Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Store Text > Checkout

Store Text: Checkout

The fields on the Checkout screen allow you to change the text that customers see when they are entering information to pay for their purchases. You can change the text fields to whatever you require.


Checkout screen title text.
Confirmation screen title text.
Comments / More Information
Comments entry box title text.
Payment section title.


The address information is used as description text for the various fields used in the billing and shipping address forms and displays. You can configure which fields to display and which are required in the Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout screen.

Name row description text.
Customer title (Mr, Mrs, etc.) row description text.
Customer first name row description text.
Customer middle name row description text.
Customer last name row description text.
Customer name suffix (jr, sr, etc.) row description text.
Customer email address row description text.
Email Validation
Customer email address validation row description text. You can turn email address validation on or off from the Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout screen.
Customer city row description text.
Customer state row description text.
Zip Code
Customer postal code row desription text.
Phone Number
Customer phone number row description text.
Customer country row description text

Billing Address

Billing Address
Billing address section title text.
PayPal Information
Text indicating billing information was obtained from PayPal. This is used when someone selects PayPal as their payment method.
Address 1
First address row description text.
Address 2
Second address row description text.
Company rown description text

Shipping Address

Shipping Address
Shipping address section title.
Shipping Address 1
First shipping address row description text.
Shipping Address 2
Second shipping address row description text.
Shipping Company
Shipping company row description text.

Credit Card Payment

These fields are displayed if a customer selects a credit card as the payment method.

Credit Card
Credit Card section title
Card Verification Value
CVV2 or CVC row description text.
This text is displayed after the CVV description text if ShopSite is configured to require a CVV value on the Commerce Setup > Payment > Configuration screen.
Card Number
Credit card number row description text.
Name on Card
Cardholder name row description text.
Business Name
Cardholder business name row description text.
Expiration Date
Credit card expiration date row description text.
Start Date Credit card start date row description text. Used for some debit cards.
Issue Number Credit card issue number row description text. Used for some debit cards.

Credit Card Month

1 - 12
Month names listed in the credit-card expiration month pull-down menu.

Check Payment

Check payment section title.
Check Routing Number
Check routing number row description text.
Account Number
Checking account number row description text.
eCheck selection option, if the configured payment processor supports eCheck payments.
Account Type
Account type selection description text.
Checking account option text in the account type selection.
Savings account option text in the account type selection.
Bank Name
Bank name row description text.
Name on Account
Account holder name row description text.
Identity Verification
Identity Verification section title.
Tax ID or SSN
First ID verification option description text.
Text displayed with the first ID verification option
Text displayed when customer can choose which ID verification option to use.
Drivers License
Second ID verification option description text.
Text displayed with the second ID verification option
Second ID verification option issuing state field title text.
Date of Birth
Customer date of birth field title text.

Other Payment

Text for miscellaneous payment options available in ShopSite

Purchase Order
Purchase order section title text.
Purchase Order Number
Purchase order number row description text.
Cash On Delivery payment option title text.
You will be taken to PayPal to complete payment
Informational text displayed to customers using PayPal payment option prior to being re-routed to the PayPal website.
You will be taken to WorldPay to complete payment
Informational text displayed to customers using WorldPay payment option prior to being re-routed to the WorldPay website.
You will be taken to NetBanx to complete payment Informational text displayed to customers using NetBanx payment option prior to being re-routed to the NetBanx website.
no information is required
Informational text displayed to customers using a payment option that does not require additional information to be collected.

Generic Payment

ShopSite’s Generic Payment Options let you accept forms of payment that are not built-in to ShopSite. For example, you could use one of these options to let customers pay with store credit or gift certificates. Note that you must verify and process this type of payment manually -- ShopSite will record the information, but it has no way to verify it.

To use either of the Generic Payment Options, you enter text for the fields that you need and delete the text in any fields that you don't need. Change Generic Payment Option 1 to the name of the new payment type, then enter text in the associated fields to prompt customers for whatever information you require to process the payment. Delete the text in any generic payment option fields that you don't need, and they will not be displayed on the order form.

Generic Payment Option 1-2
Name of the payment option section title.
Generic Payment Option Field 1-4
Name of the payment option field description text.

Human Validation

To help prevent fraud enter the number displayed below.
Text displayed above the human validation section of the checkout screen, if human validation is turned on.
Please copy the number in the image.
Warning displayed if a customer fails to enter the human validation number.

Shopper Messages

(Return to Cart to change)
Text displayed if a registered customer selected a payment method or shipping address on the previous screen.
has changed. Shipping rates need to be recalculated. Please press Return to Cart.
Warning text displayed if a customer changes a field that is used to calculate the total price.
Email and Email Validation do not match
Warning text displayed if email address validation is turned on and the two addresses entered are different.


Use the radio buttons to select whether to use text or an image for the buttons, then select the image or enter the image path or text in the appropriate text box. See the Button Tool help for more information on selecting a button.

Add Shipping Address
Add shipping address button.
Submit this Order
Submit order button, displayed on the checkout screen or, if enabled, confirmation screen.
Return to Cart
Button to return to the shopping cart screen.
Confirm button, displayed on the checkout screen if the confirmation screen is enabled.
Make Changes
Button to return to the checkout screen from the confirmation screen.
Return to Store
Button to return to the store home page from thank you screen and e-mail. This uses the My Store URL, set on the Store Preferences > Hosting Service screen.

Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes. Click Reset to Default to return all fields to their default settings.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software