The Database Upload feature requires you to provide different types of values for different types of fields:
You must be extremely careful to enter the correct information, or your database upload will not be entirely successful. Unless noted, the default value is blank.
Remember, if you are not changing a field’s value from the default, it is better to leave that field out of your database upload altogether. The more fields you include, the greater the chance that you might make a typo and have to redo the upload.
If you are unsure about what kind of information goes in a field, use the merchant interface to create some sample pages or products, and then download the databases and look at the values. The database upload and download features use the same values. To download a database, go to Utilities®Database®Upload/Download.
Name - The name of the product.
Field Type: Short Text Default Value: No default; you must set a value Possible Values: You can enter any text for the name of the product, including HTML tags.
Price - The price of the product.
Field Type: Numeric entry (no currency symbol) Default Value: 0.00 Possible Values: Any numeric value in standard currency format, but no currency symbol. You can include numeric and decimal separators, such as 1,234.56. Comment: The currency symbol and price formatting are controlled by the settings in the Preferences Locale screen. You can set a sale price for a product with the Sale Amount field.
Sale Amount - A reduced price for the product, or a percentage by which to reduce the Price.
Field Type: Numeric or percentage Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any numeric value, but no currency symbol. You can include numeric and decimal separators. To use a percentage off the Price, enter a number and a percent sign, such as 10%. Comment: The Sale Amount value is only used if the Sale On field is set to "checked."
Taxable - Indicates whether ShopSite should calculate sales tax for this product.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: checked Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not calculate sales tax for this product. Comment: Tax rates must be set in Commerce Setup Sales Tax screen.
Weight - The shipping weight of the product, used to calculate shipping costs if shipping by weight is selected for the store.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: 0 Possible Values: Any integer or decimal number. Comment: This field is only valid if you have shipping by weight selected as the shipping option for the store. Do not include a unit of measurement (pounds, ounces, kilograms, etc.), but assume the same unit for all products.
Ground Shipping
Second Day Shipping
Next Day Shipping - The charge to ship this product by each of these methods.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: 0 Possible Values: Any numeric value in standard currency format, but no currency symbol. You can include numeric and decimal separators, such as 1,234.56. Comment: Each of these three fields is present only if Base Shipping or Base Plus Shipping is selected as the shipping option for the store and the specific method is enabled (checked).
Shipping 3
Shipping 4
Shipping 5
Shipping 6
Shipping 7
Shipping 8
Shipping 9 - The charge to ship the product by each of these custom shipping methods.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: 0 Possible Values: Any numeric value in standard currency format, but no currency symbol. You can include numeric and decimal separators, such as 1,234.56.The merchant can change the name of these shipping methods, but you must use the names given here when uploading a products database.
Comment: Each of these fields is present only if Base Shipping or Base Plus Shipping is selected as the shipping option for the store and the specific method is enabled (checked).The merchant can change the name of these shipping methods, but you must use the names given here when uploading a products database.
SKU - The "Stock Keeping Unit" number for the product
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any alphanumeric string
Graphic - The pathname to a graphic file for the product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a graphic file in the store’s media directory, or the full path name to a graphic file in another directory, or the full URL to an image.
Search Keywords - Enter keywords that you want the store search function to match on for this product, in addition to the product Name, Description, SKU, Ordering Options Menus, and More Info Page Text. (You can select which fields to use for search on the Preferences > Search Settings screen.)
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A space-separated list of words.
Search Make Page - The URL of the search destination for this product, if the Search Dest? field is set to "specified."
Field Type: Restricted text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A fully-qualified URL.
Product Description - Text describing the product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. It is best to avoid the use of single and double quotation marks.
Option Text - Text to appear on the shopping cart above any Ordering Options pull-down menus for this product.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired.
Option Finite Text - Text to be the contents of pull-down menus for Ordering Options for this product.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Choices to appear in pull-down menus. Comment: Separate options with |n|, and separate groups of options with |n||n|
Option Box? - Indicates whether a customer text entry box for this product should appear in the shopping cart.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: null (option is unchecked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that there will be no customer comments box for this product on the shopping cart page.
In These Pages - A list of store pages on which this product should appear.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A list of the names of any pages in the store that this product should appear on. Separate page names with |. Comment: The Link Products field in the pages database performs a similar function.
