Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Search Settings > Content

Search Content Settings

This screen allows yout to configure the content of Search Results page. This is similar to the Edit Page Contents screen for Store Pages.

Page Name
The name of the Search Results page.
Banner Graphic
Select the graphic, if any, that you want to appear on the top of this page. See the Image Tool help for more information on selecting an image.

If you want to insert an image anywhere else on the page, use an HTML tag in that field.

Text 1
This is the primary text on the page. It will usually appear beside or below the banner graphic. You can enter any combination of text and HTML into this field.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Text 2
This is the secondary text on the page. It will usually appear below the Search Results. You can enter any combination of text and HTML into this field.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Text 3
This is a third field for text on the page. It will usually appear just above the page footer. You can enter any combination of text and HTML into this field.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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