Screen: ShopSite > Products > Add a Product
Use this screen to add a new product to your store. You can use the + or - next to each section to show or hide the individual sections (Quantity Pricing, Product Information, Shipping and Download Information, Inventory Tracking, Ordering Options, Cross Sell, Product Pages, More Info Pages, Extra More Info Image Fields, Product Layout Info, Button Customization, Google Shopping/Merchant Center Feed, QuickBooks, Extra Fields) or show or hide all sections. After specifying the details of your product, you can use the Save button to return to the main Products page, or use the Select Subproducts button to associate it with other products.
Product Name |
This is the name of the product that will appear wherever the product is displayed, and also the name of the product used in the Back Office. You must enter a unique name for the product, although you may toggle whether or not to display the name to customers. |
Price | Enter the regular price the product will sell for (in your primary currency). This price will be used in calculating the order total, unless you have the product on sale or if the customer qualifies for quantity pricing. You can toggle whether or not the price is displayed on Store Pages and Product More Info Pages. |
On Sale Price | If you enter a value here, it will be used to calculate the price of the product when you have it On Sale. You can have ShopSite calculate the sale price as a percent off the regular price by entering the percent off, including a percent sign (%), or you can enter a specific sale price (in your primary currency). |
Disable Product | Set this check box to disable this product. Disabled products will not be published and will be removed from existing pages when the site is published. The Disable Product feature allows merchants to temporarily remove products from a ShopSite store without manually removing the item from individual pages or deleting the product altogether. |
Recurring Payments | After Automated Recurring Billing has been enabled, products can be set up to use subscription-model pricing. To enable recurring payments for a product, set the "Check here to enable Recurring Pricing" check box. Select a "Payment interval" (Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Quarterly, or Twice-Yearly), a "Recurring price", an "Ending Period" (Never, or a number between 1-99, which represents the total number of intervals that the account will be billed), and a "Bill On" date (Order date, or a number between 1 and 31). Set the "Initial Trial Price" check box to give customers a chance to evaluate a product before billing begins. After setting this check box, provide a price for the trial offer and the number of "periods" (period length being determined by the "Payment interval" drop-down box) that the trial will last. Set the "One-time fee" check box to add a setup, installation, or other one-time fee to a product. This is applied to the initial order only and will appear on the checkout screen of the customer. |
Doba Product Information | Read-only. If this product was imported from a Doba watch list, this field will contain product information provided by Doba. The field is empty if this is not a doba product. |
Variable Price |
Variable pricing allows your customers to specify the price of a product, and optionally the product name and SKU, too. Variable pricing works well with auction payments, where the price of the item is determined by the high bid. It can also be used for donations or gift certificates, where customers can enter the amount they want to give.
Minimum Quantity |
You may specify a per-product minimum quantity that a customer can buy. This allows you to sell items individually (rather than in sets), but if it is cost-prohibitive to sell extremely small quantities of an item, you can require customers to buy at least the number you specify.
Customers will not be able to check-out if the purchase quantity in the shopping cart is lower than the minimum quantity specified here. You can configure ShopSite to automatically increase the quantity to the minimum by going to the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart screen. |
Quantity PricingProduct Quantity Pricing allows you to set the price of a product based on the quantity a customer orders. For example, you could charge full price for orders of less than 10 units, reduce the price for orders of 10 to 20 units, and reduce the price even more for orders of more than 20 units. You can also set a sale price for each quantity level. A Product Quantity Pricing table for a product might look like this in a store: |
Quantity Pricing |
Check this box to turn on Product Quantity Pricing for this product. ShopSite will not use the values of the Price and Sale Price fields to calculate the cost of an order, but will only use the quantity prices. You may want to turn off (uncheck) the Price Toggle so the regular price is not displayed. You also may want to turn on the Display Order Quantity checkbox so customers can enter a quantity before clicking the [Add to Cart] button. |
Quantity Pricing Ranges |
Quantity Pricing Comment |
Enter any text you want to appear below the quantity pricing table, such as "Call us for larger quantities." |
Quantity Background Color |
This is the color for the first row of the table, which lists the quantity ranges (i.e., 1-10, 11-20, etc.). Click on the description text link to use the Color Picker to change the color. This color is not set or affected by themes. |
Price and Comment Background Color |
This color is used for the background on the price and comment rows. Click on the description text link to use the Color Picker to change the color. This color is not set or affected by themes. |
On Sale Background Color |
This is the background color for the row with the sale prices, if the product is on sale. Click on the description text link to use the Color Picker to change the color. This color is not set or affected by themes. |
