Screen: ShopSite > Utilities > Database > Download

Database Download Options

After selecting a table on the Database Download screen, you will be prompted to configure the download settings for that table.

Download format
Select what file format to export the table information to. You can select one of the following formats:
  • tab-delimited - this is a basic tab-delimited table, which can be imported directly into a spreadsheet, database, or compatible program.
  • XML - this is an XML file, which can be imported into compatible programs. This option is only avialable for the Orders table.
  • QuickBooks® - this is the QuickBooks IIF format, which can be imported into compatible versions of Intuit QuickBooks. If you select this format, you will need to Configure the download options. See more about Configuring QuickBooks Product Downloads or Configuring QuickBooks Order Downloads. This format is not available for Pages.

For tab-delimited and XML downloads, select the ShopSite version format to be used. You should probably select the current version of ShopSite unless you will be importing the information into a third-party application that requires an earlier version.

Download fields
You may optionally download only selected information from Pages, Products, and Orders tables. You can specify one of the following options:

If you are downloading orders in XML or QuickBooks format, all fields will be downloaded regardless of your settings here.

Tab-delimited order downloads will always block product fields together after any other order fields. You may change the order in which product fields appear within the product block, and the order other information appears before the product block.

  • All Fields - Download all fields in the database. This is the default option.
  • Selected Fields Only - Use this option to download only a selected set of fields from the database. Click on Select to open a pop-up window that will allow you to select (or unselect) fields to download. Select fields from the box on the left and click Add > to include those fields in the download. To remove a field from the download list, select it from the box on the right and click on < Remove. Click on OK to save the list, or Cancel to abandon changes, and return to the main Download Options screen.
  • Use Field Map - This option allows you to create a file containing selected fields and field name associations, as well as controlling the order of the fields in the download. If you already have a field map, you can select it from the list. To create a new field map or to edit the selected one, click on Change to open a Pop-up window to edit the field map. Select fields from the box on the left and click Add > to add the fields to the download list. The selected fields will be downloaded in the order they appear in the box on the right, so you should add the fields in the order you want them to appear. To remove a field from the download, select the field name from the box on the right and click < Remove. You can map a ShopSite field name to a different name in your download file by selecting the field name from the box on the right, entering the new name in the Field Label text box, then clicking Change. You can change the name of an existing field map by changing the name in the Field Map: text box, or enter a name for a new field map. You can also delete existing field maps by clicking on Delete. Once you have finished configuring your field map, click on Save to close the window and return to the main Download Options window, or click Cancel to close the window without saving your changes.
Download orders If you are downloading orders, use this section to select an order range to download. You may use one of the following options:
  • All Orders - select this option to download all orders in your store.
  • All orders after - select this option, then enter the starting order number or date in the text box to download orders made after the specified value.
  • In date range - select this option, then enter a starting and ending date in the appropriate text boxes to download all orders placed on or between the dates specified.
  • In number range - select this option, then enter a starting and ending order number in the appropriate text boxes to download any orders with numbers equal to or between the specified values.
For any value where you can enter a date, you may click the date link beside the text box to use a javascript calendar to select the desired date.

If you are downloading orders in QuickBooks format, all orders will be downloaded regardless of your settings here.

Download options
For Products, and Pages, select whether to download the file to your browser (your local computer), or to your store's output directory. Unless you have a specific reason to leave it in your store's output directory, you should download the file to your browser.

For Orders, select whether or not to copy Billing Address information into the Shipping Address fields if no separate Shipping Address is specified. When you download Orders, any stored CVV2 information will be purged from the ShopSite database

File name
Enter a file name (without the extension) for the file when it is downloaded.
File type (extension)
Select a file type extension from the pull-down list, or enter your own extension in the text box. This does not affect the file contents, but does tell your computer how to treat the file.

Click Proceed to download the file. If you are downloading the file to your local PC, your browser will usually prompt you to select a location to save the file and display a download progress bar. Click Cancel to return to the Database Download screen.

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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