Screen: ShopSite > Reports > Host Summary

Host Summary

This report provides information about the activities of individual visitors on your site. ShopSite tracks visitors based off the IP address of the browser's computer (host), allowing you to associate individual visitor activity with purchases. This method protects the individual's privacy while allowing you to track and improve your site's effectiveness.

Summary Date Range

View Summary For Select the time range you want to view, then click OK to view a summary for that time range.
  • Today - Select this option to only display statistics for the current day. This is the default view for this screen.
  • Last 7 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the six previous days.
  • Last 30 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the 29 previous days.
  • Custom - Select this option, then select the start and end dates for the period you want to view.
Summary Starts On Select a day, month, and year for the first day of a Custom date range.
Summary Ends On Select a day, month, and year for the last day of a Custom date range.

Hosts Summary Table

This table displays page and purchase statistics sorted by the visitor's IP address.

Remote Host This is the visitor's IP address. It is used as a unique identifier with no other real significance. It is also a link, which will take you to a page listing the names of the individual pages viewed by this visitor.
Visits This is the total number of pages viewed by this host during the specified date range.
Units Sold This is the number of products purchased by this host during the specified date range.
Sales Amount This is the net revenue from this host during the specified date range.

Click Return to Reports to return to the main reports screen, or click the Host Name to see page views for that host.

Host Page Views

Each host name on the Hosts Summary is a link to a page that will display a list of each page viewed by that host in the order the pages were visited. You can use this information to help improve customer's ability to find what they're looking for. The following information is available on the Host Page Views screen:

Page This is the path and file name of the page on your site.
Date/Time This is the date and time the page was viewed. It is used to sort the list, but can also give you an idea of how long a customer spends on that page before moving on to the next.
Referrer This is the full URL of the page containing a link to this page, which the visitor followed. This provides additional information about the visitor's browsing, such as if the visitor left and came back, or returned to look at more products after checking out.

Click the Return to Summary button to return to the main Host summary report screen.

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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