Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > Order API
Note: |
Windows programmers should be aware of the Special considerations for Windows Servers.
From the point of view of the CGI, it's running like any other CGI called with the POST method. It's input is an '&' delimited series of name value pairs (name=value) and the whole thing is URL-encoded.
The CGI should find the pairs, determine the name and value for each, and decode the name and value. The CGI can then do whatever CGIs do. Anything written to standard output will go to the server, etc.
The input is currently in five parts.
Input to thankyou.cgiThe first set of input values contains the original input to thankyou.cgi: |
prevlocation | The location (and QUERY method string) where the order entered the shopping cart system of CGIs. |
sbid | Shopping basket id. A unique identifier for the shopping cart making the CGI calls. |
storeid | The unique identifier of the store. This value is also contained in the store’s store.auth file. |
snoreid | An encrypted value for the store ID. (Yes, that’s "snoreid" and not "storeid.") Note: This parameter may not be available when the order is placed through a 'hosted' payment gateway such as PayPal Payments Standard, Authorize.Net SIM, etc. |
rnd1 | A random number used for security |
rnd2 | A random number used for security |
tax | Indicates if tax was calculated for the purchase. |
Submit this Order.x | The horizontal cursor location when the Submit button was clicked. |
Submit this Order.y | The vertical cursor location when the Submit button was clicked. |
pay1 | The encrypted Payment 1 field. This is the credit card number for credit card payments. |
cvv2 | The encrypted CVV2 value. |
The next set of items are those entered by the customer in the shopping cart and shipping forms. |
Name | |
ShipName | |
paytype | Number code for the payment type used. The number codes correlate to the following payment types:
Comments | The text supplied by the customer in the Comments box. |
Title | |
First | |
Middle | |
Last | |
Suffix | |
Company | |
Address | |
Address2 | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Country | |
Phone | |
Shipping information. |
ShipTitle | |
ShipFirst | |
ShipMiddle | |
ShipLast | |
ShipSuffix | |
ShipCompany | |
ShipAddress | |
ShipAddress2 | |
ShipCity | |
ShipState | |
ShipZip | |
ShipCountry | |
ShipPhone | |
The next few items reflect the payment method. |
pay1 pay2 pay3 pay4 pay4_1 pay4_2 |
These differ according to the PayType. For most credit cards:
pay1 is the card number pay2 is the name on card pay3 is the company name on the card pay4 is replaced by pay4_1 containing the expiration month and pay4_2 containing the expiration year. For PayType C.O.D. all of these will be '--'. |
cvv2 | the card CVV2 number |
fieldnn | The values for any custom checkout fields filled in by the customer. "nn" will be the field number, such as field02. |
input_image_number | The security image number the customer was required to input. |
F- ValuesThe next block of name value pairs come from an internal thankyou.cgi table. All are prefaced by 'F-'. Items from the Checkout form: |
F-Name | |
F-Company | |
F-Email | |
F-Address | |
F-Address2 | |
F-City | |
F-State | |
F-Zip | |
F-Country | |
F-Phone | |
The following "Ship" fields are only present if the order includes a separate shipping address. |
F-ShipName | |
F-ShipCompany | |
F-ShipAddress | |
F-ShipAddress2 | |
F-ShipCity | |
F-ShipState | |
F-ShipZip | |
F-ShipCountry | |
F-ShipPhone | |
The PayType values again: |
F-paytype | see paytype values above. |
F-pay1 | |
F-pay2 | |
F-pay3 | |
F-pay4 | credit card expiration date in the form mm/yyyy. |
Miscellaneous information: |
F-ShipOn | "checked" if the shipping address and billing address were entered separately. If this field is empty, the customer selected to use the same address for billing and shipping. |
F-OrderInst | The text of any customer-supplied ordering instructions. |