Quantity Pricing Group | Select a group from the pull-down to assign this product to a Quantity Pricing Group, or select None. When a customer purchases several products in the same group, the quantity of each qualifying product in the cart is added together to create the number used to calculate the discount according to the quantity pricing table for each individual product. | ||||||||||||||||||
Product Information |
Taxable |
Leave this box checked to have ShopSite calculate sales tax for this product. Clearing the box will change how this product is included in some sales tax calculations. See tax rates and more information in the Commerce Setup > Sales Tax section. |
Tax Code |
When using AvaTax, select the tax code that is applicable to this product. You can set which tax codes are available for products in the Commerce Setup > AvaTax section. If the product is non-taxable, be sure to include a non-taxable tax code here and clear the Taxable field above. |
VAT/GST Rate | If you have Configured VAT calculation in ShopSite, use the pull-down menu to select which VAT rate to apply for this product. | ||||||||||||||||||
The Stock Keeping Unit or SKU is a code used to identify billable items. If you have a SKU system, or any other tracking system (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), you can enter the code in this field. The SKU does not appear on pages by default (although there is a toggle to enable that, if you want), but is included in the order information so you can use it for fulfillment. |
Product Image | This is the image that will appear next to or above the product information (the arrangement depends on which product template you choose). See the Image Tool help for more information on selecting an image. |
Product Image Size |
Select one of the available Image Sizes to use for the product image. |
Search Keywords |
Enter a comma-delimited list of terms you want associated with this product when customers search your site. Words or phrases you enter here, along with the content of any other product fields you choose to include (see Preferences > Search Settings), will be associated with this product in the search index. You should try to include any words or phrases customers will use when searching for this product, including alternate names and common misspellings you do not want to include in the product name or description. |
Search Destination |
Select where you want customers to be directed to learn more about or buy products they find using the Search feature.
Select the radio button beside the pull-down menu to use one of the following options:
You can use a custom URL, such as a custom page with Order Anywhere links, by selecting the radio button beside the text box, then entering the URL for the destination page in the text entry box. You can configure how the products and links appear in search results by going to Preferences > Search Settings > Search Layout. |
Product Description |
You can use this field to provide customers with important information about your product. Enter a brief descriptive summary including highlights about the product, and be sure to mention any significant features your customers will want to know about. You may want to include HTML content (such as a key feature list) to improve the presentation of the information. It is usually a good idea to keep the Product Description relatively short so it doesn't take up too much of the page. You can use a More Info Page to provide a more extensive description of the product.
This field supports use of the HTML Editor. |
Merchant Product Instructions |
You can use this field to provide notes to yourself or a warehouse or shipping department on how to handle this product. For example, it might include building or packing instructions. These instructions aren't displayed to the shopper on the website, but will show up on packing lists when viewed in the back office.
This field supports use of the HTML Editor. |
Video |
You can use this field to provide information or links to videos (such as on youtube) about this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Returns |
You can use this field to provide return information or links to a return policy for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Warranty |
You can use this field to provide warranty information or links to a warranty for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Specifications |
You can use this field to provide specification information or links to a spec sheet for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Materials/Ingredients |
You can use this field to provide information or links to a materials or ingredients list for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
How to Use |
You can use this field to provide how-to information or links to how-to documentation for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Shipping Details |
You can use this field to provide additional shipping information for this product. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
Size & Fit Guide |
Decide whether to use an image or text as a size & fit guide for clothing or other wearables. Selecting an image is the same as selecting a product image, above. If you decide to use text, enter the information in the apprpriate information in the textbox. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
As Seen in Image |
You can use this field to provide an additional image, such as a close-up of a section of the product that will be referenced in the description. Themes or templates can then display this information alongside the product. |
QuickBooks product information has been moved to a new location | |||||||||||||||||||
Shipping and Download Information |
Weight |
If you are using weight-based shipping (including UPS or FedEx), you must enter the weight for your product here so ShopSite can calculate shipping costs. Do not specify a unit of measurement (pounds, ounces, kilograms, etc.), but use the same unit of measurement for all products in your store.
