Header and Footer | |
[-- ConfirmationHeader --] | Text at the top of the Confirmation Screen |
[-- ConfirmationFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the Confirmation Screen |
Table of Products Ordered | |
[-- SC_Cart --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal |
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified. |
Totals | |
[-- SC_Totals --] | Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total |
Ordering Instructions | |
[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] | True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box |
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] | Ordering instructions text entered by customer |
Custom Checkout Fields | |
[-- CustomHTML_Values --] | Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF) |
E-Mail List | |
[-- Email_List --] | Display the text of the e-mail signup |
Comments | |
[-- SC_Comments --] | Customer comments text and box (Also IF) |
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] | True if comments entered by customer |
Billing and Shipping Address | |
[-- SC_Address --] | Display the billing and shipping addresses |
Payment | |
[-- SC_Payment --] | Display the payment information |
Buttons | |
[-- BUTTON Confirmation --] | The "Submit This Order" button |
[-- BUTTON MakeChanges --] | The "Make Changes" button |
Thank You Tags(These tags are used on the Thank You page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE ThankYou --] | The beginning of the HTML for the thank you template |
[-- END_DEFINE ThankYou --] | The end of the HTML for the thank you template |
Header and Footer | |
[-- ThankYouHeader --] | Text at the top of the Thank You Screen |
[-- ThankYouFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the Thank You Screen |
[-- STORE.SC_ThankYou --] | Text field: Thank you! |
[-- STORE.SC_YourReceipt --] | Text field: Here is a copy of your receipt. |
[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] | Text field: Order Number |
[-- SC.ThankYouBusiness --] | Text field: Thank you for your business! |
[-- ThankYouOrderNumber --] | The order number |
[-- ThankYouReturnStore --] | "Return to Store" button or text |
Table of Products Ordered | |
[-- SC_Cart --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal |
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified. |
Totals | |
[-- SC_Totals --] | Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total |
Ordering Instructions | |
[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] | True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box |
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] | Ordering instructions text entered by customer |
Custom Checkout Fields | |
[-- CustomHTML_Values --] | Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF) |
Comments | |
[-- SC_Comments --] | Customer comments text and box (Also IF) |
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] | True if comments entered by customer |
Thank You E-Mail Tags(These tags are used on the e-mail receipt) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE ThankYou_Email --] | The beginning of the HTML for the thank you e-mail |
[-- END_DEFINE ThankYou_Email --] | The end of the HTML for the thank you e-mail |
Header and Footer | |
[-- ThankYouHeader --] | Text at the top of the Thank You Screen |
[-- ReceiptFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the e-mail receipt |
[-- STORE.SC_ThankYou --] | Text field: Thank you! |
[-- ThankYouReturnStore --] | "Return to Store" button or text |
[-- ThankYouOrderNumber --] | The order number |
Table of Products Ordered | |
[-- SC_Cart --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal |
[-- SC_Cart quantity name sku price total --] | The table showing the products ordered and the order subtotal, with the fields in the order specified. |
Totals | |
[-- SC_Totals --] | Displays product subtotal, shipping charges, tax charges, and the order total |
Payment | |
[-- SC_Payment --] | Display the payment information |
Ordering Instructions | |
[-- IF SC_OrderingInstructions_Text --] | True if customer entered any text in the Ordering Instructions box |
[-- SC_OrderingInstructions --] | Ordering instructions text entered by customer |
Custom Checkout Fields | |
[-- CustomHTML_Values --] | Display Custom Checkout Fields and values. (Also IF) |
Comments | |
[-- SC_Comments --] | Customer comments text and box (Also IF) |
[-- SC_Comments_Text --] | True if comments entered by customer |
Billing and Shipping Address | |
[-- SC_Address --] | Display the billing and shipping addresses |
Gift Certificate Tags |
Special Gift Certificate Tags |
Header and Footer | |
[-- GiftCertHeader --] | Text at the top of the Gift Certificate Screen |
[-- GiftCertFooter --] | Text at the bottom of the Gift Certificate Screen |
Text | |
[-- GiftCertInstruction --] | instructions for ordering gift certificates. |
[-- GiftCertPolicy --] | the policy regarding Gift Certificates |
[-- Store.GiftCert_Policy --] | text: Gift Certificate Policy |
[-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --] | text: Gift Certificate |
[-- Store.GiftCert_From --] | text: From |
[-- Store.GiftCert_Message --] | text: Message |
[-- Store.GiftCert_To --] | text: Presented To |
[-- Store.GiftCertNumber --] | text: Number |
[-- Store.GiftCertPIN --] | text: PIN |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ToRedeem --] | text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please click on this link |