F-Comments | The text of any customer-supplied comments. |
F-ProductTotal | The total price of all products in the order, before any discounts, surcharges, tax, and shipping. |
F-TaxTotal | The total amount of tax for the order. |
F-ShippingTotal | The total shipping charge for the order. |
F-GrandTotal | The amount charged to the customer for the order, including all products, surcharges, discounts, tax, and shipping. |
F-OrderInfo | This field is only included if realtime credit card processing was used to pay for the order. It contains the response from the payment gateway. |
F-Shipping | The name of the shipping method selected by the customer. |
F-cvv2 | The CVV2 number from the credit card. |
F-EmailList | Set to on if the customer checked the e-mail box, or no if the box was not checked. |
F-IP_Addr | The IP address from which the customer placed the order. |
F-Total_Weight | The total shipping weight for the order. |
F-Custom Fields | The names and values of any custom fields, separated by a pipe symbol ( | ). |
F-Title | |
F-First | |
F-Middle | |
F-Last | |
F-Suffix | |
F-ShipFirst | |
F-ShipLast | |
F-tax_percent | Tax percentage for zip-code based tax calculation. |
F-tax_string | Zip code location name for zip-code based tax calculation |
F-doba_shipping | Shipping rate for Doba products |
F-doba_order_info | Doba product ID and merchant cost. |
O- Values (Order Information)The next block of name value pairs come from the record for this order in the orders database. Each name is prefixed by 'O-' and the name is the field name in the data base. |
O-Date | Date of the order |
O-OrderNum | Order number |
Items from the various forms: |
O-Name | |
O-Company | |
O-Email | |
O-Address | |
O-Address2 | |
O-City | |
O-State | |
O-Zip | |
O-Country | |
O-Phone | |
Items for the shipping information. If the shipping information is the same as the billing information, these fields will have no value. |
O-ShipName | |
O-ShipCompany | |
O-ShipAddress | |
O-ShipAddress2 | |
O-ShipCity | |
O-ShipState | |
O-ShipZip | |
O-ShipCountry | |
O-ShipPhone | |
PayType values: |
O-paytype O-PayType |
see paytype values above |
O-pay1 | |
O-pay2 | |
O-pay3 | |
O-pay4 | |
More form values: |
O-ShipOn | |
O-OrderInst | |
O-Comments | |
O-ProductTotal | |
O-TaxTotal | |
O-ShippingTotal | |
O-GrandTotal | |
Last, some items not on the form. |
O-NumItems | Number of items in this order |
O-OrderData | Some miscellaneous binary coded data. Usually a couple of random bytes (BSDI, Linux) or nothing (Solaris). |
O-Viewed | Whether the order has been viewed from ShopSite by the merchant. 'n' or 'y'. |
O-Shipping | The shipping method selected by the customer. |
O-Discount | The amount of any discount applied to the order. |
O-Surcharge | The text of the surcharge selection chosen by the customer, including the method for modifying the price. |
O-RefName | Associate name, if the customer arrived at the store via an associate referral |
O-AllTotals | A text line containing various totals in the order, separated by a pipe ( | ) character. |
O-Coupons | |
O-OrderInfo | |
O-cvv2 | |
O-EmailList | |
O-IP/Hostname | The IP address and hostname of the customer placing the order. |
O-TotalWeight | The total weight of all products in the order. |
O-CustomFields | |
O-Title | |
O-First | |
O-Middle | |
O-Last | |
O-Suffix | |
O-ShipTitle | |
O-ShipFirst | |
O-ShipMiddle | |
O-ShipLast | |
O-ShipSuffix | |
O-TaxRate | |
O-TaxName | |
O-GiftCertificate | If a gift certificate is redeemed, the certificate number, the remaining balance, and the used balance of the certificate. |
O-ShopSiteTransactionID | |
O-Time | |
O-DobaShipping | |
O-DobaOrderInfo | |
B Values (Basket information)Information for each of the products and coupons in the order from the basket db. Each name starts with 'B' and a two or more digit preface, which differs for each product/coupon. The products and coupons are numbered starting with '01'. So, for the first product (item) in the basket, the prefix will be 'B01-'. The names and functions can be best understood by looking in the back office in the Products -> Add Product form. |