Item Size | Provide the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the product so that ShopSite can accurately calculate shipping rates for items that are not shipped singly. | ||||||||||||||||||
Shipping Dimensions |
If you are using a shipping option that uses specific package sizes as part of the shipping cost calculation (such as UPS or a Custom Shipping Add-On), you may need to specify the dimensions of the package this product will ship in. If you are using FedEx or USPS, use the carrier-specific settings (below) to configure your container. If you specify a package size here, ShopSite will calculate the shipping costs as if the package were being shipped individually (even if multiple packages could be shipped within a single larger box). You have three options for specifying product package dimensions:
FedEx Shipping Container | If your store is configured to generate real-time FedEx shipping quotes, select the container type you will use when shipping the product. This will be used along with the product weight and the customer's Zip Code to determine the FedEx shipping rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
USPS Shipping Container | If your store is configured to generate real-time USPS shipping quotes, select the container type you will use when shipping the product, then select any applicable checkboxes. This information will be used with the product weight and customer's Zip Code to determine the USPS shipping rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
Canada Post Shipping Container | If your store is configured to generate real-time Canada Post shipping quotes, select the container type you will use when shipping the product. This will be used along with the product weight and the customer's Zip Code to determine the Canada Post shipping rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
Australia Post Shipping Container | If your store is configured to generate real-time Australia Post shipping quotes, select the container type you will use when shipping the product. This will be used along with the product weight and the customer's postal code to determine the Australia Post shipping rates. | ||||||||||||||||||
No Shipping Charge |
Check this box if you do not want ShopSite to calculate any shipping and handling charges for this product. This feature overrides any other shipping charge configuration for this product. It can be useful for downloadable products and items such as gift certificates. |
Extra Handling Charge |
You can optionally enter an additional handling charge for this product. This is a per-item charge (if this product has a handling charge of $1 and a customer orders 3 of this product, the customer will be charged $3) that will be added to any per-order handling charges configured on the Shipping Configuration screen. |
Product Type |
Choose the product type:
Product Download Location |
Select the file you want customers to be able to download when they buy this product. See the Digital Download Configuration help for information about using either the drop-down menu or pop-up window method for selecting the file.
Shipping ChargesIf you have either Base Shipping or Base Plus Shipping selected in the shipping options, this section will appear with individual fields for various shipping methods. |
Shipping Charges |
Enter the per-item shipping price of this product for each of the shipping methods you have specified. |
Inventory TrackingTo have ShopSite keep track of your inventory for this product, configure your Inventory Tracking Settings, then use the fields below to specify inventory information for this product. Any of these fields may be a negative value. |
Quantity on Hand |
Enter the number of units of this product you have available to ship. ShopSite will decrement this number when customers buy this product. You can either update this number manually when you restock this product, or you can use the Database Upload feature to import the information from a database file.
Low Stock Threshold |
Use this field to indicate when ShopSite should notify you that you are running low on this product. ShopSite will send you an E-mail when your Quantity on Hand changes to match this value. Leave this field blank if you do not want to get low stock notifications. |
Out of Stock Limit |
Use this field to tell ShopSite when to stop allowing customers to order this product. You will get an E-mail notification when your Quantity on Hand changes to match this value. In addition, if a customer tries to place an order that would cause your Quantity on Hand to go below this value, you will receive an E-mail notification and the customer will not be allowed to complete the order. |
Ordering OptionsThe Ordering Options fields allow you to provide your customers with variations or customization of your products using pull-down menus, a text-box, or both. The pull-down menus can be used to select variations (such as different colors or sizes) of a single product, and the text-box allows the customer to provide special information (such as a monogram or a message). See the Ordering Options Help for detailed instructions and examples of how to use these fields, including modifying the product price based on menu selections. |
Order Options Description |
This field allows you to provide a description or instructions for the ordering options pull-down menus. It is displayed directly above the pull-down menus. |
Pull-down Menus |
Enter each menu option on a separate line. Leave a blank line to start a new pull-down menu. See the Ordering Options Help for a detailed explanation and examples of how to use this field.
