Screen: ShopSite > Reports > Referrer Summary

Referrer Summary

This report provides information about where visitors to your site came from. When someone clicks on a link in a Web page that takes them to a page on your store, the browser can send your Web server the URL of the page that the original link was on. You can use this information to find out what Web sites send you the most visitors, as well as what pages on your site visitors are using to get to other pages on your site.

Summary Date Range

View Summary For Select the time range you want to view, then click OK to view a summary for that time range.
  • Today - Select this option to only display statistics for the current day. This is the default view for this screen.
  • Last 7 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the six previous days.
  • Last 30 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the 29 previous days.
  • Custom - Select this option, then select the start and end dates for the period you want to view.
Summary Starts On Select a day, month, and year for the first day of a Custom date range.
Summary Ends On Select a day, month, and year for the last day of a Custom date range.

Referrers Summary Table

This table displays information about the referring pages for the time period specified. Referrers are listed in alphabetical order.

Visits The number of visitors who followed a link on this page to a page on your site.
Referrer The full URL of the page containing the link to your site. Links from search engines will often include the search keywords as part of the URL. For example, the following Google URL was from a search using example, key and words as the keywords:
This can help you pick what keywords to emphasize and use on your pages and in META tags to improve your search engine rankings.

ShopSite Help and Resource Center
Last updated: March 01, 2010
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