Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Search Settings > Search Logging

Search Details

The Search Details screen allows you to research the search habits of visitors to your store. This information, especially in comparison to orders, can be very useful for you to optimize your store so customers find what they are looking for quickly.

You can use the date range, term filter, and search type fields to select what information to display, then click on a column name to sort the results by the contents of that column.

Display Controls

Use these fields to decide what information you want displayed in the table below.

Date range Select the range of dates you want to see search information for using one of the following methods:
  • Select - Click on the radio button for this option, then use the pull-down menu to select a preset date range to view.
  • Enter - Click on the radio button for this option, then enter a start and end date for the range to view. You may click on the Start Date or End Date links under the input fields to open a javascript calendar pop-up tool to help you select the date you want.
Show only searches that contain Leave the * (asterisk) in this field to show all search terms, or enter a specific term to display results for.
Display Select the type of information you want displayed in the table from this pull-down:
  • All Searches - display the search term, number of searches, and average number of results for all qualifying searches.
  • Successful Searches - display the search term, number of searches, and average number of results only for qualifying searches that had results.
  • Failed Searches - display the search term, number of searches, and average number of results only for qualifying searches that had no results.
  • Individual Searches - display the date/time, search term, number of results, and originating IP and domain name for each qualifying search.
Show Searches Click this button to display a table of searches using the settings you have chosen.

Table of Searches

The table of searches shows the details of search activity on your site, according to your settings above. You can sort the details by clicking on the column name of the column you want to sort. Clicking on the column name a second time will reverse the sort order.

Term The first column in the table (second colum in Individual Searches table) displays the keyword that was searched for.
# of Searches This column indicates the number of times the keyword was searched for (not included on Individual Searches table).
Average # of Results This column indicates the average number of results found for the keyword over all qualifying searches (not included on Individual Searches table).
Date/Time This column on the Individual Searches table indicates the date and time when the search was performed.
Results This column on the Individual Searches table indicates the number of results returned when the search was performed.
IP This column on the Individual Searches table indicates the IP address of the computer where the search originated.
Domain This column on the Individual Searches table indicates the domain name (if there is one) associated with the IP address where the search originated.
Do not log Check this box if you do not want ShopSite to log searches for this keyword in the future, then click Do not log selected.
Results Page Links If you have multiple pages of results, links to other results pages will be displayed below the table.
Results per Page Select the number of results in the table to display on a single page.


Weekly Summary Click this button to go to the weekly summary screen.
Configure Click this button to configure your search logging settings, such as how long to keep a history of searches.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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