Display more information page? - Indicates whether a More Information page exists for this product.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: null (option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that there is no More Information Page for this product.
More information text - Descriptive text to appear on the More Information page for this product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired.
More information graphic - An image file to be displayed on the More Information Page for this product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a graphic file in the store’s media directory, or the full path name to a graphic file in another directory, or the full URL to an image.Note that you can use any type of media file; you are not restricted to graphic file formats.
File name - A file name for the More Information Page.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: Any valid file name ending in .htm or .html. Comment: If you do not provide a name for the More Information page, ShopSite will give it a name, such as page1.html.
Template - The name of a product template to be used to format the product information.
Field Type: Text entry (case-sensitive) Default Value: 00_Default_product_template Possible Values: 00_Default_product_template
custom product template name
Display Name? - Indicates whether to display the product name.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the name of this product.
Display SKU? - Indicates whether to display the product SKU.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the SKU of this product.
Display Price? - Indicates whether to display the product price.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the price of this product.
Display Graphic? - Indicates whether to display the product graphic.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the graphic for this product.
Sale On - Indicates whether to display the product sale price.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that this product is not on sale. Comment: Note that this field has no effect if a Sale Price has not been set for the product.
Name Style - Sets the font properties for the product name.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Bold Possible Values: Bold
Name Size - Sets the font size for the product name.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Normal Possible Values: Normal
Price Style - Sets the font properties for the product price.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Bold Possible Values: Bold
Price Size - Sets the font size for the product price.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Normal Possible Values: Normal
SKU Style - Sets the font properties for the product SKU.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Plain Possible Values: Bold
SKU Size - Sets the font size for the product SKU.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Normal Possible Values: Normal
Description Style - Sets the font properties for the product description.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Plain Possible Values: Bold
Description Size - Sets the font size for the product description.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Normal Possible Values: Normal
Image Alignment - Sets the alignment of the product image in relation to other product information.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: Left Possible Values: Left
Text Wrap - Indicates whether product information text should wrap around the product image or continue in a column beside it.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: On -- product information wraps around the product image. Possible Values: On
Add to Cart Button - Sets the text of the Add to Cart button that appears next to this product.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: [Add to Cart] Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired.You can use a graphic for this button by entering the name of a graphic file in your media directory.You can remove this button by setting this field to a null value (empy quotation marks).
View Cart Button - Sets the text of the View Cart button that appears next to this product.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: [View Cart] Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired.You can use a graphic for this button by entering the name of a graphic file in your media directory.You can remove this button by setting this field to a null value (empy quotation marks).
Product Type - Indicates whether the product requires physical shipping or is a digital download.
Field Type: Restricted text entry Default Value: "Tangible" Possible Values: Either "Tangible" to indicate a product that requires physical shipping or "Download" to indicate a product that can be downloaded after purchase. If you are selling a product that can be downloaded but which also has a component that must be shipped, set this field to "Download."
Quantity On Hand - The number of units of this item currently in stock.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: 0 Possible Values: Any integer, or an integer preceeded by a plus or minus sign. Comment: If this field is just an integer, it will replace the current value for this product. However, if this field contains a plus or minus sign (for example, +5), then this value will be added to the quantity already in the database. For example, if the Quantity On Hand for a product is 8 and you upload a value of -10, the resulting quantity will be -2. Note:
If you are maintaining your database in a spreadsheet program, such as Quattro Pro or Excel, you will probably have to set the cell/column to be a text-only label field in order to get the program to accept a plus sign without treating it as an operator.
Low Stock Threshold - the value at which the merchant is sent an e-mail message indicating that stock of this product is getting low.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any integer
Out Of Stock Limit - the value at which the merchant is sent an e-mail message indicating that this product is out of stock.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any integer
Display Order Quantity? - Indicates whether to display a box for the user to enter a quantity on the product page in the store.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display a quantity field for this product on the product page. Comment: If ordering options are defined for this product, they will always be displayed on the order form page.
Display Ordering Options? - Indicates whether to display ordering options for the product on the product page in the store.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display ordering options for this product on the product page. Comment: A quantity box is always displayed on the order form page.
Use Add to Cart Image? - Defines which field is the source for the [Add to Cart] button for this product.
