The time zone for the Orbital gateway must be entered as a three-digit code. In computer-language fashion, the code specifies the difference between Universal Time (UTC, formerly GMT) and your time zone.

Picking a First Digit

The first digit is a number between 1 and 8, inclusive. It specifies whether your time zone is ahead of UTC (positive offset) or behind (negative offset), whether the offset is in whole hours or 15 minute increments, and whether your area participates in daylight savings time. Here are the values and their meanings:

Value Meaning
0 Positive offset, in hours, ahead of UTC
2 Positive offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of UTC
4 Positive offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of UTC, in cities participating in daylight savings time
6 Positive offset, in hours, ahead of UTC, in cities participating in daylight savings time
1 Negative offset, in hours, ahead of UTC
3 Negative offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of UTC
5 Negative offset, in 15 minute increments, ahead of UTC, in cities participating in daylight savings time
7 Negative offset, in hours, ahead of UTC, in cities participating in daylight savings time

Picking the Second and Third Digits

The last two digits simply identify how much time difference there is between your time zone and UTC.