Screen: ShopSite > Preferences > Inventory Tracking > Custom Inventory Tracking Add-on

Custom Inventory Tracking Add-on

The Custom Inventory Tracking Add-on feature allows you to track your store inventory using a third-party add-on module. The settings you use on this screen will be determined by the add-on module you are using. For information about developing an add-on, see the Custom Inventory Tracking Add-on Specification.

Custom Inventory Tracking CGI Enter the path and filename of your custom tracking add-on program file. The default location for the program file is your store's Shopping Cart CGI directory. You may alternately select the radio button labeled URL of Tracking CGI, and enter the full URL for your add-on. Click the Test Add-on button to have ShopSite attempt to run your add-on in the specified location.
Display Errors Check this box if you want ShopSite to display error messages when they occur. This can be useful for testing and troubleshooting your add-on module, but you should disable error messages when you are ready to start taking live orders.

Timeouts if using URL

If your inventory tracking module is hosted on a remote server, you can configure ShopSite to wait a specified time for a response from your module. If you or your customers are getting frequent timeout errors, you should increase the timeout period by a few seconds. Ideally, you should keep the timeout as short as possible without getting timeouts during heavy traffic periods on your store.

Number of seconds to wait for a connection to the server Select the number of seconds you want your store to wait for your add-on to accept a connection. The default period is 5 seconds.
Number of seconds to wait for a response from the program Select the number of seconds after the initial connection that your store should wait for a response from your add-on. The default wait is 15 seconds after the connection is established.

Extra Fields

You may optionally include up to eight custom fields to pass to the inventory tracking add-on. These fields will be the same for every request.

Additional Parameter 1-8 Enter the text you want sent to the add-on for each of the eight available fields.

Extra Product Fields

You may optionally include any of the custom product fields for each of your products. The selected product fields will be sent to the add-on, along with individual product information.

Pass (Product Field 1-25) Check the box beside each of the custom product fields you want to pass to the add-on module.

After you have configured your custom inventory tracking add-on settings, click Save to save your settings, or click Cancel to abandon your changes, and return to the main Inventory Tracking screen.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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