Field Type: Radio button Default Value: 0 Possible Values: 0 (use value of the Add to Cart Button field)
1 (use value of the Add to Cart Image field)
Add to Cart Image - The name of a file in the store’s media directory to be used for the [Add to Cart] button for this product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a file in the store’s media directory. Comment: The value for this field is used only if Use Add to Cart Image? is set to 1.
Use View Cart Image? - Defines which field is the source for the [View Cart] button for this product.
Field Type: Radio button Default Value: 0 Possible Values: 0 (use value of the Add to Cart Button field)
1 (use value of the View Cart Image field)
View Cart Image - The name of a file in the store’s media directory to be used for the [View Cart] button for this product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a file in the store’s media directory. Comment: The value for this field is used only if Use View Cart Image? is set to 1.
Product Download Location - The name of a file in the download directory that customers can access after purchasing this digital download product.
Field Type: Text entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: The name of any file in the store’s digital download directory.
No Shipping Charges - Indicates whether shipping charges should be charged for this product.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should charge for shipping this product. Comment: Digital download products often have no shipping charges, or you can use this field to offer free shipping on a product, or you can use this field for products that have no shipping charges, such as gift certificates.
Search Dest? - Indicates whether a search destination has been selected from the standard options or specified as a URL.
Field Type: Restricted text Default Value: "selected" Possible Values: "selected" to indicate that the search desination is one of the standard options and is identified in the Search Dest field, or "specified" to indicate that the search destination is a URL, which is given in the Search Make Page field.
Search Dest - Identifies the selected search destination for this product.
Field Type: Restricted text Default Value: "Store" Possible Values: One of four values to indicate how this product should be listed and linked on a search results page:
- Store - ShopSite will list and link to every page in your store that contains the matching product
- More Info - ShopSite will only create one entry for the product on the search results page and the link will take the customer to the product’s More Info page.
- Made - ShopSite will create a new page to display just this product. Use this option if you don’t want to include the product on any store pages but you want it to be found in a search.
- None - The product cannot be found by search. You can include the product on store pages, but it will not be indexed for the customer search function.
Dimension Options - Indicates whether shipping box dimensions are provided for this product.
Field Type: Restricted Numeric Default Value: 1 (ship by weight only) Possible Values: 1, 2, or 3. 1 indicates that this product is shipped by weight only, and no box dimensions are provided. 2 means that box dimensions are provided in the Dimensions Text field. 3 means that this product uses one of the standard box dimensions, identified in the Dimensions Selected field.
Dimension Text - The shipping box dimensions for this product, if the Dimensions Options field is set to 2.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: The box dimensions, in the form LxWxH (length by width by height), for example 20x20x24.
Dimension Selected - The dimensions of one of the shipping boxes configured on the Shipping screen.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: The first box dimensions configured on the Shipping screen. This value is ignored if the Dimensions Options field is not set to 1. Possible Values: A text string to match one of the configured shipping box dimensions.
Extra Handling Charge - The amount of special handling charge for this product, if any.
Field Type: Numeric entry (no currency symbol) Default Value: 0 Possible Values: Any numeric value in standard currency format, but no currency symbol. You can include numeric and decimal separators.
Product Field 1
Product Field 2
Product Field 3
Product Field 4
Product Field 5 - Text fields that can be used in custom templates for ShopSite Pro stores .
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. This information can only be retrieved and used by a custom product template. It will not appear in any of the standard ShopSite themes or templates.
QBImport - Information to categorize this product when product and order information is imported into QuickBooks.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: Two fields separated by a | symbol, such as PART|Sales:ShopSite.
- The first field identifies the QuickBooks Item Type to be assigned to this product. Valid values are:
- PART - a non-inventory part item
- INVENTORY - an inventory part item
- SERV - a service item
- OTHC - an other charge item
- null - use the setting from the QuickBooks configuration screen in ShopSite
- The second field identifies the QuickBooks account to use to track sales of this product. The default value is Sales:ShopSite.
Quantity Pricing - Information to create a quantity pricing table for this product.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: Variable number of values separated by a | symbol or |n|, in this format:CHECKED|n|X|n|COMMENT|n|COLOR1|COLOR2|COLOR3|n|Q|PRICE|SALE|n|
.The values are:
- The first value is CHECKED if Quantity Pricing is enabled for this product, otherwise it is n, and the rest of this field can be ignored.
- The second value (X) sets the number of price breaks. Note that this is the maximum number used for this product, but the actual number of price breaks in use may be less.
