In order to actually sell anything on your store, you have to be able to accept payments from your customers. To avoid driving away potential customers, you should be prepared to accept payments using whatever methods your customers are most accustomed to using. Payment methods fall into three basic categories:
ShopSite allows merchants to accept Credit Card payments using a payment gateway, and offer multiple Online Payment Services and other payment methods, giving the customer the choice of how to pay.
Credit Cards are the most common method for paying for purchases over the Internet. ShopSite allows you to use a manual (off-line) processing system or a real-time payment gateway to process credit card payments from your customers. Whichever method you use, you must have a compatible Merchant Account. For more information on selecting a payment gateway and merchant account provider that are compatible, see Credit Card Processing in ShopSite.
ShopSite supports the following real-time payment gateways:
Once you have an account with one of the integrated payment gateways, simply go to Commerce Setup > Payment, and select the radio button for your payment gateway. Click the Configure Processor button to enter the information ShopSite needs to communicate with your payment gateway. Once you save your settings, your ShopSite store will be able to accept real-time credit card payments.
Online payment services are growing increasingly popular because their convenience and security. Many merchants also like using online payment services because the fees are often lower than regular payment gateways. Unlike a regular payment gateway, an online payment service usually uses a separate Website provided by the payment service for the customer to provide payment information.
ShopSite has integrated support for the following online payment services:
![]() PayPal Payments Pro OR PayPal Payments Standard2 |
![]() World Pay2 |
![]() NetBanx2 |
![]() Checkout by Amazon |
2 - Payment service supports international merchants. |
ShopSite allows merchants to accept payments via check, Purchase Order, C.O.D., eCheck ( merchants only), or up to two customizable payment methods. These methods are less common, but are available for merchants who need to offer them. If you offer any of these methods, you will need to verify and process payment outside of ShopSite.
ShopSite Help and Resource Center Last updated: January 03, 2014 Give Feedback |
![]() ShopSite Shopping Cart Software |