Screen: ShopSite > Utilities > Back Office UI

UI Settings for the Back Office

ShopSite's Back Office has received a face-lift and can now be navigated through optional drop-down menus. Don't worry! The old look and feel is still available if you want to go back.

Backoffice theme
Choose Back Office Theme
Select the theme you would like to use with ShopSite's Back Office. By default, this is set to the new theme. If you prefer the look and feel of previous versions of ShopSite, just select the appropriate theme.
Drop-down menu
Enable drop-down menu navigation
This checkbox determines whether drop-down menu navigation is available in ShopSite's Back Office.
Drop on
This setting determines whether the operator will access the drop-down menus by clicking on an item in the menubar or by hovering the mouse cursor over the menubar item.
Maximum number of columns
Determine how many columns to use in the drop-down menus. This setting defaults to one column.
Order of menu items
Decide whether to display the menu items alphabetically or as they appear on the appropriate page.
Expand submenu text
Define which character to use to indicate which submenus within a drop-down menu can be opened. This setting defaults to the plus character ( + ). While any number of characters can be used, too many characters may render the drop-down lists unusable.
Collapse submenu text
Define which character to use to indicate which submenus within a drop-down menu can be closed. This setting defaults to the minus character ( - ). While any number of characters can be used, too many characters may render the drop-down lists unusable.
Timeout to open, milliseconds
This is the time (in milliseconds) that ShopSite will take between when the user hovers the mouse cursor over an item in the menubar and when the drop-down menu for that item appears. This setting defaults to 500 milliseconds (1/2 of a second).
Timeout to close, milliseconds
This is the time (in milliseconds) that ShopSite will take between when the user moves the mouse cursor off of an item in the menubar and when the drop-down menu for that item disappears. This setting defaults to 500 milliseconds (1/2 of a second).
Mobile devices
Enable backoffice mobile version
Set this check box to enable a mobile-friendly version of the backoffice that will redirect mobile traffic (such as from cell phones and PDAs) to an interface that has been properly formatted for mobile devices.
Enable dashboard Set this check box to enable the ShopSite dashboard as a replacement for the standard ShopSite Backoffice splash page. Clearing the check box will remove the dashboard and display the standard ShopSite Backoffice splash page. This is identical to using the "Switch to dashboard" and "turn dashboard off" links from the standard ShopSite Backoffice splash page and the dashboard, respectively.
Advanced UI Set this check box to enable the re-arrangement and editing of the different modules using a drag-and-drop interface. Clear this check box to lock the modules in place and prevent them from being moved or edited.
Maximum number of columns This is the maximum number of columns that can be displayed in the dashboard. Use the drop-down menu to select the number of desired columns. Please note that the number of columns specified directly affects the amount of horizontal space each individual module will have available for use, and may result in an interface that will appear "squished" if there are too many columns.
Most recent orders module This module lists the most recent orders. It can be configured to show the desired number of new orders (between 1 and 99).
Recent sales module This module lists the most recent sales figures and can include additional statistics on the most popular items sold. It can be configured to show sales for the past 24 hours, past week, and past month by setting the "Display recent sales" check box. Additionally, it can be configured to show the most popular 1-99 items sold over the past 1-99 days by setting the "Display XX top products for the last YY days" check box.
Low stock products module This module lists the inventory items that are running low. It can be configured to show which products (between 1 and 99 total products) are out of stock and which products are running low, as determined by the thresholds specified in product creation.
Top customers module This module lists the registered customers that have spent the most in recent history. It can be configured to show the top 1-99 customers over the past 1-99 days.
Popular searches module This module lists the terms most often searched for in the store. It can be configured to show the top 1-99 search queries over the past 1-99 days.
Feeds and backups module This module lists Google Feed information and a history of data exports done from ShopSite's Backoffice. It can be configured to show the last time any of the following were updated or performed: Set how far back (between 1 and 99 days) ShopSite should search for the information dates.
Store statistics module This module lists statistics pertinent to the online store, such as the number of pages, products, and customers, etc.
Active features module This module lists information on which payment types are accepted, which credit card processor is being used, how your card security ranks, which tax system is implemented, and the shipping carriers and services that are being used, as well as a list of optional features that are enabled.
RSS reader module This module allows merchants to receive RSS feeds in the dashboard. It can be configured to show 1-99 items from 1-10 different feeds. This module can also be set to display the descriptions that accompany the feed items.
Dashboard Special Offers module This module delivers special merchant offers directly to your dashboard, such as promotions and discounts.
Merchant alerts module This module delivers notifications and alerts when errors occur in the back office. For example, if a credit card transaction fails during a customer's checkout, an alert appears on the dashboard that warns the merchant to a potential problem. In this case, details about the cart are presented (including registration information), allowing the merchant to contact the customer about the incident.
Pending Reviews This module delivers notifications of reviews that have not yet been accepted and that are flagged as pending.
Miscellaneous options
Display storeid in backoffice
These check boxes control where to display the store ID associated with your backoffice. The choices for displaying this information are "In the title", "In the footer", and "In the navigation bar". Set the check boxes for the locations that you want this information displayed.
"My Store" URL
This controls which web page to open when clicking the "My Store" link in the navigation bar of the back office. Provide the HTTP address that you want to visit when the "My Store" link is clicked.

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Last updated: May 07, 2012
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