.- The COMMENT value is the comment that will appear below the Quantity Pricing table on store pages.
- The COLOR values set the color for the quantity row, price and comment row, and on sale row in the table, respectively.
- The Q value is the starting quantity for a quantity range.
- The PRICE value is the price per unit for this quantity range.
- The SALE value is the sale price for this quantity range.
The Q|PRICE|SALE|n| is repeated for each quantity range.
Subproducts - The names of any products to be grouped under this product.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A list of any of the names of products in the store. Separate product names with |. If the names of products in your store are not unique, you can use both the product name and SKU by preceeding the SKU with a tilde (~), like this:Product Name1~SKU1|Product Name2~SKU2|Product Name3~SKU3
Note that it is valid to list a product as a subproduct of itself.
Variable Price? - Indicates whether the product has variable pricing enabled.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Comment: A product with variable price should also have a regular price. The regular price acts as a "lowest allowed price," and ShopSite will not allow a customer to pay less than the regular price for the product.
Variable Name? - Indicates whether the product has variable name enabled.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Comment: A product must have variable price enabled for variable name to work.
Variable SKU? - Indicates whether the product has variable SKU enabled.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Comment: A product must have variable price enabled for variable SKU to work.
Name - The name of the page
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: No default; you must set a value. Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. It is best to keep this short.
Display Name? - Indicates whether ShopSite should display the page name.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the name of this page. Comment: If the Page Graphic includes the name of the page, you might not want to also display the page name as text.
Graphic - A graphic to be displayed on the page
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a graphic file in the store’s media directory, or the full path name to a graphic file in another directory, or the full URL to an image.
Display Graphic? - Indicates whether ShopSite should display the product graphic.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the graphic for this page.
Text 1 - Text to be displayed below the page name and graphic, but above any products or page links.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. It is best to avoid the use of single and double quotation marks.
Text 2 - Text to be displayed below any products and page links, but above the page footer.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. It is best to avoid the use of single and double quotation marks.
Text 3 - Text to be displayed below the page footer.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. It is best to avoid the use of single and double quotation marks.
Link Name - The text that will appear as the link to this page on other pages in the store.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Defaults to the value of the Name field for the page. Possible Values: A short text string.
Link Graphic - The graphic that will appear as the link to this page on other pages in the store.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a graphic file in the store’s media directory, or the full path name to a graphic file in another directory, or the full URL to an image.
Link Text - Descriptive text for this page that will appear next to the Link Name and Link Graphic.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A short text string, including HTML tags, if desired.
Text Wrap - Indicates whether the link name and text should wrap under the link graphic or continue in a column next to it.
Field Type: Restricted Value Text Entry Default Value: On Possible Values: On
Link Location - The names of store pages that should have links to this page.
Field Type: List of pages Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A list of any pages that should contain links to this page. Separate page names with |. Comment: Note that the Link Pages field performs an equivalent function.
Template - The page template to use to format this page.
Field Type: Text (case-sensitive) Default Value: 00_Default_page_template Possible Values: 00_Default_page_template01_Text_3_on_left_side02_Page_graphic_down_left_side03_Header_down_left_side04_Page_links_down_left_side05_Matte_theme07_Mondrian_theme08_Lefty_theme09_Topnotch_themecustom page template name
Lay out - Sets the alignment of products and page links within columns.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Left aligned Possible Values: Left aligned
Right aligned
Staggered; Start left
Staggered; Start right
Columns - The number of columns that ShopSite should use to display products and page links.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: One column Possible Values: One column
Two column
Three column
Four column
Five column
Display column borders? - Indicates whether ShopSite should put a thin border around columns used to display products and page links.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display column borders on this page.
Page Width - Sets the percentage of the browser window that ShopSite should use to display the page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: 100% wide Possible Values: 100% wide
90% wide
85% wide
75% wide
65% wide
50% wide
Display Universal Header? - Indicates whether the store’s universal header should be displayed on this page.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the store’s universal header on this page.
Display Universal Footer? - Indicates whether the store’s universal footer should be displayed on this page.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display the store’s universal footer on this page.
Text Color - Sets the color of non-link text on the page.
