Screen: ShopSite > Commerce Setup > Order System > Thank You Page

Thank You Page

Use these fields to customize the Thank You page as well as the e-mail receipt that the customer will receive.

Information on the Thank You Screen to Return to Storefront
By default the Thank You page will display an image link that will return the customer to the storefront. You can change the destination, as well as the image, or remove the link here.

This field is preserved for legacy reasons and has been superceded by the Return To Store button on the Preferences > Store Text > Checkout screen.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Text at the Top of the Thank You Screen
After they have submitted payment information, a thank you page will come up. This is a good opportunity to give any final instructions or give customers an idea when they should expect their package.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Text at the Bottom of the Thank You Screen
You can customize the bottom of the Thank You page to display your store's footer or any other final items you wish to convey to the customer.

This field supports use of the HTML Editor.

Remove Shopper Cookie Check this box to have ShopSite clear the shopper information cookie when checkout is completed. If this box is not checked, ShopSite will store the shopper's address in a cookie and automatically re-populate the form fields with this information when the shopper returns to the cart.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software