Configure Logging for Microsoft's IIS version 5 Server

To view the Web Server statistics (hits, pages viewed, etc.) from ShopSite, the server log format needs to conform to the NCSA format. Follow these steps to set the logging format.

  1. Open the Internet Information Services window by clicking Start® Programs® Administrative Tools® Internet Service Manager.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to your server's name.
  3. Right click on Default Web Site, then click Properties.
  4. Ensure that the Enable Logging box is checked.
  5. Select NCSA Common Log File Format for the Active log format.
  6. Click OK.

Note: You must configure each ShopSite store to read the log file from the appropriate directory. If the NCSA Logging Properties are set to rotate the log file, you must reconfigure ShopSite each time the log file name changes. An alternative solution is to have a program automatically append the contents of the current log to a known file before a new log file is created, and configure ShopSite to read from the known file.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
April 3, 2003
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