Welcome to the ShopSite Help & Resource Center

ShopSite's online help is designed to help you learn about and use the features available in your ShopSite Shopping Cart. You can access screen-specific help for any screen in your back office by clicking on the red question mark icon in the navigation menu at the top of your screen. You can also select your version and service level from the table below to go to the appropriate online help.

If you are new to ShopSite, you may also be interested in the guide to Getting Started with ShopSite, which includes an introduction to basic E-Commerce and to how you can use ShopSite to sell products online. Additional support resources including links to the Technical Support Knowledgebase and ShopSite user forums, are available on our support page.

Version Level
ShopSite 15
Read about the new features in ShopSite 15.
Enterprise/Pro Manager Starter Express
ShopSite 14
Read about the new features in ShopSite 14.
Enterprise/Pro Manager Starter Express
ShopSite 12
Read about the new features in ShopSite 12.
Pro Manager Starter Download PRO Help in PDF Format (5.0MB)
ShopSite 11
Read about the new features in ShopSite 11.
Pro Manager Starter
ShopSite 10
Read about the new features in ShopSite 10.
Pro Manager Starter Download PRO Help in PDF Format (2.9MB)  
ShopSite 9
Read about the new features in ShopSite 9.
Pro Manager Starter
ShopSite 8 Pro Manager Starter  
ShopSite 7
Read about the new features in ShopSite 7.
Pro Manager Starter Download PRO Help in PDF Format (7.5MB)

International Versions of ShopSite

If you have an international version of ShopSite, you can access the online help for your language from the table below:

Version Level
ShopSite 4.3 Deutsch Pro Manager Lite Express
ShopSite 4.3 Français Pro Manager Lite Express
ShopSite 4.3 Italiano Pro Manager Lite Express
ShopSite 4.3 Español Pro Manager Lite Express
ShopSite 4.3 Portuguesa Pro Manager Lite Express

See the ShopSite Install Help page for links to installation instructions for all versions of ShopSite.