[-- GiftCert_OnOrderScreen --] | text: On the order screen you will be able to redeem this gift certificate by entering the following number and PIN values. |
[-- Store.GiftCert_ToRedeemCutPaste --] | text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please cut and paste this link into your web browers |
Layout | |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundImage --] | Background Image |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundColor --] | Background Color |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_TextColor --] | Text color |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_LinkColor --] | Link color |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_VisitedLinkColor --] | Visited link color |
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ActiveLinkColor --] | Active link color |
Gift Certificate Order Page(These tags are used on the gift certificate order page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] | The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate template |
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] | The end of the HTML for the gift certificate template |
Shopping Cart Code | |
[-- SC_JAVASCRIPT --] | |
[-- ShopSiteMessages --] | |
Order Form Segments | |
[-- SC_FORM --] | opening form section. close form with </form> tag. |
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --] | certificate monetary value form section |
[-- GiftCertEmailMail --] | E-mail/Mail selection form section |
[-- GiftCertToFromMsg --] | To, From, and Message form sections |
Buttons | |
[-- BUTTON BackToStore --] | Back To Store button |
[-- BUTTON BuyGiftCertificate --] | Buy Gift Certificate button |
E-mail Gift Certificate(These tags are used in the gift certificate E-mail) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] | The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail |
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL --] | The end of the HTML for the gift certificate E-mail |
Certificate Text | |
[-- GiftCert_Amount --] | Monetary value of certificate |
[-- GiftCert_To --] | Certificate recipient |
[-- GiftCert_From --] | presenter of certificate |
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] | is there a message? |
[-- GiftCert_Message --] | optional message |
[-- GiftCert_Number --] | certificate redemption number |
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] | certificate redemption PIN |
[-- GiftCert_Date --] | certificate expiration date |
[-- GiftCert_Date --] | certificate expiration date |
Printed Gift Certificate(These tags are used on the print gift certificate page) |
Defines | |
[-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] | The beginning of the HTML for the gift certificate print page |
[-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL --] | The end of the HTML for the gift certificate print page |
Mail Certificate Information | |
[-- IF FIRST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] | is this the first certificate? |
[-- IF LAST_MAIL_GIFTCERT --] | is this the last certificate? |
Certificate Text | |
[-- GiftCert_Amount --] | Monetary value of certificate |
[-- GiftCert_To --] | Certificate recipient |
[-- GiftCert_From --] | presenter of certificate |
[-- IF GiftCert_Message --] | is there a message? |
[-- GiftCert_Message --] | optional message |
[-- GiftCert_Number --] | certificate redemption number |
[-- GiftCert_PIN --] | certificate redemption PIN |
[-- GiftCert_Date --] | certificate expiration date |
Customer Registration Tags(These tags are organized by the pages in which they typically would be used. Some tags are shown on multiple pages.) |
Global Tags(These tags can be used on any CR page.) |
[-- CR_Form --] | The opening <FORM> tag for most CR pages. This tag MUST precede most of the other CR_ tags. |
[-- CR_JavaScript --] | The JavaScript required by CR pages |
[-- CR_Header --] | Inserts the "Text at top of Customer Registration Screens." |
[-- CR_Footer --] | Inserts the "Text at bottom of Customer Registration Screens." |
[-- CR_HTML_Email --] | True if registered customer wants HTML e-mail |
New Registration Page | |
[-- DEFINE New_Registration --] | The beginning of HTML for the New Registration page. |
[-- END_DEFINE New_Registration --] | The end of HTML for the New Registration page. |
[-- STORE.NewRegistration --] | Text field: New Registration |
[-- CR_Name --] | Form for customers to enter their name when registering |
[-- CR_Email_Password --] | Form for entering e-mail address and password during registration. |
[-- CR_Challenge --] | Form for selecting a challenge question and answer during registration. |
[-- CR_Email_Type --] | Radio buttons for selecting HTML or text e-mail receipts |
[-- CR_Save_Payment --] | Radio buttons for selecting whether ShopSite should save payment information |
Sign In Page | |
[-- DEFINE Sign_In --] | The beginning of HTML for the Sign In page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_In --] | The end of HTML for the Sign In page. |
[-- STORE.SignIn --] | Text field: Sign In |
[-- STORE.UseSignInEmail --] | Text field: Enter the same e-mail address used when you registered. |
[-- CR_SignIn_Email_Password --] | Sign-in form to enter e-mail address and password |
Confirm Sign Out Page | |
[-- DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --] | The beginning of HTML for the Confirm Sign Out page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --] | The end of HTML for the Confirm Sign Out page. |
[-- STORE.SignOutConfirmation --] | Text field: Sign Out Confirmation |
[-- STORE.SignOut? --] | Text field: Do you really want to sign out? |
Account Information Page | |
[-- DEFINE View_Edit --] | The beginning of HTML for the Account Information page. |
[-- END_DEFINE View_Edit --] | The end of HTML for the Account Information page. |
[-- STORE.AccountInformation --] | Text field: Account Information |
[-- CR_Customer_Name --] | The registered customer's name |
[-- STORE.ViewInformation --] | Text field: To view or change your account information click on a button below. |
Preferences Page | |
[-- DEFINE Preferences --] | The beginning of HTML for the Preferences page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Preferences --] | The end of HTML for the Preferences page. |
[-- STORE.Preferences --] | Text field: Preferences |
[-- CR_Email --] | Field for customer to enter e-mail address |
[-- STORE.EmailSecurity --] | Text field: This e-mail address is your sign in name. For security purposes any changes to your account will be e-mailed to this address. |
[-- CR_Name --] | Form for customers to enter/edit their name |
[-- CR_Email_Type --] | Radio buttons for selecting HTML or text e-mail receipts |
[-- CR_Save_Payment --] | Radio buttons for selecting whether ShopSite should save payment information |
Change Password Page | |
[-- DEFINE Edit_Password --] | The beginning of HTML for the Edit Password page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Password --] | The end of HTML for the Edit Password page. |
[-- STORE.EditPassword --] | Text field: Change Password |
[-- CR_Edit_Password --] | Form to change password |
[-- BUTTON Change_Password --] | The "Change Password" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
[-- STORE.ChallengeQuestion --] | Text field: Challenge Question |
[-- STORE.ChangeChallengeText --] | Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password. To change the question click the Button Below. |
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] | The "Change Challenge" button |
Change Challenge Page | |
[-- DEFINE Edit_Challenge --] | The beginning of HTML for the Change Challenge page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Challenge --] | The end of HTML for the Change Challenge page. |
[-- STORE.EditChallenge --] | Text field: Change Challenge |
[-- STORE.EditChallengeText --] | Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password. |
[-- CR_Edit_Challenge --] | Form for selecting a new challenge question and answer, including password confirmation |
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] | The "Change Challenge" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
List of Payment Accounts Page | |
[-- DEFINE Payment_Accounts --] | The beginning of HTML for the List of Payment Accounts page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Payment_Accounts --] | The end of HTML for the List of Payment Accounts page. |
[-- STORE.PaymentAccounts --] | Text field: Payment Accounts |
[-- STORE.PaymentText --] | Text field: Select the payment option below and click <b>Edit</b> to view or change your payment information.<br><b>Delete</b> will remove the payment information for the selected item. |
[-- CR_Payment_List --] | Select list of payment methods |
[-- BUTTON Edit --] | The "Edit" button to go to an editing screen |
[-- BUTTON Delete --] | The "Delete" button |
[-- STORE.PaymentAdd --] | Text field: To Add another Payment Option simply select a new option when you place your next order.<br>The new payment option will then be saved. |
[-- BUTTON Done --] | The "Done" button |
Edit Payment Account Page | |
[-- DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --] | The beginning of HTML for the Edit Payment Account page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --] | The end of HTML for the Edit Payment Account page. |
[-- STORE.EditPaymentAccount --] | Text field: Edit Payment Account |
[-- CR_DisplayName --] | Text box for the payment account name |
[-- STORE.EditPaymentText --] | Text field: This <b>name</b> is used to select the payment option when you order and will be displayed in your receipt. Use a name such as "Corporate AMEX Card" or "My Visa Card". Do not put your entire credit card number or other valuable payment information in this field. |
[-- STORE.EditPaymentInformation --] | Text field: Payment Information |
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Info --] | Form for payment account information, such as card number and expiration date |
[-- STORE.EditPaymentBilling --] | Text field: Billing Address associated with this payment information |
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Address --] | Form for payment account address information |
[-- BUTTON Save --] | The "Save" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
Delete Payment Account Page | |
[-- DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --] | The beginning of HTML for the Delete Payment Account page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --] | The end of HTML for the Delete Payment Account page. |
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentAccount --] | Text field: Delete Payment Account |
