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ShopSite Page Content FAQs

Here is a list of questions and answers about page content.

What’s the difference between page content and page layout?

Page content is the information that appears on a page, such as the page name, page graphics, and text, with the exception of product information. You can change any of this information by clicking Edit Page Content, and you can change the products on a page by clicking Assign Items.

Page layout information controls how information will be displayed on the page, such as the page template, number of columns, and colors. You can change any of this information by clicking Edit Page Layout.

How do I change information about a page (title, etc.)?

To change page information in Advanced Mode editing, select the page name in the List of Pages and click Edit Page Content. Make any changes, then click Save Changes, and then publish your store.

To change page information while in Basic Editing mode, just click on the page name in the List of Pages. Make any changes, then click Save Changes, and then publish your store.

How can I add something to the <head> section of pages in my store?

In both ShopSite Pro and ShopSite Manager, you can use the Meta Description field to add information to the <head> section of a page, such as META fields, CSS, or JavaScript code. First, type in any text that you want within the <META desciption= > tag and close the tag with ">. Then type in any additional tags or scripts (the field scrolls to hold more lines). Do not put the closing "> at the end of your last tag, as ShopSite will add that automatically. For example, to add a META name tag, you might enter something like this:

your, keywords, go, here"><meta name="your meta tag" content="your content

How can I add meta tags to ShopSite pages?

See the answer to the previous question.

Can I use CSS and JavaScript in my pages?

Yes, you can add JavaScript code or CSS to your store pages, but not to the shopping cart. This feature is only available in ShopSite Pro and ShopSite Manager. You can put any JavaScript code into the <HEAD> section of a page by following the instructions in question 3 on this page. You can then add further JavaScript in any of the page text fields or in product descriptions, and even in button definitions.

How do I change the file name of a page?

Select the page name from the List of Pages and click Edit Page Content. Scroll down to the Advanced Info section and enter a value in the File name field. Note that the name must end in .html.

If you do not assign a file name for a page, ShopSite will give it a name, such as page4.html. This works fine for everything that ShopSite needs to do, but it makes it a little difficult to manually create links to certain pages because it is hard to remember what is on each page.

Can I put the page files into different directories/folders?

Yes, you can put your store’s page files in subdirectories of your store’s output directory by including the directory name in the File name field. For example, if your store sells clothes, you might want to divide the pages into subdirectories for men and women’s clothing. On the page for men’s pants, you would set the File name field to men/pants.html. Likewise, you might set the File name field for women’s blouses to women/blouses.html.

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February 13, 2004
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