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ShopSite General Product FAQs

Here is a list of general questions and answers about products.

How many products can I have in my store?

ShopSite Starter stores can have up to 15 products. ShopSite Manager and ShopSite Pro stores do not have a fixed product limit, and there are ShopSite stores that list thousands and thousands of products.

How do I add products to my store?

Basic Editing: From the main ShopSite back office screen, click Products, then click Add a Product. Fill in the fields that apply to your product. Click Save to add the product to your store’s information. Click the Pages icon and then either click the name of an existing page to add the new product to that page, or click Add a Page to create a new page on which to list the product. Lastly, you must click the Publish tab to have ShopSite recreate the changed pages so that your customers can see your new product.

Advanced Editing: From the main ShopSite back office screen, click Products, then click Add a Product. Fill in the fields that apply to your product, especially the Product Display Location, because that’s where you select which pages the new product will appear on. Click Save to add the product to your store’s information. Lastly, you must click the Publish tab to have ShopSite recreate the changed pages so that your customers can see your new product.

How do I remove products from my store?

If you are using the Advanced Editing mode, select the product in the list and click Delete Products. Click Yes on the confirmation screen to delete the product. Note that you can select and delete more than one product at a time.

If you are using the Basic Editing mode, click on the product on the List of Products screen. On the next screen (the Modify a Product screen), scroll down and click Delete This Product. Click Yes on the confirmation screen to delete the product.

What is advanced editing? What is basic editing?

ShopSite lets you add and edit products and pages in either Basic or Advanced Editing modes. You can switch between editing modes at any time.

The screens in Basic Editing mode look just like the screens in the store setup wizard, so you don’t have to learn anything new once you’ve been through the wizard. The Basic Editing screens include only a few necessary fields for products and pages, and you can build a good-looking simple store with just those fields.

The screens in the Advanced Editing mode give you access to all product and page fields. There is a lot of information on each screen, but you have complete control over the information in your products and pages and how they are displayed.

How do I put a product on a specific page in my store?

In Basic Editing mode, click Pages to view the list of pages in your store. Click on the name of the page to which you want to add the product. On the Modify a Page field, check those products that you want listed on that page.

In Advanced Editing mode, you can add products to pages from either the Products screen or the Pages screen.

Can I put the same product on more than one page in my store?

Yes, you can assign a product to as many pages as you like.

Can I add, delete, or customize product fields?

You cannot add or change the product field names -- they have specific functions in ShopSite. However, you can use some creativity with several of the fields:

Can I upload product information from a database on my computer?

Both ShopSite Pro and ShopSite Manager let you upload product information (and page information). The information must be formatted as a tab-delimited text or XML file, and most spreadsheet, database, and word processing applications can save files in one of those formats. You can maintain your product information in a spreadsheet or database program, then save it as a tab-delimited text or XML file, and easily upload it to your ShopSite store. You can use this method to make all product changes and updates in your store. See Database Upload/Download for more information.

Why aren’t the products that I just added showing up in my store?

The two most common reasons that new products don’t show up in a store are:

Can I use ShopSite to track my product inventory?

Yes, ShopSite Pro includes inventory tracking, which tracks the number of products ordered. Merchants can configure their stores to alert them via e-mail when stock gets low and to prevent customers from ordering products that are out of stock.

Can I sell downloadable/digital goods in my ShopSite store?

Yes, ShopSite Pro stores let you sell downloadable products, such as software, music files, or images. The files are stored in a protected location on the server and can only by customers that have purchased them. The merchant can configure many aspects of the transaction, such as how much time and how many attempts the customer has to download the product.

Can I sell products on a subscription basis?

No, ShopSite does not support subscription sales at this time.

How can I tell which products are assigned to each page?

To see a list of the products assigned to a page, go to the Pages section of ShopSite. Select a page and click Assign Items. The products (and page links) assigned to that page will be highlighted in the list.

How can I tell if any products are not assigned to pages?

The easiest way to find any products that are not assigned to pages is to go to the Pages section of ShopSite and click the Basic Editing button. The List of Pages screen in Basic Editing mode will display a warning and a list of any products that are not assigned to pages.

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February 13, 2004
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