Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > OrderAnywhere

OrderAnywhere Linker

The OrderAnywhere Linker is the easiest way to add a ShopSite shopping cart to an existing Web site. It allows you to place an [Add to Cart] button next to each product in your Web site without having to re-create all of your pages in ShopSite. You can use your favorite Web page creation program to create your store's pages, and then place order buttons anywhere on those pages.

If you haven't already set up your store, you may want to use the New Store Wizard and select the option to add order buttons to my existing site. This option will guide you through all the essential steps to place Add To Cart links on your existing pages and begin taking orders in ShopSite.


Watch the Order Anywhere Video Tutorial to see how easily you can add order buttons to your Web site.

With the OrderAnywhere Linker there are three types of Order Anywhere HTML code that can be copied and pasted from ShopSite into your Web page creation program. To see the code, select the product or products you wish to get the code for and click the "Show Code" button. The HTML code is shown by default, but the URL and Embed code can be displayed by clicking the respective "Show" buttons.


The HTML Code shows the HTML required to display the Add to Cart and View Cart buttons as part of a form that will be submitted. If changes are made to a product using the HTML Code, the Order Anywhere code will need to be updated and manually copied back into the HTML of the product's page. It is often in a format similar to the following:

<form action="" method="post">
<input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*14884e29aaf84026184106d4">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="guid" value="c6240b02-6966-11e1-929b-000347315335">
<input type=submit value="Add To Cart">
<input type=submit name="checkout" value="View Cart">


The URL Code contains two HTML links. The HTML links can be used in places where an HTML form is not allowed, such as on many blogs. It is often in a format similar to the following:

Add to Cart:*StoreID&dbname=products&guid=c6240b02-6966-11e1-929b-000347315335&function=add


Add to Cart:*14884e29aaf84026184106d4&dbname=products&sku=6001&function=add

View Cart:*14884e29aaf84026184106d4&function=show


The Embed Code uses an iFrame to show products. It has the advantage of ShopSite template support as well as automatically updating the Order Anywhere product when changes are made to the product in the back office. The Embed Code is often in a format similar to the following:

<iframe src="*14884e29aaf84026184106d4&guid=c6240b02-6966-11e1-929b-000347315335&from=embed&template=em_BasicLayout.sst" height=240 width=300 frameborder="0"></iframe>


<iframe src="*14884e29aaf84026184106d4&sku=6001&from=embed&template=em_BasicLayout.sst" height=240 width=300 frameborder="0"></iframe>

When you're done copying OrderAnywhere code to the appropriate pages, click the "Ok" button to return to the OrderAnywhere Linker page.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: June 07, 2012
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software