Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Store Text > Receipts

Store Text: Receipts

The fields on the Receipts screen set the text that customers see on the receipt page after they have completed a purchase at your store. You can change any of these fields to the language or wording that you want your customers to see.

Thank you!
Reciept title text.
Thank you for your business!
Reciept information text.
Customer name String used to describe the customer name.
Here is a copy of your receipt.
Reciept instruction text
Order Number:
Order number description text.
Quantity description text.
Product Total
Product total description text.
Tax Total
Tax total description text.
Ship Total
Shipping total description text.
Grand Total
Grand total description text.
Your Receipt
Reciept description text.
Store URL:
Store URL description text.
Payment type:
Payment method description text.
The shipping address is the same as the above address
Shipping address is same as billing address description text.
This store is powered by ShopSite web catalog software.
Powered by ShopSite description text.

Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes. Click Reset to Default to return all fields to their default settings.

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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