Screen: ShopSite > Utilities > Wizard

ShopSite Setup Wizard - Layout & Color Theme

This screen lets you choose a theme for your store. A theme gives your store a consistent look and feel by setting a standard layout and color scheme for your store.

Most themes are available in a variety of color schemes.

  1. Look through the table of themes in the main (bottom right) frame in your browser. Your goal should be to find a layout (don't worry about colors yet) you like for your pages.
  2. Click on the thumbnail image, the Color Scheme pull-down, or the radio button below the theme to select the theme. This will cause larger thumbnails of a page and the main Shopping Cart screen to appear in the lower left frame.
  3. Use the pull-down menu to select a Color Scheme for the theme. The thumbnails in the left-hand frame will be updated for each different Color Scheme. If you click on one of those thumbnails, a full-size screenshot will open in a new window.
  4. Once you have found a Theme and Color Scheme that you like, click Next to apply the selected settings and continue with the Wizard.

You can change the theme for your store at any time after you finish the wizard by going to Preferences > Layout & Color Themes.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software