Screen: ShopSite > Commerce Setup > Shipping > Custom Shipping Add-On

Custom Shipping Add-On

If you have a custom CGI application that you want ShopSite to call to calculate shipping charges, enable it on this screen by specifying its location. Be sure that your application conforms to the Shipping API Specification

ShopSite will invoke the Custom Shipping Add-on application whenever an item is added to or deleted from the shopping cart (unless there is no Zip code or country), when the quantity of an item is changed, and when the customer Zip code or country is changed. ShopSite will pass information about the order to the shipping application. The shipping application will process the information and pass back to ShopSite a list of possible shipping options and their associated charges. ShopSite will display those options and charges in a drop-down list on the shopping cart screen.

Web developers can use this feature to write programs to interface with shipping services that are not built-in to ShopSite.

Add-On File Name
Enter the file name of the Custom Shipping Add-on CGI application. The application file must be in the shopping cart directory (shown on the screen).


Only enable the Custom Shipping Add-on if you are sure the CGI is ready to run. If the Custom Shipping Add-on is selected as the shipping option but this field is empty or the file cannot be found, ShopSite will not add any shipping charges to orders.

Header for Error Message
Enter text to be displayed in the header of any error messages generated by the Custom Shipping API.
Ship From Country
Select the name of the country your products will ship from. ShopSite will pass this value to the Custom Shipping Add-on.
Ship From Zip/Postal Code
Enter the Zip or Postal Code your products will ship from. ShopSite will pass this value to the Custom Shipping Add-on.
Invoke Add-On if price changes
Check this box if you want ShopSite to recalculate shipping charges if the price of a product changes. This is only necessary if shipping costs could be affected by a price change (volume discounts, free shipping for orders over a given value, etc.).
Pass Customer Text to Add-On
Set this check box to pass the Customer Text field for each product to the Add-on as p#customer_text
Shipping Services List the names of any shipping services (e.g. ground, second day, overnight, etc.) offered by your add-on in the text box, one service per line. Click Services to have ShopSite call your add-on and generate the list automatically. This list will be passed to features that require a list of shipping services, such as Google Wallet and Free Shipping Coupons.
Optional Additional Parameters
Use these eight fields to provide any additional information required by the Custom Shipping Add-on that you are using. You might want to pass a test parameter while testing your store, or you might need to pass a list of shipping methods that your store offers.
Weight Units
(Read only) This field shows the unit of weight used in your store, either pounds or kilograms. This value is set when you select a locale for your store.
Optional Product Fields
Check the boxes for any extra product fields you want passed to the Shipping API.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software