Universal Header/Footer

Text appearing in a particular location on every page in your site is called universal. Links to important documents, such as your e-mail address, phone number, or copyright information might be things that you would like to appear on every page. There are three types of universals:

Universal Header - This is text or HTML code that will appear at the top of every document in your site (or down the left side, depending on the page template). If you would like it to appear on every document except for selected pages, you can choose not to display the universal text areas in the layout section of each page. [Coming Soon] There are special background patterns in the stock graphics library that have different colors for the universal sidebar and the body of the page.

Universal Footer - This is text or HTML code that will appear at the bottom of every document in your site. If you would like it to appear on every document except for selected pages, you can choose not to display the universal text areas in the layout section of each page. On each page, there is a field called "text 3," for text that should appear underneath the universal footer.

Once you have selected the types of universals you would like to have, you need only enter in the text and/or HTML code in the text field provided. Here is one simple way of adding a site button bar in the header or footer:

Enter the following text and HTML into the footer section

and the text comes out looking like this, with the red and blue text being hotlinks:

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