Screen: ShopSite > Commerce Setup > Merchant Alerts Configuration

Merchant Alerts Configuration

Number of Alerts per page
This field controls the pagination of the alerts. Provide the number of alerts you wish to see on each page. Setting this field to '0' will display all alerts on the first page.
Log these types of Alerts
You can specify which types of alerts you want ShopSite to log by selecting the desired options in this field. Options include: Payment Alerts, Shipping Alerts, and Tax Alerts. For definitions of these alert types, see "Alert Types that Generate E-Mails," below.

E-mail Notification

Enable E-mail Notification
Choose whether or not to enable E-Mail notifications for Merchant Alerts.
E-mail Address
Provide the destination email address for the notifications.
Alert Types that Generate E-mails
Select which types of alerts you you wish to receive. Choices include:
  • Success Alerts - These alerts are sent after one of the other alerts to notify you that the customer completed their order. These alerts are only sent if the order is completed during the same session that generated the first alert.
  • Payment Alerts - These are generated when communication with a payment gateway (like Authorize.Net or PayPal) fails.
  • Shipping Alerts - These are generated when communication with a shipping service (like UPS or FedEx) fails.
  • Tax Alerts - These are generated when communication with a tax service (like AvaTax or a custom tax API) fails.
Subject for Failure Notification
Defaults to "ShopSite Alert: Failure in [MODULE] for [STOREID], Tracking ID: [TrackingID]" where [MODULE] tells where in ShopSite the error occured, [STOREID] is ShopSite's storeID (useful if you have more than one ShopSite store), and [TrackingID] is the ID of the customer's session (helpful in determining if the same customer is encountering multiple problems or errors, and for recognizing matching success notifications).
Subject for Success Notification
Defaults to "ShopSite Alert: SUCCESS after failure for [STOREID]. Tracking ID: [TrackingID]" where [STOREID] is ShopSite's storeID (useful if you have more than one ShopSite store) and [TrackingID] is the ID of the customer's session (helpful for recognizing matching failure notifications).

Click Save to keep any changes or Cancel to discard them and return to the Merchant Alerts screen.

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Last updated: June 4, 2013
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