Screen: ShopSite > Utilities > Wizard

ShopSite Setup Wizard - Button Design and Color Scheme

This screen lets you choose the images you will use for the Add to Cart and View Cart images on your product pages, as well as what layout and colors to use for your Shopping Cart. Most button styles are available in a variety of colors, or you can upload your own button images to use.

Using Built-in Images

ShopSite has several built-in themes which have button images you can use for your order buttons. The themes also have a theme layout and color schemes that are used for the shopping cart screens. Follow the steps below to use a built-in theme for your order buttons and shopping cart:

  1. Look through the table of available buttons for a button style you want to use. For each button style, there are usually several different color schemes to pick from.
  2. Click the radio button below the button style you want. A preview of the buttons and shopping cart layout will be displayed in the pane to the left of the window.
  3. Use the pull-down menu to select a color scheme for the buttons. The preview pane will update to display the selected color scheme.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the window in the pane on the right and click Next to use the selected buttons and shopping cart layout for your store.

Some buttons may be designed to be on a specific background color and may not look as good when displayed on an incompatible background color.

Uploading Your Own Images

If you already have Add to Cart and View Cart images that match your store pages, and you want to use those images, follow the steps below to upload and use your custom images. You can also look through our collection of Custom Buttons which you are welcome to use.

ShopSite does not place any restrictions on the images to use for your buttons. You should, however, make sure the images you're using clearly indicate their function, and are a reasonable size.

  1. Find the images you want to use. Make sure they are saved somewhere on your computer, in a location you will be able to remember.
  2. Enter the path and filename on your local computer of the Add to Cart button you wish to use, or click Browse... to locate the file on your computer.
  3. Click Upload an Image to upload the specified image to your server.
  4. Enter the path and filename on your local computer of the View Cart button you wish to use, or click Browse... to locate the file on your computer.
  5. Click Upload an Image to upload the specified image to your server.
  6. Check to see that the images you uploaded are displayed in the sample pane on the left of the screen.
  7. Check that the radio button below the upload fields is selected. It will automatically get selected when you select an Add to Cart or View Cart image to upload.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the window in the pane on the right and click Next.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software