Screen: ShopSite > Merchandising > Google > Product Search > Configure
Note: |
Previously, Google Merchant Center supported FTP to submit product feed information to Google. Starting on September 9th,2023 FTP will no longer be supported and SFTP will need to be used instead. If your ShopSite Configuration screen still says FTP User Name and FTP Password instead of SFTP Username and SFTP Password you are using a version that does not support SFTP. Upgrade to 14 sp3 r5 or later to use SFTP.
In order to send product information directly from ShopSite to Google Merchant Center, you must do the following:
Before you can submit your product information, you need to create a Google Merchant Center account:
To submit your feed to Google Merchant Center using SFTP you will need to register your SFTP Upload file with Google Merchant Center:
Once you have a Google Merchant Center SFTP account, you can configure how ShopSite submits product information to Google Merchant Center. Configure the following options on your store's back office Google Merchant Center Configuration screen:
SFTP User Name |
Enter the SFTP user name you configured when you Registered your SFTP file. |
SFTP Password |
Enter the SFTP password you configured when you Registered your SFTP file. |
File Name to use for SFTP registration |
This file name but must be the same as that which was entered when registering an SFTP bulk upload file. If you registered a different file name with Google Merchant Center (the default is assumed to be froogle-bulk.xml), change this file name to match. |
Expiration |
Items Expire |
Select how often you want the Google Merchant Center listings of your products to expire. Expired items will not be searchable until you re-submit them. |
Reminder |
ShopSite can send you an e-mail reminder that your products are about to expire on Google Merchant Center. Select Yes to have ShopSite send you a reminder. If you do not want an e-mail reminder, select No. |
To |
Enter the e-mail address you want the reminder sent to. By default, this is the merchant e-mail address (from your store Preferences > Hosting Service screen). |
CC Addresses |
Enter the additional e-mail addresses you want the reminder e-mail sent to. |
Subject |
Enter the subject to be used for your reminder e-mail. |
Message |
Enter the message to be used in your reminder e-mail. |
Indicate which ShopSite field maps to the corresponding Google Merchant Center fieldSelect what ShopSite product fields will be mapped to the Google Merchant Center information fields. |
ID |
Google requires a unique ID for the product. It is recommended that you either use ShopSite's internal ID GUID or SKU |
Title |
Select whether to send the Product name, the SKU, or a Product Field (Product Field 1, Product Field 2, etc.) as the Title of the product on Google Merchant Center. |
Description |
Select whether to send the Product Description, the More Info Page Text, the More Info Meta:Description, or a Product Field (Product Field 1, Product Field 2, etc.) for Google Merchant Center to use as the product description. |
Price |
Select what price you want to submit as the list price on Google Merchant Center. Select Regular to submit the regular product Price. If you select On Sale/Lowest, ShopSite will look at the Sale Price and submit the lowest price to Google Merchant Center. NOTE:If Quantity Pricing is enabled in the back office, ShopSite will also compare the Price and Sale Price of the first row (Starting Quantity of '1') before submitting. |
Image |
Select whether to send the URL of the Product Image or the More Info Page Image to Google Merchant Center. |
Additional Images |
Select whether or not to send any additional URLs for the "Extra More Info" images (between 1-10) to Google Merchant Center. |
Image Size |
Indicate what size to use for the image. |
Availability |
Select how to send inventory information to Google Merchant Center.
Free Shipping | Set the check box if you want products to appear on Google as having free shipping if the "No Shipping Charges" field is set for the product. (See Add a Product or Edit Product for more information on the No Shipping Charges field.) |
Send Variant Price | Select this if you want to send the Order Option price instead of the product price for produtcts that have Variant Options. For example, Google requires that clothing products have color and size included in the feed. You specify this in the "Google Shopping/Merchant Center Feed" section when you Edit a product. |
Weight | Select what weight information to send to Google Merchant Center:
Product URL (Landing Page) |
Select where Google Merchant Center should send people who find your product.
Product Type (category) |
Google Merchant Center uses the Product Type to create categories for your products. By default, ShopSite will send the product's Google (Product Type) value. You may alternately select to have ShopSite send the Page Name of a page the product appears on, or one of the Customizable Product Fields. |
Indicate any Attributes That Are To Be IncludedGoogle Merchant Center allows you to assign additional descriptive attributes to your products. When you add or edit a product, there are Google Merchant Center fields for the Brand, Product Type, and Condition. You can use the Customizable Product Fields to add any additional attributes. |
Attributes |
Check the boxes for the product fields you want to be included as attributes for your product. The customizable field name will be used as the attribute name, and the field itself will be used as the attribute information. |
After making changes to your configuration, click on Save to save your settings or Cancel to abandon your changes.
Before you can Send your Product Information to Google Merchant Center, you need to select which products you want to include in your feed. By default, new products are selected to be included in the feed, so you only need to change the setting for products you don't want submitted.
The Google Merchant Center checkbox can also be edited when you Add Products or Edit Product Info.
Once you have selected what products to send to Google Merchant Center, you can go to the Google Merchant Center screen in your Back Office and Submit your Product Information to Google Merchant Center.
ShopSite Help and Resource Center Last updated: July 26, 2023 Give Feedback |
![]() ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |