Screen: ShopSite > Commerce Setup > Customer Registration > Groups > Edit

Edit Group

This screen allows you to change a group’s name and note, and manage the coupons assigned to the group.

The name for the group. This name is only for your benefit and will not be seen by the customers in the group.
If desired, add a note to the group to help you remember the reason you created this group.
Coupons assigned to customer groups will be automatically applied to eligible customers who sign in. For example, you may want to create a Gold Customers group for your best customers, and assign a 10% discount coupon to that group. Your Gold Customers would then always get a 10% discount whenever they sign in to make a purchase.
  • Add to Group - select one or more coupons from the Unassigned list and click this button to assign those coupons to the group.
  • Delete from Group - select one or more coupons from the Assigned to Group list and click this button to remove those coupons from the group.

Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes, and return to the Customer Groups screen.

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Last updated: March 01, 2010
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