Database Upload - Fields

If you are doing a database upload, there are several different kinds of data that you can deliver. Many of the fields simply accept text entry, like product name and description. Some are a numeric entry, for prices and weight. Others are check boxes or pull-down menus. In this case, you must be extremely careful to input the correct information, or your database upload will not be entirely successful. Unless noted, the default value is blank. Remember, if you are not changing it from the default, it is better to just leave that field out of your database upload altogether. The more fields you are including, the better the chance that you might make a typo and have to re-do the whole upload.

If you have any doubts about what kind of information goes in these fields, practice by adding a few products the long way using the "add new product" feature in the back office.

Product Upload Fields

Name - [text entry]
Price - [numeric entry]
Taxable - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Ground Shipping  - [numeric entry]
Second Day Shipping  - [numeric entry]
Next Day Shipping - [numeric entry]
SKU  - [text string]
Graphic  - [text entry]  default: none
Product Description  - [text entry]
Option Text  - [text entry]
Option Finite Text - [text entry] (Options need to be separated with a '|')
Options Box?  - [checked/unchecked]  default: unchecked
In These Pages - [text entry]  (use page names separated with a '|')
Display more information page?  - [checked/unchecked]  default: unchecked
More information text - [text entry]
More information graphic - [text entry]  default: none
[More information page] File name  - [text entry]
Template - [numeric]  default: 0 = Default Product Template
                               1 = Graphic Over Text
                               2 = Compact Product Template
                               3 = Compact w/Graphic Over Text
                               4 = Inline Product Template
                               5 = Inline w/Graphic Over Text
                               6 = One Line
Display Name? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Display SKU? - [checked/unchecked]  default: unchecked
Display Price? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Display Graphic? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Name Style - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: bold
Name Size - [big/small/normal]  default: normal
Price Style  - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: bold
Price Size - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: normal
SKU Style - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: plain
SKU Size - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: small
Description Style - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: plain
Description Size - [bold/Italic/typewriter/plain]  default: normal
Image Alignment - [left/right/center]  default: left
Text Wrap - [On/Off]  default: On
Sub-products - [text entry] (Use sub-product names separated with a '|')

Page Upload Fields

Name - [text entry]
Display Name? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Graphic - [text entry]
Display graphic? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Text 1 - [text entry]
Text 2 - [text entry]
Text 3 - [text entry]
Link Name - [text entry]
Link Graphic - [text entry]
Link Text - [text entry]
Text Wrap - [On/Off]  default: On
Link Location - [text entry]  (use page name)
Template - [Numeric]  default: 1 = Default page template
                               2 = Page graphic down left side
                               3 = Universal Header down left side
                               4 = Page links on left side
                               0 = Text 3 on left side
Lay Out - [left aligned/right aligned/staggered;start left/
          staggered;start right/centered] default: left aligned
Columns - [1/2/3/4/5]  default: 1
Display column borders? - [checked/unchecked]  default: unchecked
Page Width - [100% wide/90% wide/85% wide/75% wide/65% wide/50% wide]
             default: 100% wide
Display Universal Header? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Display Universal Footer? - [checked/unchecked]  default: checked
Text Color - [hex code entry]
Background Color - [hex code entry]
Link Color - [hex code entry]
Visited Link Color - [hex code entry]
Active Link Color - [hex code entry]
Background Image - [text entry]
File name: (Optional) - [text entry]
Meta:Keywords - [text entry]
Meta:Description - [text entry]
Search Products - [checked/unchecked] default: unchecked
Link Pages - [ignore]
Link Products - [ignore]

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