Bnn-Download Key | The download key for downloadable products. This field will not appear if Bnn-Product Type is not "Download" |
Bnn-Name | |
Bnn-Price | The price of the product. This value will be negative for coupons that have been applied, and 0 for coupons that were not applied. |
Bnn-Quantity | |
Bnn-Sub-total | |
Bnn-Finite Options | Customer-selected ordering options |
Bnn-Freeform Options | Text entered into the ordering options text box. |
Bnn-OrigDB | The database that the product information came from. |
Bnn-OrigRNum | The product record number in the database. |
Bnn-ship1 | |
Bnn-ship2 | |
Bnn-ship3 | |
Bnn-Options Box? | |
Bnn-Option Text | |
Bnn-Option Finite Text | |
Bnn-Taxable | |
Bnn-SKU | |
Bnn-Base Price | |
Bnn-ship4 | |
Bnn-ship5 | |
Bnn-ship6 | |
Bnn-ship7 | |
Bnn-ship8 | |
Bnn-ship9 | |
Bnn-ship10 | |
Bnn-SuperNum | The item number of the parent product if the product ordered is a subproduct (AKA Cross-Sell). |
Bnn-Page Ordered From | The URL of the page from which the product was ordered. |
Bnn-recid | |
Bnn-NoShipping | |
Bnn-Product Type | Tangible, Download, or coupon |
Bnn-Product Type Data | The file name of a digital download product. |
Bnn-record_number | |
Bnn-rec_type | Set to cpn for coupons |
Bnn-coupon_ret_val | 0 if the coupon was not applied; all other values indicate the coupon was applied. 1 indicates a normal coupon, 2 indicates a one-time coupon, 8 indicates a free-shipping coupon, 9 indicates a one-time free shipping coupon. |
Bnn-Dimension | The dimensions of the shipping box for this product, in the form LxWxH. |
Bnn-Weight | The shipping weight of the product. |
Bnn-Handling_Charge | The product-specific handling charge for this product. |
Bnn-QBImport | The QuickBooks account and sales categories for this product, which are only used when exporting order information in QuickBooks format. |
through Bnn-Field25 |
Information from extra Product Fields may be included, depending on the Extra Product Field settings. |
Bnn-Quantity Pricing | If Quantity Pricing is enabled for this product, this value contains all of the information from the Quantity Pricing table. The important values, such as price, quantity, and sub-total, can be found in other fields. |
Bnn-OnSaleFlag | checked if the product was on sale. |
Bnn-ActualBasePrice | The base product price (not the sale price) |
Bnn-RewardIDQuantity | The ID number of the reward group the product earns reward credit for. |
Bnn-RewardIDReward | The ID number of the reward group the product is a reward for. |
Bnn-RewardStatus | The product reward status. 1 indicates the product is eligible for a reward, Free indicates the product is a reward item. |
Bnn-FedExPackageType | The package type used for FedEx shipping calculations. |
Bnn-Customer Text Header | The customer Text Entry header text. |
Bnn-Customer Text Rows | The height setting of the customer text entry box. |
Bnn-Customer Text Columns | The width setting of the customer text entry box. |
Bnn-Minimum Quantity | The minimum order quantity for this product. |
Bnn-Graphic | The name of the Product Graphic. |
Bnn-PQP Group | The Product Quantity Pricing group to which the product belongs. |
Bnn-USPSPackageType | The Package Type used for USPS shipping calculations. |
Bnn-UUID | Unique product ID number. |
Bnn-VAT | The VAT category assigned to this product. |
Bnn-DobaItemID | The Doba ID for this product. |
Bnn-TaxCode | The Tax Code assigned to this product. This field is only used by AvaTax or a custom tax API. If a Tax Code is used, a Tax Rate will not be used, and vice versa. |
Bnn-TaxRate | The Tax Rate (or percentage) assigned to this product. This field is only applicable when using the ZIP Code to determine tax, a value added tax, or a shopper selected tax. If a Tax Rate is used, a Tax Code will not be used, and vice versa. |