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentText --] | Text field: This payment type will be deleted, press YES if you wish to proceed. |
[-- CR_Delete_Payment --] | The payment account name |
[-- STORE.DeletePaymentNote --] | Text field: Note: Once removed the payment type cannot be recovered. |
[-- BUTTON Yes --] | The "Yes" button |
[-- BUTTON No --] | The "No" button |
List of Orders Page | |
[-- DEFINE Orders --] | The beginning of HTML for the List of Orders page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Orders --] | The end of HTML for the List of Orders page. |
[-- STORE.Orders --] | Text field: Orders |
[-- STORE.OrdersText --] | Text field: Select the order below and click <b>View</b> to see that order's information. |
[-- CR_Order_List --] | Select list of order numbers and totals |
[-- BUTTON View --] | The "View" button |
[-- BUTTON Delete --] | The "Delete" button |
[-- STORE.OrdersNote --] | Text field: <b>Delete</b> only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted. |
[-- BUTTON Done --] | The "Done" button |
View Order Page | |
[-- DEFINE View_Order --] | The beginning of HTML for the View Order page. |
[-- END_DEFINE View_Order --] | The end of HTML for the View Order page. |
[-- STORE.ViewOrder --] | Text field: View Order |
[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] | Text field: Order Number |
[-- CR_OrderNum --] | The order number |
[-- CR_OrderDate --] | Date the order was placed |
[-- CR_Cart --] | Table of items in the order |
[-- CR_Totals --] | Subtotal, shipping, surcharge, tax, and total cost of the order |
[-- CR_OrderingInstructions --] | Ordering instructions entered by the customer |
[-- CR_Comments --] | Comment text entered by the customer |
[-- CR_ShipTo_Addr --] | The shipping address on the order |
[-- CR_BillTo_Addr --] | The billing address on the order |
[-- CR_Payment_Info --] | The payment information on the order |
[-- BUTTON Done --] | The "Done" button |
Delete Order Page | |
[-- DEFINE Delete_Order --] | The beginning of HTML for the Delete Order page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Order --] | The end of HTML for the Delete Order page. |
[-- STORE.DeleteOrder --] | Text field: Delete Orders |
[-- STORE.DeleteOrderText --] | Text field: The following order(s) will be removed from the select list, press YES if you wish to proceed. |
[-- CR_Delete_Order_List --] | List of order numbers (with totals) to be deleted |
[-- STORE.OrdersNote --] | Text field: <b>Delete</b> only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted. |
[-- BUTTON Yes --] | The "Yes" button |
[-- BUTTON No --] | The "No" button |
List of Ship To Addresses Page | |
[-- DEFINE Shipping_Options --] | The beginning of HTML for the List of Shipping Addresses page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping_Options --] | The end of HTML for the List of Shipping Addresses page. |
[-- STORE.ShippingOptions --] | Text field: Ship To |
[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsText --] | Text field: Select the ship to address below and click <b>Edit</b> to view or change your shipping information. |
[-- CR_Shipping_List --] | Select list of shipping address names |
[-- BUTTON View --] | The "View" button |
[-- BUTTON Delete --] | The "Delete" button |
[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsNote --] | <b>Delete</b> will remove the shipping information for the selected item. |
[-- BUTTON Done --] | The "Done" button |
Edit Ship To Address Page | |
[-- DEFINE Edit_Shipping --] | The beginning of HTML for the Edit Ship To Address page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Shipping --] | The end of HTML for the Edit Ship To Address page. |
[-- STORE.EditShipping --] | Text field: Edit Shipping |
[-- STORE.DisplayName --] | Text field: Display Name |
[-- CR_Ship_DisplayName --] | Text box for the name of the ship to address |
[-- STORE.EditShippingText --] | Text field: This <b>name</b> is used to select the shipping option when you order. |
[-- STORE.SC_ShippingAddress --] | Text field: Shipping Address |
[-- CR_Edit_Shipping_Address --] | Form containing shipping address fields |
[-- BUTTON Save --] | The "Save" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
Delete Ship To Address Page | |
[-- DEFINE Delete_Shipping --] | The beginning of HTML for the Delete Ship To Address page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Shipping --] | The end of HTML for the Delete Ship To Address page. |
[-- STORE.DeleteShipping --] | Text field: Delete Shipping |
[-- STORE.DeleteShippingText --] | Text field: This shipping option will be removed, press YES if you wish to proceed. |
[-- CR_Delete_Shipping --] | The name of the ship to address |
[-- STORE.DeleteShippingNote --] | Text field: Note: Once removed the shipping information cannot be recovered. |
[-- BUTTON Yes --] | The "Yes" button |
[-- BUTTON No --] | The "No" button |
Forgot Password Page | |
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password --] | The beginning of HTML for the Forgot Password page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password --] | The end of HTML for the Forgot Password page. |
[-- STORE.ForgotPassword --] | Text field: Forgot Password |
[-- STORE.RequestPassword --] | Text field: If you forgot your password enter the e-mail address you used to register.<br>We will e-mail you a link that will allow you to enter a new password. |
