Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > Custom Templates

Custom Template Tag Specification

Gift Certificate Tags

These tags can only be used in Gift Certificate templates.

Marks the beginning and end of the HTML for the Gift Certificate Order form page.
Marks the beginning and end of the HTML used in the E-mail message sent to the recipient of a Gift Certificate.
Marks the beginning and end of the HTML used in the Orders screen of the Back Office to display a printable version of the certificates ordered for physical delivery.

Order Form Elements

The order form elements are the JavaScript and HTML segments that make the order form work. All of these elements are required between the [-- DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] and [-- END_DEFINE GIFT_CERTIFICATE --] tags.

Shopping Cart Code
Includes the Shopping Cart JavaScript that processes the form.
[-- ShopSiteMessages --]
Includes any error or warning messages ShopSite generates.
Order Form Segments
[-- SC_FORM --]
Includes the opening portion of the order form. You will also need to include an accompanying </form> tag at the end of the form.
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --]
Includes the form segment that allows the customer to select a monetary value for the gift certificate.
[-- GiftCertEmailMail --]
Includes the form segment that allows the customer to select the delivery method, and insert the recipient E-mail address if applicable.
[-- GiftCertToFromMsg --]
Includes the form segment that allows the customer to enter the recipient's name, the sender's name, and an optional message.
[-- BUTTON BackToStore --]
Includes the Back To Store button.
[-- BUTTON BuyGiftCertificate --]
Includes the Buy Gift Certificate button.

Gift Certificate Information

Header and Footer
[-- GiftCertHeader --]
Includes the Gift Certificate header. This could contain plain text or HTML. Use in an IF to determine if there is content in the header:

[-- IF GiftCertHeader --]
  [-- GiftCertHeader --]
[-- ELSE --]
  <!-- Display nothing -->
[-- END_IF --]

[-- GiftCertFooter --]
Includes the Gift Certificate footer. This could contain plain text or HTML. Use in an IF to determine if there is content in the footer.
[-- GiftCertInstruction --]
instructions for ordering gift certificates.
[-- GiftCertPolicy --]
the policy regarding Gift Certificates
[-- Store.GiftCert_Policy --]
text: Gift Certificate Policy
[-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --]
text: Gift Certificate
[-- Store.GiftCert_To --]
store text: Presented To
[-- Store.GiftCert_From --]
Store text: From
[-- Store.GiftCert_Message --]
Store text: Message
[-- Store.GiftCertNumber --]
Store text: Number
[-- Store.GiftCertPIN --]
Store text: PIN
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ToRedeem --]
Store text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please click on this link
[-- GiftCert_OnOrderScreen --]
Store text: On the order screen you will be able to redeem this gift certificate by entering the following number and PIN values.
[-- Store.GiftCert_ToRedeemCutPaste --]
Store text: In order to redeem this gift certificate please cut and paste this link into your web browers
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundImage--]
The background image.
[-- STORE.GiftCert_BackgroundColor--]
The background color.
[-- STORE.GiftCert_TextColor--]
The text color.
[-- STORE.GiftCert_LinkColor--]
The link color.
[-- STORE.GiftCert_VisitedLinkColor--]
The visited link color.
[-- STORE.GiftCert_ActiveLinkColor--]
The active link color.

Gift Certificate Content

The following fields are designed to be used in the GIFT_CERTIFICATE_EMAIL and GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL sections. Some of these fields take their information from the Gift Certificate order form.

Certificate Text
[-- GiftCert_Amount --]
Monetary value of the Gift Certificate
[-- GiftCert_To --]
The name of the gift certificate recipient.
[-- GiftCert_From --]
The name of the sender of the gift certificate
[-- GiftCert_Message --]
The message included with the gift certificate. Because this is an optional field, it is a good idea to use an IF with this value.
[-- GiftCert_Number --]
The number that must be entered on the checkout screen to redeem the certificate.
[-- GiftCert_PIN --]
The Personal Identification Number that must be entered on the checkout screen to redeem the certificate.
[-- GiftCert_Date --]
The expiration date of the Gift Certificate
Mail Certificate Information
This tag is used in the GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL definition to include information such as the opening HTML for the Back Office page that displays the printable gift certificates.
This tag is used in the GIFT_CERTIFICATE_MAIL definition to include content such as closing HTML tags at the end of the Back Office page that displays the printable gift certificates.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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