Screen: ShopSite > Orders > Configure

Orders Configuration

The Order configuration screen allows you to add content for headers and footers on Orders and Packing Slips, and to set whether or not to display prices on packing slips.

View Order

View Order Header
Insert text or HTML to be displayed above the main order information section.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

View Order Footer
Insert text or HTML to be displayed below the main order information section.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Display Product Image
Set this checkbox to include images with the products on orders received. Use the drop-down box to select which image size to use.


You can specify the different image sizes from the Images > Configure page of ShopSite's backoffice.

Display product weight
Set this checkbox to include the product's weight on orders received.
Display total order weight
Set this checkbox to include the order's total weight on orders received.
Table Shade Color
You can specify the color of the table used when displaying an order. Enter the hex value for the desired color in the box or click the "pick" link to use a color wheel. A preview of the color used in the table can be seen surrounding the hex value.


Do not use the color black (#000000), as it will mask the text within the table!

Packing Slip

Packing Slip Template
Select the template to use for packing slips. Defaults to PackingSlip.sst
Display Monetary Values
Select On to display prices on the packing slips, or Off to hide prices.
Display Doba Products Select On if you want Doba products to be displayed on packing slips, or select Off to leave Doba products off the packing slip.
Display Custom Checkout Fields Select On to display custom checkout fields on the packing slips, or Off if you do not want the custom checkout fields displayed.
Display Product Image
Set this checkbox to include images with the products on packing slips. Use the drop-down box to select which image size to use.


You can specify the different image sizes from the Images > Configure page of ShopSite's backoffice.

Display product weight
Set this checkbox to include the product's weight on the packing slip.
Display total order weight
Set this checkbox to include the order's total weight on the packing slip.
Display shipping method
Set this checkbox to include the shipping method on the packing slip.
Display product's merchant field
Set this checkbox to include the product's "Merchant Product Instructions" field on the packing slip. These are typically instructions for warehouse employees. Note that you need use a Packing Slip Template that supports displaying this field. PackingSlip.sst supports this field while PackingSlipBasic.sst does not.
Table Shade Color
You can specify the color of the table used when displaying an order. Enter the hex value for the desired color in the box or click the "pick" link to use a color wheel. A preview of the color used in the table can be seen surrounding the hex value.


Do not use the color black (#000000), as it will mask the text within the table!

Packing Slip Header
Insert text or HTML to be displayed above the main packing slip information section.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Packing Slip Footer
Insert text or HTML to be displayed below the main packing slip information section.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Product Sort Order

When viewing orders, you may select to have the products in the order sorted for your convenience.

Sort By Select how products in orders will be sorted:
  • None - Select this option to have products listed in the order they were added to the shopping cart.
  • SKU - Select this option to use the product SKU to sort the products.
  • Name - Select this option to use the product Name to sort the products.
Sort Order Select whether products should be listed in Ascending Order (A-Z) or Descending Order (Z-A).


The notes section can be used to log information about the order for future use. Notes will not show up on the packing slip.

Add Note text box This field controls how many columns and rows are visible for a note. The note itself can be longer, but only the amount defined here is visible when editing the note. The default is 40 columns and 4 rows.
Add server date and time to note This whether or not the note is time stamped when it is saved.
Add username to note If user acounts have been enabled, this field controls whether or not the username of the person adding the note is appended to the note when it is saved.


The barcode section can be used to provide a barcode for orders to the merchant and can be used to place a barcode on the packing slip.

Display barcode on Order Select whether or not to display the barcode on the order.
Display barcode on Packing Slip Select whether or not to display the barcode on the packing slip.
Position to display barcode Use the drop-down menu to select where the barcode will be positioned in relation to the order. Choices include: "Below", "Above", "Left", and "Right".
Type of barcode Use the radio buttons to select the type of barcode to use. Choices include: "Standard 2 of 5", "Interleaved 2 of 5", "Code 11", "Code 39 (default)", "Code 93", "Code 128", "Codabar", and "MSI". Examples of the barcode are displayed in the Example barcode field, below.
Example barcode (read only) This field displays an example of the barcode type, selected above.

Order Manager

Number of log entries to display Use the drop-down menu to configure the number of log entries to display for a particular order. More information on the Order Management log can be found on the Order Management page.
Subject of Tracking Email Defaults to "Shipping tracking Number for Order: [ORDER_NUM]"
Body of Tracking Email Defaults to "Your order [ORDER_NUM] has been shipped.

Use this tracking # [TRACKING_NUM] to monitor it's progress."

Save next tracking number Choose whether tracking number will be saved as "just text" or "as a link." If the "as a link" option is selected, the Manage an Order screen will display tracking numbers as links to the tracking site, just like it is in the email sent to the shopper. To insert the number as a link, the merchant may also need to use a tracking link field (see below).
** Tracking Link Use the text box to enter a URL that can be used create a link to a shipping provider's tracking service within the body of the tracking email. Some (UPS, USPS, FedEx, Canada Post) will have default urls in them already, but most will need to have the url configured by the merchant. The only tag that can be used in these tracking link fields is [TRACKING_NUM]. Whatever the merchant configures in these fields will be displayed on the Manage an Order screen under the Tracking # section.


Use the fields found below to configure the text that displays when an order is selcted for Order Management.

Order Number Defaults to "Order Number"
Order # Defaults to "Order #"
Order Date Defaults to "Order Date"
Bill To Defaults to "Bill To"
Ship To Defaults to "Ship To"
Email Defaults to "Email"
Phone Defaults to "Phone"
Ship to Phone Defaults to "Ship to Phone"
Shopsite Transaction ID Defaults to "Shopsite Transaction ID"
Order Messages Defaults to "Order Messages"
Order Source Defaults to "Order Source"
Doba Order Info Defaults to "Doba Order Info"
Payment type Defaults to "Payment type"
Payment Processing Info Defaults to "Payment Processing Info"
Associate Name Defaults to "Associate Name"
No Associate Name for this order. Defaults to "No Associate Name for this order."
Qty. Defaults to "Qty."
Image Defaults to "Image"
Name Defaults to "Name"
SKU Defaults to "SKU"
Weight Defaults to "Weight"
Each Defaults to "Each"
Total Defaults to "Total"
Order Instructions Defaults to "Order Instructions"
Comments Defaults to "Comments"
Shipping Method Defaults to "Shipping Method"
Total Order Weight Defaults to "Total Order Weight"
Warehouse Defaults to "Warehouse"

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: September 22, 2011
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software