Bnn-SubscriptionProduct | checked if this product is a subscription product. |
Bnn-SubPaymentIntervalUnit | weekly, monthly, yearly, quarterly, twice-yearly |
Bnn-SubRegularPaymentAmount | The amount that will be billed each payment interval. |
Bnn-SubEndingPeriod | The number of payment intervals to bill before stopping billing. |
Bnn-SubBillOn | For monthly payment intervals, this is the date on which the customer's account will be billed. |
Bnn-SubTrialCheckBox | checked if a trial subscription is offered. |
Bnn-SubTrialPaymentAmount | This is the amount that is charged each payment interval for a trial subscription. |
Bnn-SubTrialPeriods | This is the number of payment intervals that the trial subscription will last. |
Bnn-SubOneTimeCheckBox | checked if there is a one time fee associated with the trial subscription. |
Bnn-SubOneTimePaymentAmount | This is the one time fee amount. |
S- Values (Store Settings)The next block of pairs represents the settings file for the store. All names are prefaced by 'S-'. Many of these may be seen in the Hosting Service screen. |
S-storeid | The unique identifier of the store. This value is also contained in the store’s store.auth file. |
S-datadir | Data directory |
S-bo_dir | URL of ShopSite CGIs |
S-smtp_host | The name of the host that ShopSite uses for SMTP services. |
S-keep_sb_days | The number of days that ShopSite keeps shopping carts. |
S-sb_secure_url | Secure URL of shopping cart CGIs |
Prompt for ordering instructions | |
S-bo_use_security | Use Security in ShopSite? |
S-from_addr | "From" address in e-mail receipts |
S-bo_reg_url | URL of ShopSite CGIs |
S-mystore | The storefront URL that the merchant sees by clicking the My Store button. |
S-customcgi | Location of custom CGI |
S-separator | The separator character used in large currency amounts. |
S-decimal | The decimal separator used in currency for this locale. |
S-bo_secure_url | The secure URL of back office CGI programs. |
S-delim_infield | |
S-image_url | The URL where standard ShopSite images are stored. |
S-image_dir | The pathname where standard ShopSite images are stored. |
S-smartbuild | (ignore) |
S-image_url_secure | The secure URL where standard ShopSite images are stored. |
S-inventory_tracking | Inventory tracking status |
S-indexbuild | (ignore) |
S-MerchantLocale | Full description of the merchant locale, as defined in the localeinfo.dat file. |
S-sb_use_security | Use security in shopping cart? |
S-AdvancedUser | (ignore) |
S-sb_dir | Shopping cart (basket) directory |
S-pagesbuild | (ignore) |
S-altcurrency | The alternate currency used in the store. |
S-ccprocessor | Credit card processor type |
S-sb_prompt_comments | Prompt for comments? |
S-sb_reg_url | URL of shopping cart CGIs |
S-outputurl | URL of store |
S-delim_betfield | (ignore) |
S-sitemapbuild | Whether or not to build a sitemap. |
S-currencyratio | primary/seconday currency conversion rate. |
S-outputdir | Output directory |
S-BuyerLocale | Full description of the merchant locale, as defined in the localeinfo.dat file. |
S-currency | The currency defined for the store, in the format of the currency.dat file. |
S-sendmail_loc | Location of sendmail executable. |
PayType | see paytype values above |
orderapi1 orderapi2 orderapi3 orderapi4 |
The values that the merchant entered into the Additional Parameter fields on the Order API screen. |
CCemail | The e-mail addresses and names entered by the merchant in the Order Notifications CC: field on the Hosting Services screen. |
cgi | The file name of the currently running CGI program. |
number_cgis | The total number of CGI programs that are to be run by the Order AIP interface. |
current_cgi | The number of the current CGI program out of the total number to run. |
ShopSite Help and Resource Center Last updated: March 01, 2010 Give Feedback |
![]() ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |