Screen: ShopSite > Reports > Page Summary

Page Summary

This report provides information about traffic and sales on individual pages in your store. Any HTML page, such as Store Pages and More Info Pages, that has been visited during the specified time range will be listed.

Summary Date Range

View Summary For Select the time range you want to view, then click OK to view a summary for that time range.
  • Today - Select this option to display statistics only for the current day. This is the default view for this screen.
  • Last 7 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the six previous days.
  • Last 30 Days - Select this option to display statistics for the current day and the 29 previous days.
  • Custom - Select this option, then select the start and end dates for the period you want to view.
Summary Starts On Select a day, month, and year for the first day of a Custom date range.
Summary Ends On Select a day, month, and year for the last day of a Custom date range.

Page Summary Table

This table displays the sales and traffic information for pages viewed during the selected date range. Pages are listed in order of frequency of visits, with the most visited pages at the top.

Page Name The path and file name of the page
Visits The total number of page views during the specified period.
Units Sold The number of products sold that were added to the shopping cart from this page.
Sales Amount The net revenue from products added to the shopping cart from this page.

Click on Return to Reports to return to the main Reports screen.

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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ShopSite Shopping Cart Software