
A control-click is the generic term used in these Help resources for the selecting of multiple items in a list within the ShopSite system. It is a very useful feature within the 3.0 version of ShopSite Manager. For example, rather than having to edit each product one by one, you can select several, or all of your products, and edit selected fields, like price and name. You have probably already used the shift-click in your normal computer use, while selecting multiple documents.

The key that you hold down may not be the control key. They key you should hold down while clicking with the mouse depends on your operating system and which items you would like to select. You might use the control, alt, shift, option, or command keys. Holding one key may allow you to select individual fields, while another will select all the items between an already highlighted item and the one you select. Experiment with different keys until you've got the hang of it.

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