ShopSite Custom Template Tags

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Order Management Tags
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For greater detail on these tags and how to use them, please see our Template Specification page.

Order Management Tags

Special Order Management Tags


[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_VIEW --] The beginning of HTML for a View Order template
[-- DEFINE OM_SHIPPACK_VIEW --] The beginning of HTML for a packing slip template
[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_PRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for handling products when viewing orders
[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_COUPON --] The beginning of HTML for a template for handling coupons when viewing orders
[-- DEFINE OM_ORDER_MERCHANT_PRODUCT --] The beginning of HTML for a template handling merchant information when viewing orders

Loop Tags

[-- LOOP Order_Product --] Start of the Loop for outputting products when viewing orders
[-- LOOP Order_Coupon --] Start of the Loop for outputting coupons when viewing orders
[-- LOOP Order_Merchant_Product --] Start of the Loop for outputting merchant information when viewing orders

Header and Footer

[-- OM_Order_Header --] Text at the top of the Order Management Screen
[-- OM_Order_Footer --] Text at the bottom of the Order Management Screen
[-- OM_Shippack_Header --] Text at the top of the Order Management Screen
[-- OM_Shippack_Footer --] Text at the bottom of the Order Management Screen
[-- OM_Order_Number --]
[-- Order.X --]
[-- Order_Product.X --]
[-- Order_Product --]
[-- Order_Coupon --]
[-- Order_Merchant_Product --] This includes any special merchant instructions supplied by the customer.
[-- OM_Order_Products --]
[-- OM_Order_Totals --]
[-- OM_Order_Special_Buttons --]
[-- OM_Shipping_Method --] The shipping method used for the order.
[-- OM_Total_Weight --] The total weight of the order.