Screen: ShopSite > Images > Configuration


The Image Configuration options define how you will select images for use in your store, what default attributes to apply to new images, and how to create resized images.

Image Selection

Image selection allows you to configure how you will select images within the back office. Your choice does not affect what your customers see, but only how you work with images in the back office of your store.

Choose Selection Method
Select whether to choose images (in , for example, a product page) using a pop-up window or a pull-down menu. See Image and Button Selection Tool to learn how each of the available methods is used when selecting an image.

Image Upload

This setting allows Internet Explorer users the option to select multiple images using a flash-based interface. The Flash-based interface provides a number of improvements over the standard image upload, including the ability to queue more than 30 images for upload and easy image selection through the Windows File Explorer interface.

Choose file upload method
If you are using Internet Explorer and want to use the flash-based upload method, select "Adobe Flash Player". Otherwise, leave this set to "Basic HTML Submit Form".

Adobe Flash Player Options

These options apply to the Flash-based image uploads. They only appear when "Adobe Flash Player" is selected as the image upload method.

File types for selection
Provide the extension for the desired image file types. For example, "jpg, gif, png" would allow users to select image files that had .jpg, .gif, and .png extensions.
Server response time
Adjust this field (time in seconds) for servers that require more time to respond to requests. This field defaults to "20".
Upload details
This check box provides additional details when uploading images.

Image Layout Defaults

Select default settings to use for the original images. These defaults will be applied to new images when you upload them, and will be the default values on the Reset Images screen.

In addition to the configurable attributes below, when you upload an image, ShopSite will automatically use the image filename for the required alt attribute of the original and any resized images. You can customize the alternate text using the Edit Images feature.

Referenced as
Enter a name to be used to reference the original image size in the back office. This name will appear in the list of available image sizes that you can select to use when a product appears on a Store Page, More Information Page, Search Results Screen, or in the Shopping Cart contents.
Image size
When you upload a compatible image using the Upload an Image utility, ShopSite can check to see if it's larger than specified dimensions, and shrink it to fit within the dimensions if it is larger.

To have this happen, check the box beside If needed, reduce image on upload to:, then enter the maximum width and height (in pixels) you want the image to be. ShopSite will resize the image to fit within those dimensions without altering the original aspect ratio (height:width) of the image.


ShopSite can resize gif, jpg, and png images. Any other file type (including other image formats) will not be resized.

This specifies the default value of the image tag border attribute.
  • If there is no value in this field, the attribute will not be included in the tag. The image will not have a border, unless it is within an <a> tag.
  • If you set the value to 0, the image will not have a border, even if it is within an <a> tag.
  • Any other number (positive integer) will set the width (in pixels) of the border.
Image spacing
These values are used in the tag vspace and hspace attributes. The image will be padded (separated by blank space) from other content on the page by the number of pixels specified. If either of the fields has no value, the corresponding attribute will not be included in the tag.
Other attributes
Use this field to add any other attributes you want included in the tag. Allowed attributes include: name, class, id, style, title, usemap, ismap, and align (using the align attribute is not recommended).
JPEG image compression quality
You can control how much compression to use when converting image files to the JPEG format. Higher compression will result in a poorer visual quality. The compression can be set between 0 (maximum compression) and 95 (minimum allowable compression) with 75 being accepted as a good compromise. If this field is left blank, default compression (75) will be used.

Resized Images

ShopSite allows you to create up to three resized copies, in addition to the original image. This makes it possible to upload one image, then include different sizes of the image in different locations.


ShopSite can resize gif, jpg, and png images. Any other file type (including other image formats) will not be resized.

One example of using resized images:

  • Use the Original Image on Product More Information Pages.
  • Resize the First Resized Image to 75% of the original image, and use this size on the Store Pages.
  • Resize the Second Resized Image to 50% of the original image, and use this size in Search Results.
  • Resize the Third Resized Image to a maximum of 60px wide or 60px high, and use this size in the Shopping Cart.

Resized images are created using these settings when you Create Resized Images or (optionally) when you Upload An Image.

Create Resized Image
Select whether or not this size will be used when resized images are created.
Referenced as
Enter a name to be used to reference this image size in the back office. This name will appear in the list of available image sizes you can choose to use when a product appears on a Store Page, More Information Page, Search Results Screen, or in the Shopping Cart contents.
Image size
This field allows you to specify the size of the resized image. You can specify either a percent value or maximum dimensions.
  • To reduce the resized image to a percentage of the original image, select the percent radio button and enter a percentage (whole numbers between 1 and 99).
  • To specify maximum dimensions for the resized image, select the dimension radio button and change the max. width and max. height values. Dimension values are in pixels. The resized image will be reduced in size so it is no larger than either of the specified maximum dimensions, but will maintain the original aspect ratio (proportion of height:width). If the original image is smaller than the maximum dimensions, the resized image will be the same size as the original.
This specifies the default value of the image tag border attribute. This field functions the same way it does for the original image.
Image spacing
These are used to create padding between the image and other HTML content. These fields function the same way they do for the original image.
Other attributes
This allows you to add other attributes into the tag. This field functions the same way it does for the original image.

After making changes on this screen, click on Save Changes to save the new settings, or Cancel to abandon your changes. Saving your settings will not automatically update existing images using the new default settings.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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