Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > Custom Templates

Custom Template Tag Specification

Mobile Tags

These tags are organized by the pages in which they typically would be used. Some tags are shown on multiple pages.


The mobile templates are used to configure the appearance of pages as they appear on mobile devices.

Global Tags

These tags can be used on any page to render mobile content.

This tag goes in the head of a page to generate the necessary Javascript for mobile page redirects.
This tag goes in the body of a page and will output the Javascript that will redirect to dynamically redisplay the page if a mobile device is detected.
[-- SS_MOBILE_PC --]
This tag will create a link on mobile page to static version, on static page create a link to mobile (if it came from the mobile version).
[-- IF SS_MOBILE --]
Returns true if mobile feature is turned on.
[-- IF MOBILE --]
Returns true if a mobile device is detected when the page loads(real time only).

Mobile Configuration

The following tags reference information entered on the Configure Mobile page of the back office.

The text/HTML of the mobile header.
The text/HTML of the mobile footer.
The default text color for mobile pages.
The default background color for mobile pages.
The default link color for mobile pages.
The default visited link color for mobile pages.
The default active link color for mobile pages.
There are four possible page links (where X is replaced with the number of the appropriate link) that are used in the mobile menu.
[-- IF STORE.MB_UseCompanyLogo --]
Returns true if the mobile pages have been configured to display the Company Logo.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyLogo --]
Image link to the Company Logo specified on the Configure Mobile page.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyURL --]
The URL specified for the company on the Configure Mobile page.
[-- STORE.MB_CompanyLINK --]
Hyperlink that includes the above company URL.
[-- STORE.MB_AddToCart --]
Instead of a button, mobile pages use text links to add products to the cart. This tag is the text for that link.
[-- MB_PageMenu --]
This tag will either display the Menu or the Page Links depending on the configuration set in the Mobile Configure page of the back office.

Tags Modified for Mobile

The following tags have a modified behavior when used in mobile templates.

When used in the mobile product template this tag will output the link for the associated dynamic more info page (other times it will output the link to the static page).
[-- Product.OrderCheckout --]
When used in the mobile product template this tag will only output the add to cart "Text" link/button with the text coming from the mobile configuration screen.
This tag acts like PRODUCT.MOREINFOURL and should be used to replace [--OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL--] and [--Page.FileName--] in the LINK_TO_PAGE define section.

Template Tag Links

To keep the help pages to a manageable size, the custom template tags are divided into groups:

Global Tags
Page Tags
Product Tags
Search Tags
Shopping Cart Tags
Gift Certificate Tags
Customer Registration Tags
Mobile Tags

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: November 01, 2011
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