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Creating a New Store with the OrderAnywhere Linker

Follow these steps to create a new store using your HTML authoring application and ShopSite’s OrderAnywhere Linker, or to add [Add to Cart] and [View Cart] buttons to existing Web pages.

  1. Create Your Store's Pages

    Use your HTML authoring application to create your store's pages. You can make them as plain or as fancy as you like, and you can use features like frames and JavaScript. Live it up! Create a main page for your store to welcome customers, and create pages that display and describe your store's products. Leave space on the product pages for the buttons that customers will click on to actually buy the products.

  2. Add Products to the ShopSite Database

    Use your browser to log in to ShopSite. Click the Products button to reach the main Products screen. Click Add a Product to add products one-at-a-time to your store's database, or, better yet, click Add Several Products to add several products at once. You only need to set values for the Name and Price fields for each product. Optionally, you can set values for the SKU field to aid in tracking products (product SKUs are displayed in the shopping basket and on orders). None of the other product fields are used by the OrderAnywhere Linker feature.

  3. Create [Add to Cart] and [View Cart] Buttons

    After you have added all of your products to the ShopSite database, click the Merchandising icon, then click OrderAnywhere to reach the OrderAnywhere Linker screen.

    From this screen, you can create [Add to Cart] buttons for products and [View Cart] buttons that you can drag and drop into your HTML authoring application. You can also create HTML code for the buttons that you cut and paste into your authoring application. Both methods achieve the same result, but you may want to create buttons if you aren't very familiar with HTML coding.

    To create buttons:

    1. Control-click the products in the list for which you want to create buttons, then click Show Selected Links. To create buttons for all products, just click Show All Links at the bottom of the screen.
    2. The resulting page contains [Add to Cart] and [View Cart] buttons for all the products that you selected. If you configured ShopSite to use images for the buttons, you'll see the images.

    To create HTML:

    1. Control-click the products in the list for which you want to create HTML, then click Show Selected HTML. To create HTML for all products, just click Show All HTML.
    2. The resulting page contains HTML tags for the [Add to Cart] and [View Cart] buttons for all the products that you selected.
  4. Move the Buttons to your HTML Authoring Application

    With your browser open, start your HTML authoring application and open a page that you’ll use to sell products.

  5. If you created buttons (links):

    1. Move the application windows around on your screen so that you can see at least part of the authoring application when your browser window is in front. In your browser window, click on the [Add to Cart] button for one product and drag it onto the authoring application window and drop it. You can drop it anywhere on the page and move it later, or you can try to drop it exactly where you want it.
    2. Drag and drop any other [Add to Cart] buttons for products on that page. Open different pages in your authoring application as needed.

    If you created HTML:

    1. Click and drag to select the first line of HTML code for a product, then use the Copy function of your browser to copy it to the clipboard.
    2. Switch to your authoring application and put the cursor where you want the [Add to Cart] button for that product.
    3. Paste the HTML code into the authoring application.
    4. Copy and Paste the HTML code for any other [Add to Cart] buttons for products on that page. Open different pages in your authoring application as needed.
  6. Add [View Cart] Buttons

    All [View Cart] buttons are the same; they are not specific to each product. Drag (or copy and paste) a [View Cart] button to any place on a page from which you want customers to be able to view the contents of their shopping basket.

  7. Optional - Customize the Buttons

    Once you have the buttons and their associated HTML tags in your authoring application, you can change the text of the buttons or replace them with graphic buttons. Be careful not to make any changes to the HTML tags! See the documentation for your authoring application for further instructions.

  8. Upload The Store Pages to Your Server

    Save your store's pages in your HTML authoring application. Use FTP or some other method to copy the pages to the server that hosts your store. The store does not have to be hosted on the server that is running ShopSite; the [Add to Cart] and [View Cart] buttons will work even if the store pages and ShopSite are on different servers.

  9. Test The Store

    Use your browser to access the main page of your store. Go to a product page and click the [Add to Cart] button for a product. Your browser should be redirected to the shopping basket page for your store, and the product should be listed in the shopping basket. Click the Continue Shopping button, and your browser should return to the same product page in your store. Click a [View Cart] button. Your browser should be redirected back to the shopping basket.

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February 13, 2004
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software