To display Ordering Options pull-downs on your Store Pages and Product More Info Pages, you must check the Display Ordering Options checkbox. Selected ordering options are also displayed with the product in the Shopping Cart contents. You can select whether or not customers can change ordering options on the initial Shopping Cart screen by going to the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart screen in your Back Office. |
Customer Text Entry |
Check this box to include a text-box with the Ordering Options. Customers will be able to enter text (such as initials for a monogram or a special message to be printed on the product) into this box.
The text-box will be displayed with the product in the Shopping Cart contents. You can select whether or not customers can change the text-box contents on the initial Shopping Cart screen by going to the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart screen in your Back Office. |
Customer Text Entry Header |
This field allows you to provide a description or instructions for the ordering options text-box. It is displayed directly above the text-box. |
Customer Text Entry Box |
Select a width and height for the text-box. The Columns value is the number of text characters wide the box will be, and the Rows value is the number of text characters high the box will be (so a 20x2 box would be able to display a total of 40 characters). This does not limit how many characters can be entered, only the display size of the box. |
Google Shopping/Merchant Center Feed |
Google Merchant Center |
Leave this box checked if you want this product to be included when you submit products to Google Merchant Center (formerly Froogle). If you uncheck this box, this product will not be included in submissions. |
Brand |
If you want to submit this product to Google Merchant Center, you need to specify a product brand name. If you produce your own merchandise, this could be your company name. This field is required for Google Merchant Center submissions. |
Use this field if you want to provide the ISBN or UPC for the product to Google. |
MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) |
Use this field if you want to provide the MPN of the product to Google. |
Google Product Type |
If you want to submit this product to Google Merchant Center, you need to specify a product type. This is usually a description of what the product is used for, for example clothing, jewelry, or furniture. This field is required for Google Merchant Center submissions. |
Google Product Category |
Products submitted to Google Merchant Center require categorization using Google's Product Category Taxonomy. From the "Browse the Taxonomy" section of their page, use the search bar or navigate with the arrows to an appropriate category, then select and copy the text provided(without the quotation marks) into this field. |
Custom Product without Unique Identifiers |
Check the box to identify this product as a custom product, where at least two out of the three required identifiers (brand, GTIN, and MPN) are not present. |
Availability |
Use the drop-down menu to assign an availability to the product. Options include: "in stock", "available for order", "out of stock", and "preorder". |
Condition |
If you want to submit this product to Google Merchant Center, you need to specify the product condition. This can be New, Used, or Refurbished. This field is required for Google Merchant Center submissions. |
Age Group |
Choose the appropriate age group for the product, "kids" or "adults", from the drop-down menu. |
Gender |
Choose the appropriate gender for the product , "male", "female", or "unisex", from the drop-down menu. |
Variant Options in Google Feed |
Shoes and Clothing Products are required to submit color and size for each variant. Check this box if this item has color, size, pattern, and/or material variants setup using either basic or advanced ordering options, then use the drop-down menu items to assign which column (color, size, material, and pattern) belongs with which variant field (1, 2, 3, 4, Extra Field 1, or Extra Field 2). Note: Extra Field 1 and Extra Field 2 must be configured using Advanced Ordering Options. |
List as Free Shipping on Google |
The Google Shopping listing will reflect free shipping on this product. This does not set free shipping for this product. |
Cross-Sell |
Cross-Sell Products | Click the Select button to add or remove cross-sell products. The text box indicates how many cross-sell products are currently assigned to this product. Cross-sell products will be displayed on the shopping cart screen when this product is added to the cart, based on your settings in ShopSite > Merchandising > Cross-sell.
Product Pages |
Product Pages |
Click on the Select button to open a new window that will allow you to select which Store Pages this product will be displayed on. The top box contains pages that will list this product. To remove a page from the list, select the page(s) and click the Delete button. The page will now be in the lower list, which contains all the pages that do not have this product on them. Select pages from the list and click Add to move the pages to the top list. When you are finished making changes, click on OK to save your changes, or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes. |
More Info PagesYou can create a More Info Page for this product to display details about it. Unlike Store Pages, the More Info Page is only about this product. This gives you more space to provide all the details about this product that your customers will want to know, such as more detailed images or product specifications. The appearance of your More Info Pages is configurable by going to Preferences > More Info Pages in your Back Office. |
More Info Page |
Check this box to have ShopSite generate a More Info Page for this product. This will cause the Product Name and Product Graphic on Store Pages to become links to the More Info Page. |
More Info Title |
This field sets the HTML Title tag contents, which are displayed in the browser window title bar, for the More Info Page. If this field is empty, most templates will use the Product Name for the title. Do not include HTML tags or reserved characters (&, ", ’, <, >, etc.) in this field. |
More Info Page Text |
Enter the product information you want to include on the More Info Page. You may want to use the Product Description text followed by additional details, or you can make this completely different. You can include HTML content (such as a specification table) to improve the presentation of the information in this field.