[-- CR_Email --] | Field for customer to enter e-mail address |
[-- BUTTON Submit --] | The "Submit" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
Forgot E-Mail Sent Page | |
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --] | The beginning of HTML for the Forgot E-Mail Sent page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --] | The end of HTML for the Forgot E-Mail Sent page. |
[-- STORE.ForgotEmailSent --] | Text field: Forgot E-mail Sent |
[-- STORE.SentPasswordEmail --] | Text field: The e-mail has been sent. Use the link contained in the email to change your password. |
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] | The "Back to Cart" button |
Forgot Password E-Mail Message | |
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --] | The beginning of HTML for the Forgot Password e-mail message. |
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --] | The end of HTML for the Forgot Password e-mail message. |
[-- STORE.EmailClickLink --] | Text field: Please click on the link below in order to change your password. |
[-- CR_Forgot_Password_Link --] | "Change Password" link to Get Answer page |
Get Answer to Challenge Page | |
[-- DEFINE Get_Answer --] | The beginning of HTML for the Get Answer to Challenge Question page. |
[-- END_DEFINE Get_Answer --] | The end of HTML for the Get Answer to Challenge Question page. |
[-- STORE.GetAnswer --] | Text field: Get Answer |
[-- CR_Email_Name --] | Customer's e-mail address |
[-- STORE.ResetPassword --] | Text field: To reset your password, please answer the following question. |
[-- CR_ChallengeQuestion --] | Challenge question with text box for answer |
[-- BUTTON Submit --] | The "Submit" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
Set New Password Page | |
[-- DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --] | The beginning of HTML for the Set New Password page (after customer forgot password) |
[-- END_DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --] | The end of HTML for the Set New Password page. |
[-- STORE.SetAnswerPassword --] | Text field: Set New Password |
[-- STORE.EnterNewPassword --] | Text field: With the "New Payment Type" selected you must also select the manual shipping fields. |
[-- CR_Password --] | Form for entering a new password |
[-- BUTTON Submit --] | The "Submit" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
E-Mail Address Not Registered Message | |
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --] | The beginning of HTML for the Not Registered e-mail message. |
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --] | The end of HTML for the Not Registered e-mail message. |
[-- STORE.NotRegisteredEmail --] | Text field: We don't have you as a registered customer. Please register. By clicking on the link below. |
Address Changed E-Mail Message | |
[-- DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --] | The beginning of HTML for the Address Changed e-mail message. |
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --] | The end of HTML for the Address Changed e-mail message. |
[-- STORE.EmailAddressChangedText --] | Text field: Your sign in name has been changed. |
[-- STORE.NewSignInAddress --] | Text field: New Sign In address |
[-- CR_Email_Address --] | Registered e-mail address |
Account Changed E-Mail Message | |
[-- DEFINE Email_Account_Change --] | The beginning of HTML for the Account Changed e-mail message. |
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Account_Change --] | The end of HTML for the Account Change e-mail message. |
[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] | You have changed the following fields in your account with |
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --] | Displays any (error) messages to the customer |
Error Message Page | |
[-- DEFINE CR_Error --] | The beginning of HTML for the error page. |
[-- END_DEFINE CR_Error --] | The end of HTML for the error page. |
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] | The "Back to Cart" button |
Buttons | |
[-- BUTTON Save --] | The "Save" button |
[-- BUTTON Cancel --] | The "Cancel" button |
[-- BUTTON SignIn --] | The "Sign In" button |
[-- BUTTON Submit --] | The "Submit" button |
[-- BUTTON Orders --] | The "Orders" button to view previous orders |
[-- BUTTON Preferences --] | The "Preferences" button to view and edit settings |
[-- BUTTON ShipTo --] | The "Ship To" button to view and edit shipping addresses |
[-- BUTTON Payment --] | The "Payment" button to view and edit payment methods |
[-- BUTTON Password --] | The "Password" button to go to the Change Password page |
[-- BUTTON Done --] | The "Done" button |
[-- BUTTON Change_Password --] | The "Change Password" button to submit a new password |
[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] | The "Change Challenge" button to go to the Change Challenge page |
[-- BUTTON Yes --] | The "Yes" button |
[-- BUTTON No --] | The "No" button |
[-- BUTTON Edit --] | The "Edit" button to go to an editing screen |
[-- BUTTON Delete --] | The "Delete" button |
[-- BUTTON View --] | The "View" button |
[-- BUTTON BackToCart --] | The "Back to Cart" button |
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© 2007, ShopSite, Inc. ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |
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