Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > Tell A Friend

Tell A Friend

A Tell A Friend link allows visitors to send a page link to a friend or family member via E-mail.

Tell A Friend

Tell A Friend feature
Turn the Tell A Friend feature on or off. Tell A Friend links will be displayed on pages and More Info pages.

The Plain, Matte, Mondrian, Lefty, and Top Notch themes do not support the Tell A Friend feature.

Allow link on Pages
Select Yes to have Tell A Friend links on ShopSite Pages.
Allow link on More Info Pages
Select Yes to have Tell A Friend links on Product More Info Pages.
Number of TO E-mail Addresses allowed
The number of recipients you will allow customers to send links to.

Page Layout

Tell A Friend Template
Select a template to use for your Tell A Friend pop-up window and the e-mail message.
Width of the Popup window
The width, in pixels, of the popup window.
Height of the Popup window
The height, in pixels, of the popup window.
Text Color
This is the color that will be used for normal (non-link) text on this page. This color is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Color Picker Tool. Page text should usually be a dark color that contrasts with the background color.
Background Color
This is the color that will be used in the background of your page. This color is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Color Picker Tool. If there is a background image, the image will cover the background color. The background color should usually be a light color that contrasts with the page content.
Link Color
This is the color that will be used for unvisited links on your page. This color is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Color Picker Tool. It is usually a good idea to make the link color easily distinguishable from the text color.
Visited Link Color
This is the color that will be used for links that a visitory has already visited. This color is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Color Picker Tool. This color is usually, but not always, different from the link color.
Active Link Color
This is the color that will be used for links that are active, meaning a customer has clicked on them. Several templates also use this for the link hover color, meaning the link will change to this color when a customer's cursor is over the link. This color is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Color Picker Tool. This color is frequently the same as the visited color.
Background Image
A background image is an image displayed behind the content of the page (but in front of the background color), and can significantly improve the visual appeal of the page. This image is set when you select a theme, or you can change it using the Image Tool. Most templates will tile the background image, repeating it across and down the page, to cover the entire page. For this reason, it is usually a good idea to use an image specifically designed as a background image. The Elite and Gradient Page Templates are great examples of using a background image to add a distinctive look to the page.

Shopper Selected Messages

Shoppers can select from any of these messages to include in the body of their e-mail message. If you leave a field blank, there will not be an option for that field.

First Message
The first message a shoper can select.
Second Message
The second message a shoper can select.
Third Message
The third message a shoper can select.
Fourth Message
The fourth message a shoper can select.

Customer Instruction, E-mail Statement and E-mail Subject

The instructions for sending an e-mail, displayed at the top of the pop-up window form.
E-mail Statement
The e-mail policy, above the friend's e-mail field. It would be a good idea to mention how many recipients are allowed, and that multiple addresses should be separated with a comma.
E-mail Subject Line
The subject line that will be used for the e-mail message


Use the fields below to create Tell A Friend links on custom pages.

Link text
Enter the text that will be used for the page link.
Link URL
Enter the URL of the page the link will be on (and that the e-mail will link to).
Link to Tell A Friend
Copy this code onto your custom page.

Click the Save button to make the changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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