Why won't my images upload correctly?

There are several reasons why the images you are trying to upload to your store's images directory do not appear to work. The first and most obvious answer is that you were, in fact, successful in uploading the image, but you have not seen evidence of that fact because you have not reloaded your browser. The best way of keeping tabs on what's in your media directory is to use your browser to examine your media directory. Type in the URL for your store and append "/media" to it. For example, if your URL is http://www.soccerstore.com, your images directory is at http://www.soccerstore.com/media. On this page you will see a list of all the files in your media directory at once. It is from this page that you can diagnose your problem.

You will notice that every image in the /media directory has a .gif or .jpg suffix. If an image is uploaded without that suffix, your browser will not recognize it. It will appear as gibberish. If that is the case, you should upload the image with the appropriate suffix appended to its name. Moreover, if you attempt to upload a file with a space in the file name, it will not work. You will need to re-upload the file using a period or an underscore character to separate words.

You may notice that the image is in your directory and it is correctly named, but it still does not appear in your store correctly. This may be the result of the image being in the wrong format. Consult the graphics guide for information on creating graphics for the Web.

If you try to upload files using the uploader in the back office and receive an error, contact ShopSite Support and explain what happened including the full text of any error messages you receive.

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