This field supports use of the HTML Editor. |
More Info Page Image |
Choose a graphic from the files in your media directory for the More Info Page. See the Image Tool help for more information on selecting an image. |
More Info Page Image Size |
Select one of the available Image Sizes to use for the more info page image. |
More Info Meta: Keywords |
Enter a comma-delimited list of terms you want search engines to associate with this page. Words or phrases you enter here, along with other page content, are used by Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Ask to help people find what they're looking for. You may want to use the same keywords as your Search Keywords. You should try to include any words or phrases customers will use when searching for this product, including alternate names and common misspellings you do not want to include in the product name or description. Do not include HTML tags or reserved characters (&, ", ’, <, >, etc.) in this field. |
More Info Meta: Description |
Enter a short description you want search engines to associate with this page. This may be the same as your product description, but should be tailored to optimizing your search engine ranking. Do not include HTML tags or reserved characters (&, ", ’, <, >, etc.) in this field.
One-Line Advertisement |
This is the line used in the og:description metatag. |
More Info Page File Name |
You may optionally specify a file name to use for this page. Do not use reserved characters (&, ", ’, <, >, etc.) or spaces in the file name. You should also make sure to include the .html or .htm (or another valid filename extension). If you do not specify a name, ShopSite will name the file based on the product name. Spaces, punctuation, etc. in the product name will be replaced with underscore characters. Because products may have very long names, the product name will be truncated if it exceeds 200 characters. |
Include in Sitemap |
Check the box to include this product More Info Page in your sitemap, then optionally change the priority of the page. |
More Info Product Cross Sell |
Check the box to display the cross sell products (if template supports the feature). |
More Info Global Cross Sell |
Check the box to display the global cross sell products (if template supports the feature). |
Extra More Info Image FieldsThe number of fields in this section are determined by the Extra Field Setup and are typically only accessed by custom templates. These fields are used to specify additional images that can be used on the More Info pages. |
More Information Image X |
This is the default title, where X is the image number. The name may appear differently, as the name is customizable on the Extra Field Setup page. Enter the image URL or directory path, or click Select to select an image. |
More Info Extra Image Size |
Use the drop-down list to select a pre-defined size for the image. |
Product Layout InfoThe fields in this section affect how the product appears on Store Pages and Product More Info Page appearance. This section contains the various toggles for selecting what product information to display. Enter the image URL or directory path, or click Select to select an image to include. |
Template |
Select which template to use when displaying this product. Product templates determine the order and layout of product information on Store Pages and on Product More Info Pages. See the Product Templates Help for details about how different templates work. This field is set when you pick a theme. Some product templates are designed to be used with a specific Page Template, and may not display information correctly if they are not used together. |
Name Toggle |
Leave this box checked to include the Product Name on Store Pages and More Info Pages. |
SKU Toggle |
Check this box if you want the Product SKU to be displayed on Store Pages and More Info Pages. |
Price Toggle |
Leave this box checked to include the Product Price on Store Pages and More Info Pages. If this box is unchecked, the product will not display price, sale price, or quantity pricing information. |
On Sale Toggle | Leave this box checked to put your product on sale, or uncheck the box to sell the product for the regular price. If this box is checked, the sale price will be displayed on Store Pages and More Info Pages, and used to calculate shopping cart totals. With this box unchecked, the sale price will not be displayed or used, regardless of the contents of the On Sale Price field. |
Image Toggle |
Leave this box checked to display the product image on Store Pages and Search Results. This does not affect the More Info Page image. You can select whether or not to display the product image in the Shopping Cart by going to Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info. |
Display Order Quantity? | Check this box to include a field on Store Pages and More Info Pages that allows customers to select how many of this item to add to the shopping cart. Customers can modify the quantity from the initial Shopping Cart Screen as well (unless you have disabled that option on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart screen). |
Display Quantity Pricing? | Check here to display this product's Quantity Pricing information. |
Display Ordering Options? | Check this box to display your ordering options on Store Pages and More Info Pages. Customers can also select any configured ordering options on the initial Shopping Cart screen (unless you have disabled that option on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart screen). |