Field Type: Text and hex code entry Default Value: Black-True (#000000) Possible Values: A hexadecimal color value or a string value. Comment: You can enter color values in two ways: a hex value preceeded by a pound sign, or as a text string that matches exactly with one of the entries used in the drop-down boxes on the Add Page screen, including color name, parentheses and the # in front of the hex value.
Background Color - The background color for the page.
Field Type: Text and hex code entry Default Value: White-True (#FFFFFF) Possible Values: A hexadecimal color value or a string value. Comment: You can enter color values in two ways: a hex value preceeded by a pound sign, or as a text string that matches exactly with one of the entries used in the drop-down boxes on the Add Page screen, including color name, parentheses and the # in front of the hex value.
Link Color - The color of unvisited links on the page.
Field Type: Text and hex code entry Default Value: Blue-True (#0000FF) Possible Values: A hexadecimal color value or a string value. Comment: You can enter color values in two ways: a hex value preceeded by a pound sign, or as a text string that matches exactly with one of the entries used in the drop-down boxes on the Add Page screen, including color name, parentheses and the # in front of the hex value.
Visited Link Color - The color of visited links on the page.
Field Type: Text and hex code entry Default Value: Red-True (#FF0000) Possible Values: A hexadecimal color value or a string value. Comment: You can enter color values in two ways: a hex value preceeded by a pound sign, or as a text string that matches exactly with one of the entries used in the drop-down boxes on the Add Page screen, including color name, parentheses and the # in front of the hex value.
Active Link Color - The color of links as the user is clicking on them.
Field Type: Text and hex code entry Default Value: Bright_Green_4 (#00FF00) Possible Values: A hexadecimal color value or a string value. Comment: You can enter color values in two ways: a hex value preceeded by a pound sign, or as a text string that matches exactly with one of the entries used in the drop-down boxes on the Add Page screen, including color name, parentheses and the # in front of the hex value.
Background Image - An image to be used as a background for the page.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: "none" Possible Values: The name of a graphic file in the store’s media directory, or the full path name to a graphic file in another directory, or the full URL to an image.
File name - The file name of the published page.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: Any valid file name ending in .htm or .html.
Meta:Keywords - Words for search engines to match on.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A comma-separated list of words that search engines should use to index this page.
Meta:Description - Text for search engines to display on search results pages.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value Possible Values: A text description of this page that search engines should display when this page matches a search. Don’t include HTML tags.
Search Products - Indicates whether ShopSite should put a product search box on this page.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: Null (the option is not checked) Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not display a product search box on this page.
Index - Indicates whether ShopSite should index the products on this page so that they can be found in a product search.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that ShopSite should not index the produts on this page for searching.
Order - Sets the sort order for products and page links on this page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: None Possible Values: None
Products Sort Field - Sets the sort field for products on this page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Name Possible Values: Name
Product Description
Pages Sort Field - Sets the sort field for pages links on this page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Name Possible Values: Name
Link Name
Products First - Indicates whether ShopSite should display products before page links on this page.
Field Type: Checkbox Default Value: "checked" Possible Values: "checked" or null. Setting a null value indicates that products and page links should be intermixed on the page.
Number Products - The maximum number of products per page.
Field Type: Numeric Default Value: 0 (unlimited products per page) Possible Values: Any integer. Comment: When there are more than this number of products assigned to the page, ShopSite will automatically generate additional pages to accomodate all the products.
Page Field 1
Page Field 2
Page Field 3
Page Field 4
Page Field 5
- Text fields that can be used in custom templates for ShopSite Pro stores.
Field Type: Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: Any text string, including HTML tags, if desired. This information can only be retrieved and used by a custom page template. It will not appear in any of the standard ShopSite themes or templates.
Link Pages - A list of store pages that should have links to this page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: A list of the names of any pages that will have links on this page. Separate page names with |. Comment: Note that the Link Location field performs a similar function.
Link Products - A list of products that should appear on this page.
Field Type: Restricted Text Entry Default Value: Null; there is no default value. Possible Values: A list of the names of products that will appear on this page. Separate product names with |. If the names of products in your store are not unique, you can use both the product name and SKU or just the SKU by preceeding the SKU with a tilde (~), like this:Product Name1~SKU1|Product Name2~SKU2|Product Name3~SKU3
Comment: Note that the In These Pages field in the products database performs a similar function.
ShopSite Help and Resource Center February 13, 2004 Give Feedback |
![]() © 2007, ShopSite, Inc. ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |