Screen: ShopSite > Utilities > Database > Upload

Database Upload - Specify Upload File

After selecting a database table on the Database Upload screen and clicking Upload, select a file to upload and configure the upload settings. ShopSite supports the following file types for upload:
.txt, .xls, .csv

File to be uploaded Specify the location and filename to be imported:
  • Desktop file - select this option to upload a file from your local computer, then click Browse to find and select the file, or type the path and filename in the provided field.
  • File on server (host) - select this option if the file has already been uploaded to your store's output directory, then specify the file name in the provided field.
Concerning Excel Uploads: Numeric fields must be configured for the appropriate number of decimal places. For example, a monetary field must be set to be a number field that uses two decimal places. If a weight field has a cell with a value of 2.345, the number field must be set to three decimal places.
Field separator If you are uploading a text file, select how table fields (columns) are separated in the file. ShopSite downloads text files in a tab-delimited format, but third-party programs may export tables using different delimiters. This setting does not apply to XML uploads.
Item separator If you are uploading a text file, select how items within a table field are separated. ShopSite downloads separate items using a pipe (|) symbol, but third-party programs may export tables using different separators. This setting does not apply to XML uploads.
Decimal separator This is a read-only field that indicates the decimal separator used for numbers such as currency. You should make sure that the upload file uses the same decimal separator character.

Click Proceed to continue the upload process, or click Cancel to return to the Database Upload screen without uploading a file.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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