Display Add to Cart? |
Select which pages display the Add to Cart buttons when Products are present. Choices include: All Pages, More Info, and Not Displayed. This field defaults to "All Pages", so that Add to Cart buttons will appear wherever there is a product. Limiting it to "More Info" will hide the buttons on all pages except More Info pages. The Not Displayed option will prevent all Add to Cart buttons from being generated. Note: Not all templates support this feature. Those that do not natively support it can add this feature by modifying the template with the appropriate tags. See our Custom Template Cookbook for more information. |
Product Name Style |
Select the text style to use for the Product Name on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Bold, Italic, Typewriter (usually a fixed-width courier font), and Plain. |
Product Name Size |
Select the font size to use for the Product Name on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Big, Small, or Normal. The exact size for each of these options is controlled by the product template you are using. |
Product Price Style |
Select the text style to use for the Product Price on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Bold, Italic, Typewriter (usually a fixed-width courier font), and Plain. |
Product Price Size |
Select the font size to use for the Product Price on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Big, Small, or Normal. The exact size for each of these options is controlled by the product template you are using. |
Product SKU Style |
Select the text style to use for the SKU on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Bold, Italic, Typewriter (usually a fixed-width courier font), and Plain. |
Product SKU Size |
Select the font size to use for the SKU on Store Pages and More Info Pages. You can pick from Big, Small, or Normal. The exact size for each of these options is controlled by the product template you are using. |
Product Description Style |
Select the text style to use for the Product Description on Store Pages and the More Info Page Text on More Info Pages. You can pick from Bold, Italic, Typewriter (usually a fixed-width courier font), and Plain. |
Product Description Size |
Select the font size to use for the Product Description on Store Pages and the More Info Page Text on More Info Pages. You can pick from Big, Small, or Normal. The exact size for each of these options is controlled by the product template you are using. |
Image Alignment |
Select where the Product Image or More Info Page Image will be displayed, relative to other product information. You can pick from Left, Right, or Center. The way this selection affects your product layout depends on your Product Template and your TextWrap setting (below). |
Text Wrap |
Select whether or not you want your product information to wrap around your product image. If this is set to On, information such as the Name, Price, Description, and Add to Cart button could wrap around the image. If this is set to Off, the product image is set apart from the other product information. How this selection affects your product layout depends on your Product Template and your Image Alignment setting (above).
![]() |
Button Customization |
Add to Cart Button |
Enter text or select an image to use for the product Add to Cart Button. See the Button Tool help for more information on selecting a button. This field is set when you pick a theme. The default value is set on the Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages screen. |
View Cart Button |
Enter text or select an image to use for the product View Cart Button. See the Button Tool help for more information on selecting a button. This field is set when you pick a theme. The default value is set on the Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages screen. |
QuickBooksIf you import orders into QuickBooks using the Order Transfer add-on module, you can add this product to QuickBooks or associate this product with a product already in QuickBooks when this product is included in an order. |
Import Options |
Select the radio button to either add the product to QuickBooks or to associate this product with a product already in QuickBooks. Use the pull-down menus below the radio button you selected to assign specific QuickBooks product attributes to the product.
To create a new product, you need to specify a QuickBooks Item Type (which has tax implications) and a sales account to include the product with. For existing products, you can specify an item name and description to use in QuickBooks transactions. |
Extra FieldsShopSite lets you Configure up to 50 extra fields to use with your product. You can use these extra fields in any number of ways, including as additional attributes for Froogle/Google Merchant Center. If you are using a custom product template to display this product, you can use the Product Fields to include additional information about this product that does not fit in any of the predefined fields. Your custom template must include tags for these fields or the information will not be displayed. These values are also available via the Order API. These fields support use of the HTML Editor. |
ShopSite Help and Resource Center Last updated: January 24, 2014 Give Feedback |
![]() ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |